May 14, 2009, 5:15 AM
When i came on here i wanted to help people.
but the hole time i was on here i was given crap from some, about being fake.yet
the ones that were saying it, never had anything done. so i trust they know all. they must do, they are on here all day.
anyway ..oh thats right... so then i thought how long would it take for them to stop feeding my threads, afta the moan about how many ive done. well im still waiting.
i guess in some way we need someone to crap on so we dont do it to our self.
afta all we are all human, and we need to put others down to make us feel better.
anyway good luck on here in finding friends and lovers our what ever the case may be.

p.s im not talking about all of you just some.

cheers the wraith

Long Duck Dong
May 14, 2009, 5:27 AM
maybe if you did what you said you could..... then you would not draw flak

you have side stepped a lot of things.....

so let me help you...... you referred to me as lonely....I have a partner...they are not listed on my profile as my profile has not been updated for a while...you told my partner about the 1 kid that you saw coming.... she can't have kids now...but she has 3....but she doesn't mention them on her profile....

my partner is travelling on a long journey soon and is straight 100% and not interested in F/F relations...nor interested in meeting a lady or embracing the lady that comes with love and healing....

again I am not calling you a fake.... but you are clearly not hitting the mark.....

so may i suggest that you try checking the dates on the profiles, you read.... and listen to spirit....not make quesses that are showing people that you can not share messages they need to hear... messages that can be very important

May 14, 2009, 5:38 AM
as far as i know i didnt say anyone was going to marry anyone. and all i said was for to imbrace the love for help and nothing else. well thats her loss not mine if she dont want to.
i think may be you should look at you self, and fuck read things right. and by the way i dont read the profiles ok
and i said i dont know why the child is there, or she was going to have any.yet again read what i type im sure you can do that.
if that was your partner all she said was "kids" what the fuck dose that mean.
like i told her when i emailed her. may be you should stop shitting on people and sort your profile out seens how you like to think i look at them all.
you are the biggest joke i have ever meet god knows how you got some one.
may be i might ask him lollolololololololol.
i had repect for you but afta the lies you have just sent me not anymore.
hey get this {im sure you dont care} man i must be psychic lololol}

stop feeding the hungry dog

Long Duck Dong
May 14, 2009, 5:46 AM
I never said you did say anybody was gonna marry anybody.....maybe I can not read my own posts.... but I clearly recall not mentioning marriage at all

back up a bit please.... can you recheck your readings.... and confirm what you said to the person,.... as you never gave me one... and my partners inaccurate reading never had mention of marriage... I will talk to her and ask for her permission to post it in here so that we can work out where the wires got crossed

May 14, 2009, 5:50 AM
Raises hand as the partner, gives LDD the permission.

Long Duck Dong
May 14, 2009, 5:51 AM
nope no mention of marriage and yes twylatwobits is my partner..... as you will see, she lives in the usa, i live in nz..... so.... the travel aspect would have covered a number of aspects.....in regards to the kids.....

as you can tell, the convo with me is over msn...as I could not get her to send me the info over the phone....so we have to do it via msn

Originally Posted by TwylaTwobits
Originally Posted by THEWRAITH
im sorry did you just ask me about kids or did you ask me about kids and a man

ROFLMAO I simple asked you *kids* period.

ok im sure i answered you {if i didnt im sorry for leaving you out}

allso id just like to say what you have sent me is {kids}
which could mean {am i having any, or have i got some, or when are
###### says:
or when are they coming, or whats wrong with them and so on.}
but i shall take it as i see it and heres the answer i have for you.

##### says:
by saying that i dont see some coming at this stage, bar one and thats causing me to realy think about what i have to say, cause its not making sence to me.
i see it there, but its not there for you to hold and pick up like you would do as a mother or father.
i feel that may be you might have plan to have kids and it fell thoru, or its on its way, or it was a child of your past life and its come t
###### says:
to you now may be its lost. it could mean many different things thats up to you not me, im only saying what i see.
####### says:
im being told for you to imbrace a lady that comes with love and caring {maybe that happens all the time to you but this is different feeling which you will know}
when she comes sux in what you can from her heal your self and feel the love and the warmth that they have to offer you.

#### says:
thats it for now you need to comfront somthing coming soon for you to move on.
good luck with it all

cheers the wraith

May 14, 2009, 5:59 AM
ok show were it says she going to marry or have anything to do with her in anyway apart from im bracing her and what she has to offer.
allso show me where i say she is going to have kids,i said it could be.
anyway im not that dumb to be taken in by a self called fairydrag queen.
good luck on shitting on me but get your facts right before you do eh.

