View Full Version : I need advice!! Please !!

Jun 1, 2009, 8:33 AM
someone help me figure this out..i'm confused...

in a relationship with a bi man. i'm bi too. we've had plenty of encounters with single bi men for a couple years. meanwhile i havent had SQUAT because most women dont want to perform for another man, or while another guy is watching. we only do MMF with me watching,and NO penetration of me, just the help of sucking a guy off.

me and my bf have discussed the possiblity of me FINALLY 'getting some' while he's in at least another room so that the female wouldnt be uncomfortable, considering all the while we've been together no female wants to be entertainment for my guy..they want one on one. he acted like he understood.

last night we go out, a chick meets us, her and i get along. we go outside to smoke and we conversate. life is good.she wants to go back to myplace. i go back in and let bf know the score, and tell him that she wants to take me back home, but i didnt know what he wanted to do because we arrived together in a cab (he and i), if he wanted to go home or wait. he told me the owner of the lgbt club we were at was getting him fkkt up, so he wanted to go home, and he said he would stay downstairs. cool. so we went back home, he stayed downstairs, we made out upstairs.

she left at 1:00am. i went downstairs. he was laying down on the couch, and i let him know the whole 'time for bed' thing. he gave me the stiff arm! and said "i'm sleeping". O....K...

about an hour later he comes storming upstairs FURIOUS throwing things like an asshole screaming how i 'cheated' on him and shit. for one, he KNEW about and saw the emails between her and i back and forth for over a week. for two he saw the pic and what she looked like. for three he was in the same room with me as we made plans to go out to shoot pool and planned the time to meet. on a fourth note, he saw the text messages between her and i. fifth, we all sat together and talked for a WHILE at the bar. she wanted some time between just her and i, so we went outside had a couple smokes, then sat in the car and 420'd. he knew when i came back in the bar what the deal and the question was, or else he wouldnt have offered to stay downstairs while we did our thing.

NOW he acts like he never agreed on a fkkn thing, tells me that he only offered to stay downstairs to "see what i was going to do" and never really meant it, has called me all kinds of liars, cheaters, scumbags, and other BS "all for some pussy" he declares....

Isnt that some jealous shit? Is it selfish of him to expect me to be 'unwomanlyfulfilled' for two years, and then throw a temper tantrum and call me a 'cheater' because "I didnt get a chance to watch"?!?! ESPECIALLY if he gave me the 'okie dokie', then change his mind AFTER the fact calling me names?

BTW, there's few peeps that know me on here (under a different screen name) and i needed to do it this way. i'm really sad right now.

Jun 1, 2009, 8:56 AM
Sounds like your man was acting like a lady Saying one thing while meaning another. He probably had all these thoughts/possibilities running through his head and figured one was bound to come true, but you ladies left him out and so his pride got hurt.

Beyond that, His response is totally inexcusable and immature. Drop kick that man to the curb.

Jun 1, 2009, 12:59 PM
I just have to say what a dick the BF is being. If you both are BI and you have been able to be loving and suportive with him, then he should do the same for you. He could have been acting out like a little child because he was drunk. I know my ex turns into a realy Jeckle and Hide when there is too much alchol involved. But if he's continuing to be an asshole even a few days later, then maybe it's time to take another look at your relationship, try talking to him. If he's still being an ass then dump the bitch. You don't need that kind of harassment in your life. Just my :2cents: :flag3: Wish you the best.

Jun 1, 2009, 1:33 PM
That is a fear I have if I go through with it!!!! I married myself & my husband acts all supportive, but when it comes right down to it, they like the idea, not the action!

Give it a couple of weeks, and if he still isnt over it, he's just your boyfriend, I'm with Michael, drop kick his ass to the curb, you'll be happier you did & maybe you can find someone who will be more understanding!!!

