View Full Version : i am very confused

May 28, 2009, 12:43 AM
hi umm is it weird if im attracted to girls alot more than i am boys? because i have always been attracted to females,but recently i have become slightly attracted to males,but its a completely different feeling and i wouldnt feel initially comfortable to just jump in the sack with a boy i find attractive as i would with a girl,but it feels like if i got to know them alot beforehand i could,a cultivation if you will,i experimented with my friend when i was 13 but i didnt fancy him,infact i wasnt even curious then,i was just a HUGE desperado(pathetic i know:( )i just wanted to know what sex felt like,its like i had built it up in my head to be an amazing feeling because of all my friends talking about sex and stuff,but when i was 15 i had a much better sexual experience with a girl(fingered her:bigrin: )but now that i have started to feel some attraction to others of the same gender,i look at same sex relations in a completely different way to how i did with my desperate ways towards my poor friend lol,

with girls i feel alot more initial attraction and have more chance of getting with them,but not much chance of a lasting relationship.

and with boys theres less of an initial attraction and less chance of me getting together with one,but more of a chance of a lasting relationship.

BUT this is what i THINK you see,as i havnt really been around any people for quite awhile and i think that either

1.i have gone off into a fantasy world,because i have forgotten the feeling of being with a women

2.because i have had alot of time to think about and take a look at myself and my sex drive is fairly low,my feelings towards guys felt more apparent at said time of low sexual urges to have sex with women

so yeah im very,very confused and need someone to analyze me and tell me what they would do in my situation/what should i do?

May 28, 2009, 1:26 AM
anybody got any advice? i really need it :(

May 28, 2009, 2:34 AM
First things first, I just wanted to say you aren't alone. Most everyone here on this site and many more off it have gone through the same confusion and questioning that you are now.

As for advice, I think the best I can do is to tell you to experiment. As far as I can tell from what you've written (and admittedly that's not a lot so don't get mad if I'm wrong) you seem rather young. I say go out and see what's out there. You won't know what you like until you try. Just make sure that whoever you're with knows you are experimenting. You don't want to set anyone up for hurt. Hope that helps and best of luck!

May 28, 2009, 2:38 AM
My advice to you is to not ask a bunch of bisexual people if it is weird to be attracted to a member of either sex ;)

May 28, 2009, 4:20 AM
lol Give people time to answer, Girlfriend. Its late and not everyone has had time to read the threads yet. What you are feeling is perfectly natural, so relax, and let it happen slowly. No need to go jumping into something that you arent even certain of yet. Relax, breathe, and let life happen. :}
Cat ;)

May 28, 2009, 4:43 AM
lol Give people time to answer, Girlfriend. Its late and not everyone has had time to read the threads yet. What you are feeling is perfectly natural, so relax, and let it happen slowly. No need to go jumping into something that you arent even certain of yet. Relax, breathe, and let life happen. :}
Cat ;)

thank you for reminding me of something with that last sentence :) it seems when i have just simply came across(or stumbled upon) a thought or some porn,it seems to feel good,but when i GO TO look at it/think about it,it dosent really feel right,im just going to do what feels most comfortable,but i kind of want to put my mind at ease

May 28, 2009, 4:49 AM
I think for most bisexuals their levels of attraction to either sex varies somewhat through the their life. As Cat and Sara said you just need to relax and get out there and find out about yourself and how you relate to others sexually and emotionally.

I'm similar to you in that I'm initially attracted to more women than men, but a striking man can still cause me to take notice. I do find myself being more attracted to close friends, male or female, over time though, simply through getting emotionally closer to them.

May 28, 2009, 3:34 PM
I think for most bisexuals their levels of attraction to either sex varies somewhat through the their life. As Cat and Sara said you just need to relax and get out there and find out about yourself and how you relate to others sexually and emotionally.

I'm similar to you in that I'm initially attracted to more women than men, but a striking man can still cause me to take notice. I do find myself being more attracted to close friends, male or female, over time though, simply through getting emotionally closer to them.

im just glad im not the only one :),thanks to all of you for your advice,its really helping me

May 28, 2009, 3:47 PM
;) Anytime Honey. Thats what we're here for. To enlighten, educate, and entertain...lol
Silly Cat

May 29, 2009, 9:50 AM
I knew there had to be a catch...I knew I couldn't get entertained without being educated and enlightened....damn...no free lunch....just kidding!:bigrin: (I have been here a few years and wish I had more time to educate and enlighten...although I do seem to take more time to entertain...LOL). Great group and yes, I have been enlightened and educated...so has my wonderful wife!


May 29, 2009, 10:17 AM
Yes you really do need to relax and stop worrying about it. Go with the flow as they say.
I am a bisexual female, and I am about equally attracted to both sexes, but most of my relationships are with women because I just don't trust guys as easily as I do women. But ultimately, there is no real reason to understand anything, and you really should just take each relationship as it happens. Love is a weird thing. Understand it all you like, but it always throws surprises at you.