Long Duck Dong
May 14, 2009, 6:09 AM
ok show were it says she going to marry or have anything to do with her in anyway apart from im bracing her and what she has to offer.
allso show wher i say she is going to have kids i said it could be.
anyway im not that dumb to be taken in by a self called fairy queen.
good luck on shitting on me but get your facts right before you do eh

thats the issue I have.... you mentioned the marriage in your other post....I never mentioned it, as my partner will tell you and as I have posted in this stie, I struggle with the idea of marriage...I always have

the part about the kids is what is confusing us both as you gave 5-6 different answers....none of them even close to what is actually happening.....and more vague than a politician at election time.....

I was questioning your answers as they were far too vague to make sense of and as you said yourself in pms
allso id just like to say what you have sent me is {kids}
which could mean {am i having any, or have i got some, or when are
or when are they coming, or whats wrong with them and so on.}
but i shall take it as i see it and heres the answer i have for you. "

why did you need defining info about kids..... my partner was asking for a message, not a reading..... and didn't see the need to provide you with info about her life....when you were offering to provide help / messages with hers.... according to your psychic / medium abilities...

that is why I quessed your way of doing readings.... you are seeking info before you provide answers..... info that can define the answer you give.....its a form of cold reading.....and that is part of why I am so interested in the way you do readings

May 14, 2009, 6:23 AM
christ mate you are so full of shit and i dont look for any info anywhere at any time like ive said many a time but yet agin you cant read that part. you are driving me nuts thats mabe why your so called partner is in the states or where ever she is.
good luck im going for good, learn to read and if you are so good at slapping me down may be you should work were its needed in stead of craping on people that are trying to help even if you think they are not, or cold reading...fuck i cant be bothered with you any more, like many others on here. funny i wonder why that is...lolol

and get a life like you should
have a look you have had the last say on 5 of my threads. no one else dear say anything in case you send your wrath down on them.

stop feeding the hungry dog and she will go away

Long Duck Dong
May 14, 2009, 6:49 AM
I am full of shit ??? ok... cool.... I am full of shit..... but you still have not helped us work out your reading..... and thats why I am on your case cos we were interested in a genuine response....

I am not accusing you of reading profiles, I am saying it can be done...and I proved that, by tracing your email

I never accused you of tracing my email...as I never emailed you......

now I agree.... this is going no where.... you have not been able to deliever in the standard that I would expect of a psychic / medium....my partner ( whom have referred to me a number of times in posts and threads and doesn't mention me by name in her profile ) is in the usa, in kentucky as anybody could glance and see...( thats for confirmation that this is not created in 5 minutes, we have been together for a few good months ).....

now lets break this down....
you never replied to my request for a single message...but pmed me requesting that I send you a list of questions by email.... something I indicated was not something I would do as I knew the ways that cold reading / profile searching can be done to create readings....

you pmed my partner with vague answers cos my partner never defined her question with info, that could lead to cold reading....

you stated you never mentioned marriage in the reading..... I never said you do..... but my partner does... on her profile ( it says asked her to marry me....it never mentions that I hate conventional marriage, so offered a wiccan hand binding.... some thing that would stand out in a reading....)

you say I am crapping on you.... I am not, I am asking you for help with your vague reading.....

I never said you were cold reading.... i showed you why I would not send a email with questions as it defines info that can be used in readings..... including the fact that you did state that you had done this on 3 other nz dating sites.... and dating sites have ......profiles......

I have not accused you of profile reading, email googling, cold reading, defining info seeking etc......

but you have covered that by your actions.... you use a site with profiles, ask for emails to be sent to you, mentioned how people are not defining their questions to help you give better answers......and why I ask you to help my partner and me understand what you are saying.... you attack me and abuse me........

now yes, again... conversing with you is a waste of time.... you just can not deliver the goods nor help a person seeking to understand your reading.... so i thank you for your time and effort and wish you luck in your readings for others on the site..... have a good day

May 14, 2009, 6:59 AM
as far as i know i didnt say anyone was going to marry anyone. and all i said was for to imbrace the love for help and nothing else. well thats her loss not mine if she dont want to.
i think may be you should look at you self, and fuck read things right. and by the way i dont read the profiles ok
and i said i dont know why the child is there, or she was going to have any.yet again read what i type im sure you can do that.
if that was your partner all she said was "kids" what the fuck dose that mean.
like i told her when i emailed her. may be you should stop shitting on people and sort your profile out seens how you like to think i look at them all.
you are the biggest joke i have ever meet god knows how you got some one.
may be i might ask him lollolololololololol.
i had repect for you but afta the lies you have just sent me not anymore.
hey get this {im sure you dont care} man i must be psychic lololol}

stop feeding the hungry dog

That did not seem like the attitude of an enlightened being...