Good luck


Jun 1, 2009, 1:35 PM
I have to ask why he doesnt meet any of your needs when youre in a MMF... Maybe he just wants gay sex and wants you to have no sex at all. Either way Id say step off asshole and kick him to the curb. Youre not married, thank goodness you didnt make that mistake! Hes a jackass... if I were you Id start doing things for 'myself' and Id tell him if he is going to be with another man that you consider it cheating because hes the only one getting enjoyment out of it.

And I know, because my husband is bi, that its nice for him for me to help suck, but for crying out loud, if I didnt get penetration, satisfaction out of it I certainly wouldnt be doing it!

Jun 1, 2009, 1:39 PM
Its very easy for "us" to say kick him to the curb without knowing anything about you or him.

Yes, his actions are very immature and down right moronic but how has he been in the past? Getting angry and throwing shit is definitely a sign that he needs anger management help. Has he done this in the past or was it due too much alcohol?

I thought woman were more of the "game players" then men. What I mean is he says 1 thing but then tests you. Thats bullshit.

I do applaud you by communicating with every detail. Jealousy is a very angry tool but he was not totally honest with you. You have NOTHING to feel guilty about because you basically did only what you 2 discussed.

As days go by maybe he will lighten up and realize his mistakes but don't wait too long & do not feel guilty about anything.

In my opinion he always had the upper hand until you played with another women. Now he is feeling uncomfortable....

time heals all wounds!!!!

Jun 1, 2009, 5:42 PM
Sounds like somebody has "Want their cake and eat it too" syndrome and got pissy because You got some for a change. Talk to him and let him know how immature and childish he was acting due to too much booze. He cant be so selfish that he would have a hissy over you getting some lusting too....?:rolleyes:
Good luck Hon.

Jun 2, 2009, 2:25 AM
about an hour later he comes storming upstairs FURIOUS throwing things like an asshole screaming how i 'cheated' on him and shit.

The problem goes deeper than just sex. With a display of violence like that, it's time to get out. Don't take a chance on it escalating. No woman should ever take that kind of abuse. His next step is to start hitting you. Don't stay around for that to happen.

Free of him you are also free to pursue your own interests, be it a man, woman, both, or one after the other. Take time for yourself to fulfill your own desires without being subservient to someone who disregards your feelings.

You deserve better!

That's my :2cents:

Jun 2, 2009, 2:38 AM
Lots of people think that they are ok with something and then when that something actually occurs, they realize they feel differently. However, that doesn't mean that it is any fault of yours, and he should be able to sit back and call it a kind of misunderstanding between his mind and reality, then move on in life knowing that it didn't work and it won't happen again. Some people, though, don't react well when this occurs because they are so upset and instead of looking at things rationally, they let their emotions get the best of them and have to look at someone or something to blame.

This does NOT excuse the violence and the verbal abuse though. I don't know whether it was the alcohol or if that is how he gets sometimes (which by your reaction that you've written, it seems like you have definitely encounted this before...) but in either case it is NOT a good thing and it would be in his and your best interest to address it and make plans of how to work on that...

Jun 2, 2009, 9:03 AM
Sorry that this is long but there seems to me to be much more than meets the eye here.

First, I agree with everyone that mentioned the violence but we can't question you to see what really happened. I think most people, if they are honest, will agree that when we tell our stories, we embellish those stories to show ourselves in the best possible light - human nature. That's pretty much standard. So, you wrote the one post... we can't really have an active two-way conversation and ask you questions, etc.

Draw the line in the sand about the behavior that if it ever happens again.. you are done and then FOLLOW THROUGH. And, you don't mention if that has ever happened before. Its easy for all of us to imagine from your post that he was breaking the house up when maybe it's not. You know if the behavior was violence or not. If you, don't find someone to help evaluate the reality of the behavior with you and him or go alone. If it was violent, the rest of the discussion is moot; end of story, he works on it and it never happens again or; you should leave him.

When people get really upset on top of having been drinking, they can display anger that is not violence. Throwing a pillow at the wall, a newspaper onto the floor, whatever is not like breaking a bunch of bottle over the kitchen counter or at the walls. He still needs to find a more constructive way to manage his anger.

