View Full Version : Long term hetero relationship 'newly bi' seeks advice

May 14, 2009, 2:47 PM
I am a 25 year old guy currently making steps into realising my bisexual identity. My journey to understanding that I am indeed bisexual has been a long and painful one and indeed it is still very much ongoing. Since my teen years I have had an interest in muscle but I have displaced this fantasy in its male form by taking an interest in muscular women. I have also fantasised to a higher degree about busty women, the very stereotypes of womanliness. It is only in very recent times with an understanding that in order to live happily I need to stop repressing my thoughts, that I have begun to appreciate that I have a sexual interest in men.

It is only in the past three years that I have begun to make the journey towards realising that I am in fact bisexual and in fact only in recent weeks that I am starting to get over the denial. It has been very difficult to do so because of my own past conviction that you are either gay or straight and perhaps even because of some form of internalised homophobia. I identify so much with comments I have read elsewhere that this journey is lonely and isolated- I (at least with friends) fit into the category of closeted bi-sexual, given time I might be happy to change that but because I move in almost exclusively hetero circles it is possible I may never build the wish or confidence to.

But I have a specific problem I would like to share. I am in a long term relationship with a woman and I have been in this same relationship for nearly four years. I am very committed to this girl, she is beautiful, sexy, kind and very understanding. This journey has been extremely difficult at times and she has supported me throughout being (almost) totally aware as I have swung between perceiving myself as straight, gay and finally now, as it begins to settle down, into an acceptance of bisexuality. She is very liberally minded, having experimented with girls in her past. Indeed I find that she may be more comfortable and confident and aware of the form of my sexuality than I am sometimes!

As you may have picked up, this relationship is a year longer than my journey into realising my bisexuality. Because I believe very much in being faithful irrespective of gender I have therefore never had any kind of sexual experience with a man. I wouldn’t mind being able to experiment to some small degree with men and to understand a bit more about the extent of my interest in the same sex but I don’t want to do anything to jeopardise my loving and stable relationship. In a sense I almost feel trapped, yet at the same time in love, this contradiction is causing me much anxiety and heartache.

I am hoping that, because I am only just making these steps into accepting my bi-ness that with time I will be able to accept it properly through viewing porn etc, doing things which do not involve actual contact and will not jeopardise my relationship. I think a main factor is that I have finally found something which resembles a community in which I can feel a connection to people who have experienced similar struggles. I would love to hear stories of growing to accept bisexuality and coping with it in hetero relationhips from anyone else who is doing fine and totally committed to their lady. It would be super great to get some kind of person to person dialogue going at this time.


May 14, 2009, 5:45 PM

Very well written. My compliments!

As for your delema. Relax and take a deep breath.
These things will come to you in time. I am a 46 y/o VERY HAPPILY married man with a wonderful and supportive wife.

I have only recently allowed myself to explore the very same thing that you are feeling.

It sounds like you are in a wonderful relationship to a beautiful lady. Talk to her. Trust your feelings. Take your time.

I believe it will "sort itself out".

Best of luck to you!

May 14, 2009, 10:45 PM
I started down the path of recognising my bisexuality on my 15th Wedding anniversary, about a year ago. It has been a very difficult journey. There have been times when I could have sworn that I was gay!

I have come to the conclusion that coming to terms with being bisexual is also about becoming comfortable with uncertainty. Becoming comfortable with really not being sure about your own sexuality. Sometimes you feel like having sex with a man sometimes you feel like having sex with a women.

It is difficult coming terms with bisexuality when you are committed in a relationship to one person. It would be great to be able to experiment to better understand your own sexuality. However I am not sure that it will make life any clearer/easier?

What has kept me sane is recognising that I love my wife and that if I have to have only one sexual partner then she's the one. As to my sexual desire for men well I will have to deal with it as best I can with what resources I have available.


May 15, 2009, 3:21 AM
It seems to me that you may have the key to unlocking your problem already. You say that:

This journey has been extremely difficult at times and she has supported me throughout being (almost) totally aware as I have swung between perceiving myself as straight, gay and finally now, as it begins to settle down, into an acceptance of bisexuality. She is very liberally minded, having experimented with girls in her past. Indeed I find that she may be more comfortable and confident and aware of the form of my sexuality than I am sometimes!

If she is indeed that understanding and liberal, she may very well be willing to support your experimentation. You need to talk to her about it. A threesome might be the solution.

One big question always seems to be about how the other person views your same-sex excursion. Often, that view hinges on whether or not they see a threat to your emotional bond. If you can assure her that the experimentation is a physical and not an emotional need, she may be willing to participate.

If she is not willing or perceives your experimentation as cheating. You will have to decide at some point the extent of your commitment to her. Is marriage in your plans? If not, how long do you expect the relationship to last? At what point does the denial of your need to experiment turn to resentment and affect the relationship itself?

Start with explaining how your testing the waters will not diminish your commitment or love for her.

May 15, 2009, 5:23 PM
I've been married for over 20 years and i'm still questioning my sexuality after ending a affair with a woman. i have times when i feel more settled,other times where i feel so confused. i know i'm not straight. my husband tries hard to understand,it's been very difficult for him,a shock. he's very loving and kind.

I love my husband very much but i wasn't prepared for the strength of my feelings. i'm finding it harder to talk to him than i did as he get's so anxious and threatened. honesty is the only way,the earlier the better.

good luck