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May 20, 2009, 12:00 PM
ok well here i go I'm 18 turning 19 and been with my partner for 6 years for the first 3 years of us going out he could turn me on so easily and now i struggle to want sex more than once a month i use to beg him for sex a be dripping wet at the drop of a hat now it seen i just don't get turned on by him any more what can i do all i want is too be turned on and have a nice long hard fuck is that too much to ask for?

May 20, 2009, 12:09 PM
I hope I am wrong----but something about this post just doesn't seem kosher----it sorta has a familiar ring to it--

A 18 to 19 year old who has been with her partner for six years---since she was 12 or 13?? Not impossible of course----just not highly probable it seems to me----

Do be circumspect in posting your replies folks---think very clearly about the advice you give before you hit the "SEND" key.

May 20, 2009, 12:12 PM
I hope I am wrong----but something about this post just doesn't seem kosher----it sorta has a familiar ring to it--

A 18 to 19 year old who has been with her partner for six years---since she was 12 or 13?? Not impossible of course----just not highly probable it seems to me----

Do be circumspect in posting your replies folks---think very clearly about the advice you give before you hit the "SEND" key.

how does this seen highly improbable?

May 20, 2009, 12:25 PM
Do you have other relationship problems, apart from lack of sexual desire?

May 20, 2009, 12:28 PM
no relationship problems besides this

May 20, 2009, 12:31 PM
Initiating an intense sexual relationship at age 12??? I think not--I sure as hell hope that this was not the case---in the "civilized world" a 12 or 13 year old child has no business doing so!!

If your partner was above the age of consent in your land when this relationship started---he is a pedophile that needs to be locked up for the next 50 or so years!!

May 20, 2009, 12:35 PM
he is only a year older than me

May 20, 2009, 12:53 PM
If all the passion has gone, then to be very blunt here, you two are in dire trouble.
I think there are millions of reasons why the "energy" can vanish out of a relationship, but from what I know it tends to be as the relationship gets a little older and the romance starts to dissipate. Guys can continue as normal, but we can't. The two of you need to communicate and sort out your needs. Revitalise things. But don't just ignore it and hope it will get better. It probably wont if you don't do something about it.


May 20, 2009, 2:06 PM
If you've been together since you were like 12 or 13 then no wonder your in a rut. Maybe its time to look to greener pastures, especially if he's the only one you've even been with. And take a breath when writting next time. Its easier to read if you have punctuation. :}
Good luck in your relationship.

May 20, 2009, 4:16 PM
I dunno, something about this sounded a bit off to me too... but...

Either look to greener pastures or you might have medical issues if that doesnt work. Once a woman looses her labido its usually gone, they have lots of different medications for men, to get them going, but for women, its a different story, unless someone knows of something to get a woman in the mood when they physically cant anymore, you just have to live with it.

May 20, 2009, 4:17 PM
On a side note, its so very sad when children start having sexual relationships... such a shame and what a waste of growing up!

May 20, 2009, 5:17 PM
Sexual activity at 12 and now burnt out at 18?.....and now all you want is to be turned on and "have a good nice long hard fuck"? Forget about seeking "greener pastures" and spend a little more time developing the maturation that's required for having a sustaining and satisfying sex life. Sorry for being so blunt, but if in fact this IS true....seems to me you started way too young to know what you were getting into and skipped a great deal of life's lessons along the way.

Just my :2cents:

May 20, 2009, 5:36 PM
I must echo the sentiments of those before me. Having a sexual relationship at such an early age...when did you have a chance to grow up and just be a child and experience that which went along with childhood....not being a nearly nineteen year old burnt sexually. At your age the lack of experience as an adult can skew your perception of what a sexually satisfying relationship can be. There are SO many components, and time and mature will lead you to them in due time.


May 20, 2009, 6:17 PM
Neither of you are the person you were 6 years ago and are not yet the person you will be 6 years from now. People grow differently. It's time you slowed down and began to look at life. Meet other people, have other experiences, and do not commit yourself to anyone for a few years.

Your desire for a "good nice long hard fuck" seems to indicate that since you started so young, you have not experienced the tenderness and passion that can build in a relationship. You need to find out about true intimacy had how different it is than just physical urges.

If you have been in this rut for the last 3 years, its time to cut and run. You will never be able to cure your relationship without extensive professional help and neither of you have the maturity or experience to do it on your own.

May 20, 2009, 7:49 PM
I had started another post on this subject, but had deleted it before posting, stating that someone was remiss at allowing a child of 12 and on the cusp of age 13 to begin a relationship of this sort-----I really hope this posting is simply being done by one of our trolls---that is what I was initially getting at--but if this is a real deal----I want to know--where in the hell were and what kind of parents or guardians did both of these young people have that they would stand by and allow such a relationship to develop between two babies????!!!!

These adults allowed the childhood of both of these parties to be stolen----as I said---in the modern world---we do allow our children to remain children for a longer time than we did when we ran around in loincloths---the few remaining "primitive" peoples of the earth do let their kids of this age start to "mate" but its only because in those societies----you had better start young----since you don't live too long as a rule. Such is not the case in modern societies though!!

To this person---if she is real---you need to get help for more things than the fact your sex life went down hill!!

I really don't believe this is legit though----as I said--something about this post smells, sounds and feels like the words of the Bard--"something is rotten in Denmark!"

May 21, 2009, 3:13 AM
all i was asking for was some tips and advice not to be ridculed but people who dont even know who the hell i am i think you guys are the one who should be doing the growing up and stop being so rude

May 21, 2009, 8:49 AM
and i dont think it is correct you reffering too me as a troll and i only asked a simple question

May 21, 2009, 1:41 PM
hi misty

I tend to agree that you were a trifle young to be sexually active, but you WERE.. and nothing can change that.

What you can change is the next few years... I would advise you to seek counselling concerning your relationship.

In the meantime, get out there and experience ... there's more to life than sex, and IMO you are far too young to tie yourself down to a relationship that isn't working.

good luck !