And, read on... if YOU broke the agreements you have together that encounters are only to be TOGETHER ... he as a right to be pissed (not to be violent). You could also be embellishing how angry and immature he was acting (remember, we pretty much ALL DO THAT). If you broke those agreements, you were cheating. If you don't like the agreements, CHANGE them or close your relationship (or leave him). And, you fail to mention what YOU were doing/saying, how you were acting. We don't argue and fight alone.... we should take responsibility for our own actions in situations.

Now about the issue of encounters. Who arranges the MMF's and with what intent? If you are not satisfied, you need to re-negotiate what you want from them. I hear excuses as to why you're not satisfied. If you are not expressing what you want to your bf or the 3rd, then no one can do anything for you. Take responsibility for your own happiness.

As in all things in a relationship, communication is key (As Isadora Alman says, "There is no problem that enough communication or lubrication can not resolve."

In an open relationship, you better have a VERY SOLID relationship FIRST before you play outside. He, on the other hand, should hopefully be able to tell if you are not happy with the situation but your happiness is your responsibility. If you're faking that it's all great fun, what do you expect him to do? Come on , he may be a bisexual male but he's still a male ;-) You didn't mention ages of you or your bf either. There are some very real age issues for guys... 27/28ish is a recognized psychological cusp... guys suddenly realize that they should be concerned with their partner's pleasure (men change dramatically at that age) and derive much more from pleasing others first and their own pleasure will follow. Imagine the magic when each partner does that in a situation/relationship.

I have dated couples and its ALWAYS discussed what the expectations are of the participants ahead of time. Everyone has a different idea. Hopefully, a couple has pre-negotiated their boundaries ahead of time and expresses them to the third. And the 3rd in kind. I expect the couple to set the ground rules.... but it's my option to buy into it or not. I generally won't date a couple that has that limitation because the female generally will want penetration in my experience and I don't want to get in the middle of some drama thing. BUT, it sounds like your BF doesn't want it to happen and has maybe expressed that to the other guy. Only you know.... I didn't really get the reason out of your post. If you want that, make it know ahead of time. It's illogical to me but so are other things like couples that don't want any kissing.... Each person has expectations of what they want from an encounter.

Most times, what I hear from couples is that guys many times date a couple to get into the woman's pants more often than not and there will be very little male activity. If the goal was for the male to have male activity, no one is going to be happy in the end.

The issue of not finding women willing to play with you with another man around... I'm sorry to be the devil's advocate but it sounds like an excuse to me. Date a bi couple... then there is a male and a female and everyone could be happy. But, your bf might not like the idea of you interacting with another male. Much the same as many women will allow their male to participate with another male but not another female..... competition.

It sounds like you have some kind of informal arrangement that you ONLY Play together. If that is true, then that IS the agreement. He is displaying jealousy. And, in open relationships, if one party breaks the agreement, it SI CHEATING. It means he doesn't feel good about you playing alone. He is allowed to feel that way, and so are you about him playing alone.. does he? Can he? We need to LISTEN to our partner's ... active listening.

As is said, the answers to most every problem and all the information we need is generally right in front of us but we fail to see them/hear them. Listen to what he is saying. He is unable to express it in a mature and calm manner... and that is another problem we I mentioned. Tell him how you'd like him to express that to you (but not in a judgemental way). Rather than say I hate when you do that... say:

When you _____ do xxxxx, I feel yyyyy and I would like you would zzzzzz.

This construct can be used for possitive issues or to help express problem areas.

Notice that it expresses how you feel... not how it makes you feel.

You might read a few books on the topic of open relationships such as "The Ethical Slut" (Easton/Liszt Greenery press 1997 - Open relationships are more often than not a much more slippery slope that closed. Humans in general, aren't very successful with couple-marriages; throw the open thing in the middle and you should have a solid relationship to start. From all signs, you don't. Work on it, close it.. end it... but keep going as is and there will be heart break; but you already know that....

