May 25, 2009, 5:10 PM
Names, how did you choose yours. some of the ones i see are great and others are well, it makes we wonder what they were thinking {lol} when they choose it. mine i got from from incense sticks and the car.

what about you, what were you thinking and/or doing at the time
please share.

May 25, 2009, 5:46 PM
Well, let's see. My name is Marissa. One of the nicknames that I have is Rissa and one of my friends a long time ago decided to add some flare to it by coming up to me one day and saying "heeeey my Rissa Baby"...and that is what I was called by her every day since haha. The "n" is for my son Nicholas...the "t" is for my hubby Tony...the "a" is for my daughter Alexis...unfortunately I made this name before my other daughter, Eden, was born so she didn't get included.

I've always been one to make names that actually mean something to me and have to do with myself and the important things around me so I guess that is why I decided to go with this name.

May 25, 2009, 6:00 PM
Well T'salagi Cherokee ismy Heritage and Mountaincat is a 2 fold meaning. Its my tribal sign mainly. In the Lifestyle world my handle is Minx and that nickname was given to me when I was a child. Sooo, I combined the two factors and viola! here I am...lol In Chat I'm everybody's Cat (Ever have a neighborhood Cat who belonged to everyone, but owned by no one? That's me....lol):bigrin::cool:
Everybody's Cat

May 25, 2009, 7:13 PM
First of all, I used to love the commercial that asked the universal and eternal question,"Where's the beef?" Having found the beef a long time ago, it just seemed natural to me.

Secondly, I'm Lithuainian and the Lithuainiansare called "Beefeaters".

May 25, 2009, 7:53 PM
When I first came here which was a long time ago the only nic that came into my head was bud but as some of the older chatters will tell you some arsehole took it to be his own and basically told me to get a new one because that was his real name (BULLSHIT) So being an Aussie I chose my old nickname of chook which means chicken in OZ now its not chicken because I'm gutless or anything like that its because a chicken is always scratching around for something and all my mates said that my nickname should be chook because I was always scratching around for a root (root = fuck ) for the uneducated another version is scratcher but thats another story. So lets see some yank tell me that his mother named him Chook :upside:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

May 25, 2009, 8:01 PM
I am a nudist that likes to hunt...I also hunt bear...so the juxtaposition of bare and bear....kind of a play on words.


May 25, 2009, 8:34 PM
When hubby and I came onto the site we were known as TWOWHOCARE but then he got his own identity so I went to ONEWHOCARES as it is a reflection of the woman that I am.


May 25, 2009, 8:45 PM
The name pretty much speaks for itself. :bipride:

May 25, 2009, 8:45 PM
Mine was an insult from my ex, but I embraced it as my own. Now I'm pretty much RockGardener all over the web.

May 25, 2009, 8:47 PM
I am an alternating bisexual and a redhead!

May 25, 2009, 9:00 PM
Im one of those weird screw up mental jobs that didnt' bother coming up with a different name other than my own for the forum.

May 25, 2009, 9:40 PM
And, because I didnt want to use my Lifestyle name on here..I wanted something unique and different for here :}

May 25, 2009, 10:11 PM
Well as for my name this is what it means,The Texasman part i just came up with that one,out of the blue thing. The 617 represents the 1st Automated Trash Truck i drove when my city went too Automated Service. And 2003 is the year i started chatting on the Internet,hence Texasma6172003..Kinda lame aint it,LOL!!!

May 25, 2009, 10:24 PM
easy, I like to sail. It's one of my hobbies. very imaginative huh.....

meteast chick
May 25, 2009, 10:50 PM
Well I guess mine is pretty lame too. I'm a chick and live on the metro east side of St Louis (Illinois). There you go.

Luv and kisses,

May 25, 2009, 10:57 PM
:bigrin: Well now, when I joined this site I wanted to use my real life nick-name, which is "Doggie". But I could not cause the name had allready been taken. :( I thought for a while, and all I could come up with was "Doggiestyle". If I could have thought of it I could have used that name if only I could have spelled it different, cause "Doggy" & "Doggey" have not been used. Oh well, thats just life at the "BI" site, HUH?
Also the original "Doggie" has not checked into this site in years! I also like to use the little dog in the "smiley list" THATS COOL!!!! Now, how I got the nick-name of Doggie, :cool: I think is a pretty good story too. But i'll save that one for later, OK?

I just had to spend my :2cents: worth. Ahhhhhhhhhhh all done now. Your friend, Doggie........:doggie:.........:bipride:

May 25, 2009, 11:59 PM
Old rugby name the took andthe year of something very special to me.

May 25, 2009, 11:59 PM
i'm a rangers fan...simple as that lol

May 26, 2009, 12:59 AM
LOL well this is ummm kinda weird... I came to this site cause the love of my life, Long Duck Dong, told me about this site and to look up that name. His way of coming out to me.