May 14, 2009, 7:04 AM
Also, why are you getting so offended?? If this is really for real and what you do...why get so defensive? Anyone else would say "Oh well, it's their loss if they don't want to believe me" and move on...not say "Oh well, it's not their loss, but I'm going to go curse at them and insult them because now I'm on the defensive."

Annika L
May 14, 2009, 12:08 PM
Kali manifests in so many fascinating guises!

Always interesting when a hungry dog *asks* not to be fed...are we dealing with some kind of addiction here?

May 14, 2009, 1:17 PM
I'd like to second the comments from Rissa - why so defensive?? As for Long Duck Dong. I totally disagree with you Wraith. Ducky's been on here a long time and - just like everyone else....he doesn't always agree with every post and not everyone always agrees with him, but none of us "dare not say anything less his wrath come done on us" - simply not true. Unlike you - Ducky disagrees in a mature, respectable manner and doesn't resort to curses and condemenation. I think if ANYONE here needs to step back and reevaluate themselves - it would be you Wraith. Ducky doesn't typically go on the defensive unless he smells Bullshit.. Better check the bottom of your shoes! And one more thing by the way... I am a pagan who is very much into spiritualism and psychics, while I personally have not developed my own psychic abilities, I have several close friends who are extremely gifted, and NONE of them would thik of responding the way you did. They receive a message, pass it on and leave it with the person. If it doesn't ring true - it may later or it may be a miss (misses happen) - but they NEVER attack a person for disagreeing/disbelieving etc. You really need to take a deep look within yourself, and leave the negativity in your past. Blessings to you. Wolfie

May 14, 2009, 1:20 PM
Cussing at people is surely Not a great way of working well with others. And its not too god on your resume' for prospective clients either. Also keeping an argument and tirade going is not solving anything.
Why not cut your losses and go on to something else? Just my humble:2cents:

May 14, 2009, 3:43 PM
i am dont worry, and the reason why i got shitty was cause i as tired and draind from doing readings. thats no right to do it ,i know and im sorry, l.d.d
im going off today because i have others places that dont mind how i do my readings, and dont mind sending questions and that dont worry about me but them self.

thanks again guys and
p.s ive had more emails from here in the last 2days than anywhere cause of all the time you have put in on my threads, so may be it was the right thing to do afta all.

i dont know
cheers the wraith
remember stop feeding the hungry dog and it should go away

May 14, 2009, 7:24 PM
i am dont worry, and the reason why i got shitty was cause i as tired and draind from doing readings. thats no right to do it ,i know and im sorry, l.d.d
im going off today because i have others places that dont mind how i do my readings, and dont mind sending questions and that dont worry about me but them self.

thanks again guys and
p.s ive had more emails from here in the last 2days than anywhere cause of all the time you have put in on my threads, so may be it was the right thing to do afta all.

i dont know
cheers the wraith
remember stop feeding the hungry dog and it should go away

Well, gee......you didn't get an email from me....though I have received plenty of private messages from you! If the hungry dog..meaning you, has to move on,,,so be it!! If you want to know why I won't talk to tou...I'll tell you!! All the clair ''wotsits'' I have, tell me not to!! They tell me that he who is so desperate.....is not so genuine!!! I won't go so far as to call you a fake....but ! know Mediums, as friends and as visiting speakers to my church and they would never behave as you have been doing. If they did, they would not be invited back!!! AND, if you haven't heard of Christian Spiritualism.....then you don't know a lot!!!

Long Duck Dong
May 15, 2009, 12:19 AM
i am dont worry, and the reason why i got shitty was cause i as tired and draind from doing readings. thats no right to do it ,i know and im sorry, l.d.d
im going off today because i have others places that dont mind how i do my readings, and dont mind sending questions and that dont worry about me but them self.

thanks again guys and
p.s ive had more emails from here in the last 2days than anywhere cause of all the time you have put in on my threads, so may be it was the right thing to do afta all.

i dont know
cheers the wraith
remember stop feeding the hungry dog and it should go away

wraith, apology accepted.......but I will say, a apology is not what you should give me...as I do not require one.....

I will apology to you... for my actions in setting you up.... but wraith.... its not the first time is it..... that somebody has torn the guts of your *readings*.... and if you think about it.... a reading you once did.... to a pregnant female, with BF troubles, and about to lose their job.....
the person was a 26 year old male, the neutral questions they asked, I wrote for them as I know about psychics and mediums.... and the info you gave to them.... matched the info on the fake profile that was connected to the throw away email... on the site that sent a email to my friend, telling them who had viewed their profile

I did make it clear.... what would happen in the future......what was it I said that time ??? the single one sentence message

* wisdom shall you speak of, but tis wisdom that will rob you of words *

and my question to you in bisexual.com in your first thread ....was *wisdom *