Also, another resource is by Isadora Alman:

THESIS: On the Agreements Couples Make Regarding Sex Outside Their Relationship


And, even though he saw all the notes, emails, etc. It would seem his expectation is that you will play together as a couple as you ALWAYS have or not at all. OR, he THOUGHT he could let you play alone but, in the end game, he couldn't. Its sounds like the first option to me.

Jealousy is different for everyone... The Ethical Slut says (in a 20-page section on the topic of jealousy) that:

"Jealousy may be an expression of insecurity, of fear of rejection, fear of abandonment, feeling left out, feeling not good enough, or feeling inadequate."

And, that's only the very basics... He might even feel he could lose you to a women... he can't give you what a women can nor can you give him what a man can.

The very best poly and open couples will tell you that they ALWAYS feel jealousy at time. The key is to know what it looks like, be able to express it in a healthy way (not breaking the house up or each other). If that includes him going out in the back yard and splitting a cord of firewood or beating a log with a hammer for 15-minutes, running 10 miles, going into the bathroom and screaming for 5-minutes) then that's fine... as long as he controls his actions and they aren't destructive.

Get your agreement setup ahead of time, set boundaries, etc. (read the Ethical Slut) - and write it down so there is no misunderstanding.... review it a few days later, a week later, etc. Change it as you feel you need to AND YOU WILL NEED TO CHANGE IT as time goes by. Then, one other potential solution besides a couple could be that the next time you want to play with a lady, he sets up a date with a guy same night, same house or different house... whatever BOTH of you feel comfortable with. But YOU have to express YOUR real feelings while considering his and the same goes for him.... Honesty and communication is the key. Keep your own counsel.

And, don't underestimate the make up of each individual. In the poly community there is a old saying/cliche that many believe a person is either wired poly (or for open relationships) or they are not.

I know I can handle my own outside relationships keeping them at a level not to affect my primary relationship while maintaining my primary relationship(it takes a lot reassurance for some such as your bf). However, my partner can handle only one relationship at a time. If he gets involved with another person, he shuts me down. This is historical. He prefers we see others together if he is to see anyone. He can also project his wiring onto me assuming I would "feel" the same way as he does... after all, we all see things differently....

As my favorite Anais Nin quote: "We don't see the world as it is, we see the world as we are."

That in mind, if you can't break down the barriers of your bf jealousy and get him to express what he is feeling .... and you communicate the same to him, your "open" relationship, at least, is doomed.....and will probably kill your relationship as a whole. It sounds like neither of you would be happy with a monogamous relationship. And, "monogamy is NOT a cure for jealousy" (Ethical Slut). How many couples are jealous of each one or that other when neither is actually cheating?

The issues you are really discussing are much deeper and more complicated that you might realize. Kicking your bf to the curb is not necessarily a cure for your own issues on the topic or his.... the same issues are most likely to come up in your next relationship until YOU learn how to constructively orchestrate such a relationship and get what you want or find someone gifted in teaching you both how.

Hope that triggers some soul searching. If you're both good together, it takes significant work to make such a relationship happen....

Jun 2, 2009, 9:44 AM
OP: the majority says dump his ass, and I'm with THEM.



Jun 2, 2009, 10:54 AM
Sorry that this is long but there seems to me to be much more than meets the eye here........

Appreciate the post, however, if one read what I mentioned earlier, one wouldve seen what I was saying:

1)We've been in a relationship for 2 years. He's had ample opportunities to be with men. We have discussed previously about, since most women want to play alone and dont want an audience or to be sideshow entertainment for someone else's guy, how it makes me feel left out of the equation and I dont get any pleasure at all. We already had a conversation about compromise, and he had already agreed to that. A WHILE ago. Just like we had a conversation about boundaries. He acted like he understood my frustration, however, as another person already put it, sometimes what sounds good on paper, when one is faced with it in 'real time', people dont know how to act. Saying and doing are two different things.

