View Full Version : Male breasts...how to make bigger

old dog
May 26, 2009, 8:49 PM
What can I do to make my breasts bigger? I have been told saw palmetto helps to make them bigger. Mine have grown as I have grown older. I like to feel myself up (massage my breasts and turn the shower on vibrate to stimulate them). Any suggestions???

May 26, 2009, 11:12 PM
Adding body fat seems to increase breast size for both men and women. Cosmetic surgery would get you all you or your lover can handle.
Otherwise, if you have more than most men, I bet you can find someone that will very pleased with their size and suck and tongue them.

May 27, 2009, 12:33 AM
Don't the T-girls and ladyboys use female hormone supplements?

May 27, 2009, 4:52 AM
I don't know, but George Castanza's dad, on the Seinfeld show, invented a "mansseire" for manboobs!

I had a chubby lover many years ago, who had the nicest boobs you could imagine; they were as nice as a young girl's and he was one of the few guys I ever knew who was proud of them.

May 27, 2009, 1:09 PM
Don't the T-girls and ladyboys use female hormone supplements?

Alright, let's not divert into yet another thread on names for transpeople.

But female hormone supplements can be very dangerous, if you're not using them under the care of an endocrinologist! Your options for hormones are to get a prescription or to go through black market sources. I have heard of SCARY stories about people who use black market hormone supplements and end up with all kinds of liver damage and other problems.

But because of the risks, dangers, and other side-effects, prescriptions aren't just handed out to anyone who asks for them.

Cross-gender hormones have therapeutic value for transpeople. Since our brains are structured as brains of the opposite sex, our bodies don't produce the hormones our brains are structured to receive. So the cross-gender hormones act to balance our brain chemistry, and help us not to feel so much like we're crawling out of our skins.

In the case of M2F transsexuals, hormones do have the side-effect of developing our breasts, but this takes years (just like puberty for genetic women). But they also have "side-effects" of lowering sex drive, and altering your sexual performance in important ways. As a M2F transsexual, I find that these changes are all welcome and feel natural, but I would think that true males who just enjoy groping themselves would find these effects to be extremely uncomfortable.

So unless you think you might be a transsexual, my :2cents: is to stay away from the hormone route. If you do think you might be a transsexual, your best bet is to start seeing a therapist who specializes in gender issues. That is the correct and safe way to start on a path toward gender transition.


May 27, 2009, 1:43 PM
Alright, let's not divert into yet another thread on names for transpeople.

But female hormone supplements can be very dangerous, if you're not using them under the care of an endocrinologist! Your options for hormones are to get a prescription or to go through black market sources. I have heard of SCARY stories about people who use black market hormone supplements and end up with all kinds of liver damage and other problems.

But because of the risks, dangers, and other side-effects, prescriptions aren't just handed out to anyone who asks for them.

Cross-gender hormones have therapeutic value for transpeople. Since our brains are structured as brains of the opposite sex, our bodies don't produce the hormones our brains are structured to receive. So the cross-gender hormones act to balance our brain chemistry, and help us not to feel so much like we're crawling out of our skins.

In the case of M2F transsexuals, hormones do have the side-effect of developing our breasts, but this takes years (just like puberty for genetic women). But they also have "side-effects" of lowering sex drive, and altering your sexual performance in important ways. As a M2F transsexual, I find that these changes are all welcome and feel natural, but I would think that true males who just enjoy groping themselves would find these effects to be extremely uncomfortable.

So unless you think you might be a transsexual, my :2cents: is to stay away from the hormone route. If you do think you might be a transsexual, your best bet is to start seeing a therapist who specializes in gender issues. That is the correct and safe way to start on a path toward gender transition.



May 27, 2009, 9:01 PM
While I agree that this sort of thing would be best done under the guidance of a doctor if you're using supplements of some kind, if you're not entirely transgendered and looking to change your body at a chemical level, I don't think you necessarily need one. I would certainly consult with your regular practitioner or a well-qualified herbalist if at all possible. Either or both of them, however, may think you're just nuts and will recommend that you see a therapist of some kind.

The other option is to simply pump. You don't need supplements and if you're careful, has a relatively low level of risk associated with it. You can use any sort of pump that fits, be it a cock or pussy pump as long as the cup area fits over your chest in a way that's comfortable. There's also using a breast pump, though they can be very expensive and have a tendency to be focused more on the nipple/areola area.

Whichever path you take, just remember that it's going to take a good long while. It definitely isn't something that happens over night, or even over the course of a few weeks or months.

Jun 3, 2009, 3:30 PM
There are some herbs which help grow breasts--namely saw palmetto, red clover, and blesed thistle. can be taken orally or applied as cream and absorbed through the skin.

Jun 3, 2009, 4:21 PM
Under no circumstances should you ever use a drug you don't know has been vetted for safety.

using hormones illicitly can not only damage the liver, it can cause early onsets of some brain related dysfunction's.

use at your own risk.

I hesitate to even ask why you'd want to do that, but rest assured, black market hormones are likely to cause massive damage in multiple areas since they are stored in the cells and aren't water soluble.

Jun 3, 2009, 5:24 PM
There are some herbs which help grow breasts--namely saw palmetto, red clover, and blesed thistle. can be taken orally or applied as cream and absorbed through the skin.

Ok, before giving this really BAD advice, I'd like to see the credentials you sport that indicates you are somehow qualified to give it. It's false, end of story, back to the drawing board. If this information was in ANY way valid Transgenders M to F would be using this in the place of drug therapy for hormone replacement, and the FDA would remove it immediately from the market.