Finding I had to register to do profile search I just picked a name and it was in use, tried another it was in use, tried another it was in use, so just typed. Came up with this and it worked so I used it. No other hidden meaning just a a name no one else was using.

May 26, 2009, 1:33 AM
My middle name is Cody and I have a love for Kodiac bears... Hence, Codybear... The 3 is simply meant as three of us (myself and my two sons)... :paw::paw:

May 26, 2009, 2:45 AM
Pretty simple really, my name is Sara and I've loved dinosaurs since I was little. Also I was looking for something that reflected who I was; something kinda fun and quirky. :upside:

May 26, 2009, 6:52 AM
After spending most of my life with my head in the sand, lying and hiding from myself, mostly, I thought it was time to be open and honest with those who have a need to know.

I decided to face facts and life and be a Realist.

May 26, 2009, 7:13 AM
Alegrias literally means "joys" in Spanish. I chose it because I've been experiencing a lot of "joys" in my life lately, related to my sexuality.

May 26, 2009, 7:18 AM
LOL well this is ummm kinda weird... I came to this site cause the love of my life, Long Duck Dong, told me about this site and to look up that name. His way of coming out to me.

Finding I had to register to do profile search I just picked a name and it was in use, tried another it was in use, tried another it was in use, so just typed. Came up with this and it worked so I used it. No other hidden meaning just a a name no one else was using.

I just clicked on your profile and saw that you got engaged to the love of your life. Did you marry him yet? Or have you set a date? Congrats, btw. Take it from me, it's awesome to be married to the love of your life.

May 26, 2009, 7:29 AM
The real name is Peter Upwright. What the hell were my parents thinking when thet named me Peter. I received great deal of teasing in lower and middle school but when I got to high school and college it became a badge for both males and females to explore........... and they still do.

May 26, 2009, 8:32 AM
Well I used mine on another site, I used to be "Just a little fucking ray of sunshine". Here I just took little ray of sunshine. It's more of a mentality. I have a huge sense of humor and also try to find the bright side in everything. When things get bad, I chase the rain away, meaning nothing keeps me down for long. When someone's down I always try to pick them up. I can be very sarcastic and dirty, or light and just pleasant. I can be harnassed but not controlled. ok, nuff bout me.


tg Shannon
May 26, 2009, 8:39 AM
just tellin it like it is, I'm a bisexual crossdressing male, didnt wanna lead anyone on with something else, sort of an honesty thing that I can only use on sites like this and with certain people

May 26, 2009, 8:47 AM
Well...I used to be bigirl_inwv. Ya know, cause I'm bi...I'm a girl...and I live in West Virginia. lol. Then one magical day, my account wouldn't let me sign in with my password anymore! Sooo...I had to change names. Most people here knew me by my real name to start with....(which is a rather unique name I suppose)...so I figured I'd just be a lame-o and go with my real name.

May 26, 2009, 8:48 AM
I am an alternating bisexual and a redhead!

I love your avatar ! I have that poster hanging on the inside of my bedroom door. Thats the way I came out to a find of mine when he was changing clothes in my room ( Sgt. Andy ) Was interesting conversation at the bar over drinks lol

Also , as far as my name - I am a greeneyed lady

May 26, 2009, 9:05 AM
it's not my name, it's a verb *eg*

May 26, 2009, 10:20 AM
Green is my favorite color. When I came to this sight my name was taken. As I am greeneyed too I went with grneyed beauty instead. I think it fits ;)

May 26, 2009, 10:48 AM
my first name is ray and my favorite star wars charactor is darth vader and finally i am 39 years old.:)

May 26, 2009, 12:38 PM
I think most of you have heard this story...

Marie - is the name I will/do go by as femme, the name I will legally change to after I begin to live 24/7. Its also the name of a aunt who stood up for me when I was child.

Delta- http://www.deltasg.com.au/images/layout/logo_2.gif is the greek symbol. Has so many layers of meaning - one is that it symbolizes change (or TRANSformation) in math and science. The (pink)http://rosecottage.me.uk/OutRage-archives/pink_tri.gif triangle is also a symbol of GLBT who were persecuted in Nazi Germany and used today to memorialize those who died during that terrible time. It is also a female name.

May 26, 2009, 1:33 PM
Well lol

Really obvious really lol

I am (Shy) in person unless i know you really, i am a (lass) lol and i live in the (Uk)



May 26, 2009, 2:58 PM
Ours just shows what we're about, looking for, a pipe dream Im starting to think!

Kermit Jagger
May 26, 2009, 2:59 PM
A very bad joke starts with "A frog walks into a bank and introduces himself to the teller, Ms. Patricia Wack, as Kermit Jagger...." I am like Kermit including the skinny legs and bad singing voice (though not quite as green) and would love to be as sexy as Mick Jagger.