2)That evening before we went home, at the bar, he had offered to stay downstairs. Which, in my mind, and the mind of any rational human-inebriated or not-gave the "okie dokie" to the scenario. I had, in effect, ALREADY ASKED PERMISSION. Ergo, I DID NOT cheat. It's not my fault that, while we were upstairs, he had a second thought and tried to worm his way out of it. I did everything to make things legit--showed him emails, text messages, met the woman together, sat for over an hour talking about everything.

It's easy to make women scandalous "b*tches" and say "There's more here than meets the eye", when really theres not. Everything that happened is what happened. Not much here to analyze (not even with anal eyes).

To use terminology from playing a card game called Spades, why "renig" on the whole evening AFTER THE FACT when he was the one that gave permission? It's akin to a woman liking a guy, going out with him, sleeping with him and all that, KNOWING everything thats going on, then suddenly because they dont like that guy anymore hollering "rape". Its bollocks, and we all know it.(not saying that's all cases, but it does happen!)

The point is, dont go on a tirade about how someone cheated when they had JUST ASKED permission and he said "no problem, I'll stay downstairs" then change the story to suit his anger for kicking himself in the a$$ for not watching. He tried telling me "If we were out and someone liked me and he wanted us to be together without you watching you'd be pissed" and I told him "umm, no I wouldnt. I wouldnt selfishly deprive you of enjoyment." So his argument fell out the window and he got even more mad.

And BTW, we're over the age of 30, since that was a query.

Jun 2, 2009, 11:29 AM
in the end, it sounds like your bf was indeed jeolous. and if you don't look at jeolousy in a bad way, but as a way of him binding you more into the essense of his being. I think he reacted very primal,but very loyal, very devoted, and very much in love with you. so don't give up on your relationship so soon. use it as a way of growth...

'we see what we believe'

Jun 2, 2009, 6:26 PM
Appreciate the post, however, if one read what I mentioned earlier, one would I've seen what I was saying:.

" Not much here to analyze (not even with anal eyes)"

That statement all by itself highlights the major issues in your relationship.

There in lies the problem. You would like to believe that the real issue is he is an ass and he gave permission, yadda yadda yadda. Basically, you repeated your post in response.

Another point that should be considered ... no one makes you feel anything. We make ourselves feel, we make ourselves happy, sad, etc. You choose to feel left out. If you don't like that you feel that way, don't continued to involve yourself in those situations. (doctor doctor it hurts when I.....).

THE REAL ISSUES ARE THE ONES YOU or the bf don't seem WILLING TO SEE OR TALK ABOUT. He can't handle this. HE Is having a problems. You are having problems with his problems. THE OPEN RELATIONSHIP IS NOT WORKING FOR EITHER OF YOU. If it was, you wouldn't post "I need Advice! Please!!" and then attack when someone wants to look under the facade of "he's an a$$." If he's an a$$, dump him and save the electrons on posting and use them on a nice personal ad. If you want to understand WHY he's being an a$$ because otherwise, he's usually a great guy; now you're on to something.

I read what you "wrote", I'm telling you what I "see" your post "saying" to me. I'm an impartial observer.

And, I didn't ever say anything was your fault. You both have "responsibility" to make it work and your love for each other, if it exist at all, should light the path because obviously, something ain't right in Demark. You never mention you loved him or he loved you.

If you're upset because I (or whoever) didn't place blame and say dump his a$$... why post your request for advise at all? You wanted advise. Your statement "It's easy to make women scandalous "b*tches" could be very telling on how you react to your bf. I don't recall anyone, and certainly not me in my post, making any women a scandalous anything. Far from it, I would love to see society be open to non-monogamy.