Saw Palmetto is used for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Which means NON-Cancerous, disuse driven inflammation. Now, just because a doctor gives some men a dose of estrogen to combat the condition does not mean Saw Palmetto has anything like that kind of effect. In fact, most doctors are now being told to recommend Saw Palmetto as it does NOT have the secondary negative effects of Estrogen on elder men, and unlike estrogen, has no increased effects on causing other cancers to appear.

Also, because Red Clover is recommended to women suffering hot flashes through Menopause does not mean that IT is estrogenic in effect either. The main alchaloids in it are Daidzein, Genistein, and these in tests were shown to have better effect on bone retention than Estrogen, which makes them actually Androgenic in effect as Estrogens do not signal bone growth. The same holds true for Blessed Thistle.

Creams of said herbs will also be ineffective, as what you NEED are estrogen compounds to get an estrogen effect. If you wish to get a substance that is A) Natural and can B) give you a modest effect on hormones it must be the actual substance in a reduced form in a homeopathic delivery system.

Most of the ingredients in the one brand I have found to be topically capable are inert, but the estrogens, testosterone and progesterone are effective. If you want to try and foster breast growth, your best path lies with blocking Testosterone (can only be done with a drug as no herbs can do this) and utilizing an estrogen compound like this one....http://www.bioentopic.com/catalog/. And even THIS has the most modest of effects.

Jun 3, 2009, 5:44 PM
I actually have some "breasts"--more than most guys---surprisingly---I rarely got teased for it----I always kinda liked that mine were more pronounced for a guy-----it is something----back before I came to consider myself as "bi"--I didn't seem to have much sensitivity in them--but now that I do consider myself as Bi and have "played around" with other guys----I find my "breasts" to be more sensitive--and I love to have them touched, my nipples licked, sucked and LIGHTLY, bitten!!!

It is a turn on for sure to have them touched and played with now!!

As for making male breasts bigger---I really don't think that one should mess around much with mother nature----you either have them or you don't!!!

Jun 3, 2009, 10:50 PM
I actually have some "breasts"--more than most guys

As for making male breasts bigger---I really don't think that one should mess around much with mother nature----you either have them or you don't!!!

Easy to say for someone who has, and for someone whose brain structure matches their body.

I know you probably weren't thinking of transsexuals when you made your comment, but your response touched a nerve for me.

Your answer is merely insensitive to someone like the OP (in that you say someone should just deal without something you have and say you like).

Applied to a transperson, your answer is ignorant as well as insensitive. Mother Nature messes with some of us, and we do what we can to deal with that. You're effectively saying "just live with the situation that nature puts you in." Well, most of you can do that much more easily than some of us.

One of the most common objections I've heard to gender transition is a sense of "why can't you just deal with it? Why turn your life (and everyone else's) upside-down?" The fact is that almost all transsexuals hang on desperately as long as they can, trying not to upset society's apple cart. But the difference between our brain structure and our body structure is a slow torture, physically, psychologically, and socially, and eventually we either transition or die.

Too many choose to die, because too many others have the luxury to believe that you shouldn't "mess around much with Mother Nature."

Jun 4, 2009, 12:02 AM
Easy to say for someone who has, and for someone whose brain structure matches their body.

I know you probably weren't thinking of transsexuals when you made your comment, but your response touched a nerve for me.

Your answer is merely insensitive to someone like the OP (in that you say someone should just deal without something you have and say you like).

Applied to a transperson, your answer is ignorant as well as insensitive. Mother Nature messes with some of us, and we do what we can to deal with that. You're effectively saying "just live with the situation that nature puts you in." Well, most of you can do that much more easily than some of us.

One of the most common objections I've heard to gender transition is a sense of "why can't you just deal with it? Why turn your life (and everyone else's) upside-down?" The fact is that almost all transsexuals hang on desperately as long as they can, trying not to upset society's apple cart. But the difference between our brain structure and our body structure is a slow torture, physically, psychologically, and socially, and eventually we either transition or die.

Too many choose to die, because too many others have the luxury to believe that you shouldn't "mess around much with Mother Nature."

I was more thinking in terms of some of the less than pleasant health effects that can ensue by relying upon the various methods used to increase breast size--or create them when there were none----no doubt that artificial breast implants had their problems, and I am sure the hormone treatments that people do take have their long term harmful effects as well----I wasn't really thinking about any other consideration-----damn!!!!--- it sure is hard to make any comment on here anymore on just about any subject without offending someone about something!!

Jun 4, 2009, 12:33 AM
I was more thinking in terms of some of the less than pleasant health effects that can ensue by relying upon the various methods used to increase breast size--or create them when there were none----no doubt that artificial breast implants had their problems, and I am sure the hormone treatments that people do take have their long term harmful effects as well----I wasn't really thinking about any other consideration-----damn!!!!--- it sure is hard to make any comment on here anymore on just about any subject without offending someone about something!!

at least you didn't tell someone to take the american flag down :-)

Jun 4, 2009, 9:15 AM
What can I do to make my breasts bigger? I have been told saw palmetto helps to make them bigger. Mine have grown as I have grown older. I like to feel myself up (massage my breasts and turn the shower on vibrate to stimulate them). Any suggestions???
Massage yours "wana be" breasts every day with a good body lotion with natural lavender in its formula.
Wear a bra all the times, a bra which is tight underneat the breasts, without wire, but does not compress the breasts. You should see some results in about 6 months.
I did it, and voila - it worked for me.

Jun 10, 2009, 12:38 AM
OK, are you fricking kidding me? More stupid shit!!! AARRGG!

Jun 10, 2009, 12:53 AM
When I used to smoke a lot of weed my boobs got bigger got to be more fun than some of the other suggestions.

Jun 10, 2009, 5:55 AM
When I used to smoke a lot of weed my boobs got bigger got to be more fun than some of the other suggestions.

Weed can make all kinds of crazy things happen---at least you think they happen!! lol