View Full Version : First time posts asking about sexual issues--something fishy going on!!

May 20, 2009, 8:12 PM
I know that once in awhile we do get a brand new member who very soon after joining the site---does post up some question regarding his or her sexual situations or relationships--things of that nature.

I have found when those people are legit---they tend to also take part in the chat room, put up posts on other issues or post up replies that are reasonable and overall--they seem like decent people seeking answers to questions that are bothering them.

Another thing---they have some info in their profiles that seem reasonable and believable----and if you get to talk to them---they talk about things that lend a degree of consistency and continuity to other things they have said either in chat or on the forum boards.

But we also seem to get these sorts of queries from someone who comes here a first time----there are certain things to me that tend to make me circumspect as to the legitimacy of the posting and the person doing the positing---we have long had at least one "troll" who comes back from time to time whose purpose is to cause trouble here, but that person tends to have a certain pattern to their modus operandi with a major factor in the way he or she operates---they have used so many different profile names--it is hard to keep track--but yet--there is a similar pattern to each new name the person uses---and I have to say that I am sensing some of those patterns in several current, new postings on the board. One of which if you read it--it is clear I have my doubts as to its legitimacy.

I just noted another one----I won't say for now--it remains to be seen how the posting goes on it---but the name of this person along with the fact the first post is such a question and the person has put only the barest of information in the profile make me think I smell a rat here.

With the one post that I responded too---the name this person used is very much like that of a few other long time, regulars who current visit the site or they have moved on---the other new name----has a very sexual basis to it.

Both of these patterns have been employed by our major troll in times past----I really do urge everyone here---get hip to the patterns of that troll and do be circumspect when you see new posts.

I hate that I have to be skeptical of new members----but that is one of the things the troll has wrought----we unfortunately---have to be somewhat skeptical of new members who post such threads until they have shown themselves to be "the real deal" and cool people.

May 20, 2009, 10:06 PM

I swear, I joined at the worst time, everyone thought I was a troll, and my post got moderated left and right and only because I was in chat and I actually had a profile and pictures (and over 2 weeks of posting) folks started to realize I was at the wrong place and wrong time.

May 21, 2009, 7:25 AM
Volty, that's why I don't respond to postings if the person doesn't fill out their profile and/or join in the chatroom... no exceptions. I've been chatting for over 10 years and have learned a lot about manipulative people.

Joe u poor thing! I remember when you joined the PTB gave you such a hard time LOL.....SO happy to have you in our midst, albeit not regularly enough to suit me.

ROFL @ cheese (I'm with you there) :bigrin:


May 21, 2009, 7:47 AM
albeit not regularly enough to suit me.

You should put out more bait to lure me out into the open :P

May 21, 2009, 8:27 AM
O.o Uh-oh! I wasn't aware of the Etiquette on this forum, I better go fill in my details lol

May 21, 2009, 1:32 PM
O.o Uh-oh! I wasn't aware of the Etiquette on this forum, I better go fill in my details lol

oh...it's not netiquette orbit, just my personal preference is all.


May 21, 2009, 1:34 PM
You should put out more bait to lure me out into the open :P

:puts 75 pounds of limburger in the "hot man trap" ... lies in wait *eg*

just remember Joe ur not allowed to eat it LOL

May 21, 2009, 2:03 PM
I was stuck reading Limburger 4-5 times thinking "Damn, this woman really really really doesn't know me!"

Then I see you're just trying to KILL ME!

May 21, 2009, 3:12 PM
:puts 75 pounds of limburger in the "hot man trap" ... lies in wait *eg*

just remember Joe ur not allowed to eat it LOL

Hey Peg...do you have any cheddar? :tong:

May 21, 2009, 4:23 PM
Hey Peg? Thats very Gouda you to do for Joe.....*Snicker*:bigrin:

I do have to agree with Volty and Peg both on this thread. Sometimes our old pest The Troll will use a name that is very similar to a current member's name, or something just totally off the wall. And yes, the speach pattern is the same when he/she/it gets going. Speach inflection doesnt change in some folks and can be spotted a mile away.
And as for blank profiles: I wont talk to a person that hasnt their profile filled out at all. To me, (and this just may be My warped, suspicious, mind) but a person who isnt open enough to have even just the basics is hiding something, or isnt open and honest enough about their intentions. If I cant feel comfortable enough to trust them, then I'm damn sure not going to talk to them.
Sorry just my humble:2cents:

May 21, 2009, 4:41 PM
You all are going on my little "List"