The statement that there is "much more than meets the eye here" is not about you, its about your relationship. There IS more here that meets your eye in what is wrong and why it's wrong. GOOD doctors try not to treat symptoms of an illness. They try to find the illness and treat it AND the symptoms. You seem to want to claim the symptom is the problem. There is "problem determination" (identifying the symptom) and then there is "problem source identification" (identifying what causes to problem or symptom).

In any open relationship, the primary relationship HAS to be 1st. READ how others do it in the book I recommended and many other books or online websites. The Ethical Slut is a freaking step by step instruction manual on how to "attempt" to avoid the EXACT issues you are asking advice on!! Or, choose to keep on your path.

From the Ethical Slut (slut is not considered a "bad" word)

Part 1 Chapters:
2. Values and Ethics
3. Paradigms Old and New

Part II Chapters:
1. Boundaries
3. Jealousy
4. Conflict
5. Agreements

One point is that if you are using established social paradigms in an open relationship, you're doomed. "That grinding noise you hear is the paradigm shifting gears without a clutch."

If something doesn't work for either of you, you should decide to STOP & revisit what your doing.... because you each must be more important to each other than having sex with other people. If your relationship is NOT the most important aspect of those two things, you should probably not be in a primary relationship with your bf. Break up and see anyone you want, including your current bf if you choose.

Please correct me if I'm wrong but I'm figuring you have emotional currency invested in this guy besides the whole sex play thing.... a b/f of two years is not this weeks trick....(trick not being a bad thing).

You don't appear to like the way he communicates his reaction to you seeing someone alone. No one says it is the right reaction but he is allowed to feel anyway he feels... you have the right to not like the way he feels. And, his reaction is no the problem it's a symptom the problem. You can choose, as a couple, to work on it and identify it, choose not to work on it and keep going through this, break up, some combination, some other choice (just don't kill each other)..... It doesn't really matter because until HE can wrap his mind around you seeing someone else alone or you deciding not to see someone else alone - you're in two different parts of a Zen diagram where the intersection is to fight about it instead of that intersection finding a solution (and there may well not be one that you both can live with).

Your (1) While you say, and I certainly agree, that it sounds good on "virtual paper" it didn't work for him in real time. No kidding!! What was your first clue ... :eek: the vase smashing against the floor (or whatever)? The intellectual mind CAN NOT always (maybe seldom) control or maybe even understand the emotional mind or how it will react when the rubber hits the road.

You ask for advise. Read the books by those that have lived this lifestyle for WELL OVER 2 years. I'm certainly no expert but I do have 15 years and developed a number of workshops on the topic.

If you two can't do it (meaning if either one of you or both of you) then you can't do it. There is no one person to blame. Maybe each of you can do this stuff with someone else. But do remember win-win. You have issues with his behavior. But he is having issues in general. Hopefully, if you really want this relationship, that becomes paramount. The rest is just so much ground clutter on the radar, actually insignificant supporting detail; an exercise in "he said, she said" that will prevent you from discussing the real issues you both have. Maybe the real problem is he's an a$$, or he can't really be in an open relationship or any relationship or maybe, you are just his "beard." You never mention how your intimate life is with just the two of you. Is there one?

Just because he had "ample opportunity" to see men before doesn't mean that ended and he doesn't want to now. And, it would seem, you also had ample opportunity to see women alone. I see a double standard. If you each want to see others alone and only alone, seems odd that you want to stay together. If he wants a female present (maybe it protects his identity as bi so as not to be viewed by others or himself as gay), he could see a couple where the women doesn't want any penetration. You remove yourself from that problem completely.

And, there are plenty of women who see couples together. That's another cop-out. It takes more work. But you WANT to see women alone. So the statement that most women only want to see you alone is just, again, justification.

You've read into what I said as a negative. All the references to cheating were qualified ONLY if you (or he) broke an agreement. So you said you had an agreement that you didn't break. So, you didn't cheat. Don't continue to discuss that word. If you bring it "to the table", you give it weight. So, he knows its BS. But he's unable to vocalize his real emotional issues to you in any other way (at least when he's in that state of mind and/or has been drinking). What did he have to say later when he was more normalized (if he is ever). That's when you need to discuss these issues.