May 26, 2009, 5:06 PM
I love your avatar ! I have that poster hanging on the inside of my bedroom door. Thats the way I came out to a find of mine when he was changing clothes in my room ( Sgt. Andy ) Was interesting conversation at the bar over drinks lol

Also , as far as my name - I am a greeneyed lady

And you is also a very BEAUTIFUll greeneyed lady!!!!!!! ;):tong:

May 26, 2009, 9:02 PM
Mine is pretty basic as well. I chose Gemini, because I am one astologically and 25 because I like the number. And so what ever website I go to I'm always Gemini25 because it's easy for me to remember. I used to used a different name on a bunch of different sites, and it just got to be confusing. Also, if someone is looking for me, it's easy for them to find me. :flag3:

May 26, 2009, 11:40 PM
Mine is not very imaginative, just descriptive.
Even better, jem is pronounced the same as gem.

May 27, 2009, 1:12 AM
I saw a similar version of this name years ago on another chat site and thought it was quite clever.So I adopted it so to speak

Polyamerious Phoenix
Jun 3, 2009, 10:07 AM
Well the first part should be fairly self explanatory. I thought since this was a BI site that I could be more out in the open with things..

the second part, Phoenix.. The Phoenix has great meaning to me. Its Eternal, even when burned it rises again to Greatness. No matter how many times it falls it gets back up again. I have had some really awful horrible things happen in my life and its never really been easy for one reason or another I see my self as a Phoenix. Always on her way up! no matter how far she has been burned to the ground.

Jun 3, 2009, 12:52 PM
well where do i start.Silber is german for grey,wolf is for my guide in life,1960is the year of birth.I am grey on top,well around the fringes anyway.
I love the names people come up with it shows individuality and lots of imagination.Keep those unique to you names cumming and remember only you can be you.

Jun 3, 2009, 1:41 PM
Kinda clear and inviting!

Jun 3, 2009, 5:04 PM
I'm new and my name well...it's my first name and the province I'm from.

Jun 3, 2009, 5:24 PM
As I have told many on here---my name comes mostly from the title of an old, but favorite Jimmy Buffett song---the "12Voltman" part----the 59 is my birth year.

When Buffett was doing his promotion of his non-fiction book--"A Pirate Looks at 50," he did an event in Cincinnati in a more intimate setting than his usual summer shows done in those large outdoor venues--it was done in a modest sized music hall--a more intimate setting than his usual visits to Riverbend--filled with 35,000 screaming, partying Parrot Heads. The show was also done in the dead of winter--which was a nice diversion for that time of year.

Buffett not only read excerpts from his book, he did some selected songs---in an unplugged format---with he being alone on stage with his guitar---no back up by the Coral Reefers----while those big shows are always fun--it is also great to see a favorite artist doing music by themselves.

One of the songs he performed that night was "12 Voltman"--- this was a song I had known from one of his early 80s releases----Buffett said the song was done in honor of a expat American he had met on some far flung beach in some tropical land--the guy had built himself a basic shack---he had done some self-downsizing from the corporate world--the guy lived largely without electricity----relying upon a set of Diehard car batteries to provide power for a few essentials----to run a 12-volt blender used to make margaritas and daiquiris, to run a small guitar amp and (this being pre-IPod/MP3 player days) a boombox for tunes.

Whether the story was true or not--I don't know--it sounds good to me--and from my own travels in my younger days to some remote spots----it sure sounded plausable. I have met expats from the US, UK, Canada, Oz and other "advanced countries" in such places who have come to live a version of what the person Buffett wrote this song about have done. I had a co-worker who said good-bye to his life in the Good Old US of A to live a rather spartan life in Jamaica, far from the tourist zones and he, at last word a few years ago, could not have been a happier camper!!!

I guess it is the romantic or perhaps the vagabond in me---but the notion of chucking it all and going to live in some place like a beach in Beleze--sounds appealing in theory if not in practice.

I have tended to always use titles of other Buffett songs as my "handles" on internet sites.

Jun 3, 2009, 11:03 PM
I liked the play on transcendental.

When I first chose it, I liked that it contained "trans". But now that I've had it a while, I don't like that "trans" is often the natural abbreviation people use to refer to me. A transsexual being called "trans" is like a Frechman being called "Frenchie", or someone with large ears being called "Ears". It feels belittling, as though your individuality is being reduced to a single trait.

But also as a transsexual, I did like the notion that by transitioning, I am attempting to transcend my mental state by bringing my physical being into line with it.

Jun 3, 2009, 11:16 PM
Play on words. Not Golf Related. Let me repeat :NOT. GOLF. RELATED.

But if, like ambi55mm , you come up with something else, I'll take it. ;)

I've been going by Taylor on various sites for a while. . .Taylor as a nod to the best known character played by my favorite actor, Gary Sinise.


Then it just became "TaylorMade" because. . .if I find someone that I am meant to be with. . .it didn't have to be perfect, but it would feel . . . TailorMade.


Jun 4, 2009, 12:03 AM
Lixxnsuxx- well gee... what does this say? DUH! Just things I LUV to do...