View Full Version : Trying new things?

May 24, 2009, 12:57 PM
I think I've got some curiosity, inspired by this thread...http://main.bisexual.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6914

On the thread, there seems to be a pretty common list of things most people won't get in to, notably body fluids and oral-anal play. I'm wondering if some of these are things that folks would possibly be willing to try under certain circumstances (a.k.a. 'soft' limit) or ones that you're never coming near (a.k.a. 'hard' limit). Some folks did explain why some of the acts themselves don't appeal to them, but I think there's a lot more that can be explored there.

For instance, I (the male half here) was never really a fan of feet and only kind of enjoyed tit-fucking. However, after getting involved with my wife, I find myself engaging in and enjoying these acts a whole lot more. At first, it was about her enjoyment, but as time went on - I got more comfortable and it was more about me enjoying and wanting to engage in these activities. Now, they're things I can get in to with other partners as well (our relationship happens to be open).

I watched my opinion on something I felt was a hard limit (feet) change. So, I guess I'm posing an open question: Of the things folks happen to dislike - are they hard limits, or soft limits in disguise?