"We already had a conversation about compromise, and he had already agreed to that" Write it down. when he goes on a rant, drop it on the kitchen table and ask him, what he's upset about if "that" is the agreement? Then tell him to go cool down and come back at a set time and discuss what he's really upset about and changes he thinks needs to make. Then you decide if you can accept those changes. If there is more detail needed, write more detail. But, both of you need to agree to things and not be BULLIED or PRESSURED in accepting the others desires/changes/etc. And, that is generally the case in EVERY relationship. One person accepts something(s) just to smooth things over only to bring them up later and slap their partner around with it (maybe like he did with you when he said you could be alone then accused you of cheating). We all probably do it, it's a well practiced art :bigrin:.

You are not the first and certainly not the only couple to struggle with this. If you're saying he's just generally an a$$ you don't need justification to dump him.

The title to this thread is "I need advise" but it would seem that what you might really want is "I need a bunch of people to give me permission to dump him and vindicate my decision." To me, wanting advise on this means that you want this relationship construct with him (or another similar) to work and you want to stay with him on this path. The path darn well better include his happiness and YOUR OWN. There is only so much compromise that can happen in a relationship. However, I think most people give up much too soon and fail to be more creative and try more things. If you try, and it's no good, just accept that, without lashing out at each other to hurt and try something else (again, this is a general statement not by no means saying you lash out at him to hurt him).

And, it wouldn't matter if you were the male having these issues with the female.

The advise from me is to learn how to work it as an individual and as a couple or break up because you can't or don't want to work at it. If you don't learn how to do this, you'll repeat this kind of thing in each relationship perhaps even in different ways.

Jun 2, 2009, 7:11 PM
In that you need to hide who you are, that makes us question your entire post. Hard to sort out fact from fiction with someone who can't even be their real self. You did a good job of running him into the dirt. Why not have him post his point of view? If he read all your emails and IM's then you must be honest with him about posting here. Trust is part of a relationship so trust him to respond. Your rants tend to indicate that more than one person may benefit from anger management.:2cents:

Jun 2, 2009, 7:14 PM
Tell your boyfriend... SAYONARA
His "nature" won't change so what' the point?
I'm for eliminating DRAMA/BULLSHIT asap!

Jun 2, 2009, 9:14 PM
Tell your boyfriend... SAYONARA
His "nature" won't change so what' the point?
I'm for eliminating DRAMA/BULLSHIT asap!

Pretty much. And thanks to everyone for their heartfelt advice :)

Jun 2, 2009, 9:19 PM
In that you need to hide who you are, that makes us question your entire post. Hard to sort out fact from fiction with someone who can't even be their real self. You did a good job of running him into the dirt. Why not have him post his point of view? If he read all your emails and IM's then you must be honest with him about posting here. Trust is part of a relationship so trust him to respond. Your rants tend to indicate that more than one person may benefit from anger management.:2cents:

If that's the case, then do tell us all your first and last names, what city you live in, et al. You rant constantly and pick on people that "arent your size" regularly.

Everyone has their reasons, and I'm quite certain in real life your name is NOT *welickit*.

Vaya con dios.

Jun 2, 2009, 9:20 PM
in the end, it sounds like your bf was indeed jeolous. and if you don't look at jeolousy in a bad way, but as a way of him binding you more into the essense of his being. I think he reacted very primal,but very loyal, very devoted, and very much in love with you. so don't give up on your relationship so soon. use it as a way of growth...

'we see what we believe'

Never thought of it that way before... thanks so much!

Jun 2, 2009, 9:48 PM
If that's the case, then do tell us all your first and last names, what city you live in, et al. You rant constantly and pick on people that "arent your size" regularly.

Everyone has their reasons, and I'm quite certain in real life your name is NOT *welickit*.

Vaya con dios.