View Full Version : Was John Lennon Bisexual?

Feb 9, 2006, 6:18 AM
Well if you like the Beatles or Lennon solo you're already be aware of the rumours about Lennon's sexuality - it is often suggested he was gay.

But here in the UK homosexual acts between men were illegal until December 1967. You could be imprisoned for years if caught.

Lennon grew up during the Second World War - when "Men were MEN"!!!

But when you look at the likes of Iggy Pop, David Bowie, Lou Reed and yes, even members of the Rolling Stones - you begin to see a different picture. Of men "experimenting" with sex with other men.

So my belief has grown that, even if he was suppressing it, Lennon was probably a bisexual.

And as a side thread - what's everyone's fav. Beatles LP's, Songs, etc'

I'd say "The Beatles (White Album)" and "All You Need Is Love".

Love and Peace from UK

Rupe :)

Feb 9, 2006, 6:43 AM
I've been a Lennon fan most of my life and when the Beatles split it was his music I found hope and inspiration through. His tortured soul crying out for love and peace inspired many and as one tortured soul to another he was very easy to identify with. "Isolation" though little known was always one of my favorites. Lennon was radical in his thought and this was reflected in his lyrics. Was he bisexual.??? Honestly I don't know..but if I were to wager anything I'd say he was trysexual...meaning he'd probably try anything once.
Favorite Beatles song and lyric..."Come together. right now.. over me..it just brings out the bi in me" :bigrin:

Feb 9, 2006, 6:52 AM
I agree with Ambi on Lennon being try-sexual,as for his music I still think "Yer Blues" is the best thing he ever wrote and "Wild Turkey" second but "Imagine" is a true musical standard nowadays.

Feb 9, 2006, 7:35 AM
I had always heard that he had had a brief fling with Brian Epstien.

Lisa (va)
Feb 9, 2006, 12:39 PM
I like the Beatles, each year we have "Festival in the Park" and one of the main attractions is a Beatles tribute band (1964 The Tribute). {See them if you get a chance ! }

Also I love the song 'Imagine' and belive that John Lennon could be a role model as far as getting along and negating folks personal differences.

hugs n kisses

meteast chick
Feb 9, 2006, 12:55 PM
I didn't grow up with the Beatles. My parents didn't listen to them and I only got into it a bit when I did a research paper in middle school, which was after Lennon died, and everything I found favored the likelihood of his bisexuality. Not only do I love the song "Imagine", my son's crib pull toy plays the same song. It is an anthem I am more than happy to claim.

Feb 9, 2006, 4:31 PM
Yes Smokey it is true Lennon did have a fling with Epstien, he claimed to have done it to see what all the fuss was about.......but later on at some party someone asked Lennon if he was gay Lennon took offence and got into a fight with the man................I'd say he was just experimental and not Bi or Gay. You can read up on it in any good biography on The Beatles.

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Feb 9, 2006, 5:17 PM
John Lennon, he never buggered me - so i dont know :eek:

Feb 9, 2006, 9:42 PM
This thread causes me to consider opening another thread that I have been thinking of concerning the difference between same sex experimentation and true homo/bi sexuality. I think John may have been the first true star that was open enough to say he experimented but was not gay or bi.
