View Full Version : So Sad--Jon and Kate might split!!!

May 14, 2009, 7:29 AM
I don't know what has happened to the TLC Channel in the past year or so--they now have most of their programming focusing on these mega-families with one of the most high profile ones being "Jon and Kate Plus 8" about this young couple who at first had two kids, then Kate got mega-preggers and had six pups at one time.

I have only watched the show a few times for a few minutes at a time--just watching the show for those short moments, I found both Kate and Jon to be very unlikable people and the question running around in my head when watching the show--"why in the hell would you want so many damn kids?"

Now it seems to be the case that the supposedly happy, happy life of having 8 bundles of joy running around the house was not so good-----Jon has been found banging some 24 year old school teacher and apparently--Kate has been getting "friendly" with the bodyguard that was hired by someone (either them or the network) to protect the family.

I learned much of this when they had an extended segment all about this on one of the 24/7 cable news channels in recent days--not like I really care that much about this and with all the other things going on in the real world of substance--I think it is a waste of news resources to spend so much time on a non-topic like this---but such is the state of modern "news" coverage. Since the segments they have tend to run for only maybe five minutes or so--I did listen and not change the channel since I really don't watch the TV as much as listen to it--

They had a video segment of Kate being interviewed on some other show---she was bitching and whining that the problems in her marriage with Jon were being played out in the media.

As one member of the panel that had been assembled to discuss this momentous situation noted---Kate can hardly bitch about her marriage problems being dissected in public since she willingly consented to expose her family life on a "reality show."

That panel member also pointed out that there has to be something slightly askew that someone would open their life like that--especially in that it has to not be a good thing to expose your very young children to this sort of thing.

I do hope that with the apparent, pending break up of the marriage of Jon and Kate---that show is gone from the airwaves--at times it seems the TLC channel is 24/7 the "Jon and Kate Plus 8" channel-they tend to run those shows back to back nearly all day--it seems that anytime I happen to surf past that network--their damn show is on or one of the other similar shows they have on that network highlighting large families.

I have to say that just to see that if my negative reaction to the Jon and Kate show was because they had so many kids or it was something else---I did watch a bit of the one show about this one family that has a bunch of kids--and I found I actually liked them--the family was nice-the kids were interesting and I sorta liked the show-I would not take out time to make it a regular thing to watch it but, it does seem that my negative reaction about the Jon and Kate show was that I didn't care for them. I sensed some bad vibes from them.

Now, TLC has another such show going to debut soon about a big family---they are promoting it on the other channels of that company----at least from what I have seen on the commercials--the parents in that new one seem to be nice people. I just got a sense that with Jon and Kate----it was more about them--they were both self-centered, self-serving people.

From what the "panelists" on that news show talked about----it was very clear that my first impressions about Jon and Kate were on the mark-----I hope they do get divorced and that show goes away--but--as one of the panelists said----the real concern should be what happens to those children, who had no choice to be born to apparently crappy people and also had no choice in being part of some drama their spoiled parents had to play out.

I do hope that we don't wind up getting some damn reality show about "the Octomom"----someone didn't do their homework when they let her use fertility meds to have more babies--she is a total nut job----I am with Gloria Allred----the family courts in Octomom's town need to forthwith--appoint a Guardian Ad Litem/CASA sort of advocate to step in to consider and to work for what is best for those children-----I certainly don't trust that Octomom is capable of doing that.

The anti-same sex marriage people argue that if someone is "gay"--that inherently makes one unfit to be a parent--but what about the qualities of people like Jon and Kate and the Octomom to be parents????

I don't think they are very good role models and mentors for children.

So much for all heterosexuals automatically being such great parents!!!!

May 14, 2009, 9:46 AM
I watch this show all the time and I love it! It's one of my guilty pleasures.

Firstly, let me say that they didn't PLAN on having as many children as they do. The chances of fertility meds causing huge pregnancies like this are actually very slim. I'd assume they were thinking they'd end up with a grand total of four kids at the most. Obviously, they ended up with eight.

Secondly, I don't think it was self centered or "wrong" at all for them to willingly sign up for a reality show. If they didn't have that show would we know who they are? Nope. We wouldn't be posting about it right now. And those kids wouldn't have the majority of the things they have. Being on TV brings notoriety. That notoriety affords them many opportunities that most "normal" families don't get. Because they weren't planning on having 8 children....I'm sure they were no where near financially stable enough to have 8 children. The show has given those kids things they wouldn't have otherwise and they've had more opportunities and done more things in their short little lives than many people who live to be 80 do! I think it's probably a huge pain in the ass to have cameras in your home and following you around constantly. So I'd say, in all reality, it was actually a semi selfless thing to do. I think it was done more for the children...and not so much because Jon or Kate have some aspirations of fame.

Thirdly, I don't think that Jon or Kate are "crappy people." You have to remember that this is reality tv. It's edited by the network and the network edits it so that it gets ratings. If everything were perfect and there were never any conflicts....then nobody would watch the show. They can edit it to show both the children and Jon and Kate in any light they want. And beyond that...dealing with 8 children under the age of 10...6 of them being toddlers all of the same age...is enough to make anyone go crazy. There are parents out there that can't handle ONE toddler....much less do what Jon and Kate do every single day. I can't say that if I had to deal with 6 toddlers I'd be the nicest person in the world either.

As far as their relationship goes, from what the show portrays it doesn't surprise me. They seem to be in a loveless marriage that they continue to be in simply for the children. I don't know how much of all these cheating rumors are true and how much is media being media. I guess, in time, we'll see.

May 14, 2009, 1:22 PM
Shit, he cant leave her....could you imagine the child support? lol Good Lord.:rolleyes:

May 14, 2009, 1:24 PM
lol cat,I was thinking the same thing

May 14, 2009, 1:26 PM
In defense of Jon & Kate -- I've watched the show a bunch (my wife is into it). I don't think they're "crappy" people -- just real. OK, she's a bit of a control freak, and he can be cranky, but I remember how stressful things can get w/ 3 kids -- forgetabout 8! (My daughter said they reminded her of me and her mom!) Neither do I think it was particularly detrimental to the kids to have a camera crew around (there was one segment where the older twins were playing at being the interviewers/crew -- as a video guy I found it particularly funny). As the kids get older and approach adolescent issues, I could see it becoming a detriment.

It's true they can't complain about the print & video tabloids (and I wouldn't trust tabloids for anything like informed, objective analysis) -- they did put themselves out there -- but I hope they work things out.