May 13, 2009, 9:19 PM
AS you might know, i said i was a psychic/medium.
well i have had lots of hits and some are funny and some are so dumd that i didnt bother answering.
but for all you non believers out there or just not sure, i have a great site for you if you havent been ther yet


check it out it.it has just about all the psychics and mediums that were on tv and tried to de bunk them but as you will see they just cant do it.
well aprt from james van prage and the spoon bending guy uri someone

have a look
and enjoy it
the wraith

May 13, 2009, 10:47 PM
LOL I'm not a non believer, told you straight up I'm psychic myself. And I only asked "Kids" you gave me a bs answer because you couldn't get any info from my profile.

Now really.....is it necessary to keep spamming threads in an effort to divert attention from the fact you got called out and failed to answer the call?

Just my :2cents:

May 13, 2009, 10:50 PM
Uri Geller, and hit spell check once in a while, yes?

May 13, 2009, 10:56 PM
thanks ill do that

May 14, 2009, 12:00 AM
my question is why did you create 6 new threads basically saying the same thing?

its just wasting time & space...

as far as my belief goes, I do & do not believe in mediums (one of my fav shows). Why do I flip / flop? Simple. Its because there are so many fakes out there that everytime I start to believe someone puts a damper on everything.

1) I go back to Houdini and his wife who paid thousands of dollars on psychics & mediums. As the story goes he took a word to his grave and through mediums they were supposed to figure out what that word was and nobody did. Even nowadays every Halloween someone still performs a seance trying to speak to him but nobody can. Now, why is that? 2 people who very much believed in the spiritual world cannot communicate with him.

2) Years ago on the Howard Stern show he also called it a bogus / money making scheme and he proved it. He was able to find out personal information about a guest by asking certain questions & their facial expressions.

so is it possible to speak to the dead? I do not know. When I was a kid I had a friend that spoke to a close friend of hers who recently passed away. This went on for a few weeks then it just ended. Do I believe her - Yes I do. I hear that children have open channels because they haven't been taught right from wrong or believe vs not to believe.

Lets just say I want to believe it but there are so many fakes out there that make it hard. However, I still love the tv shows Ghost Whisperer & Medium... lol

May 14, 2009, 12:26 AM
1) I go back to Houdini and his wife who paid thousands of dollars on psychics & mediums. As the story goes he took a word to his grave and through mediums they were supposed to figure out what that word was and nobody did. Even nowadays every Halloween someone still performs a seance trying to speak to him but nobody can. Now, why is that? 2 people who very much believed in the spiritual world cannot communicate with him.

a: well it realy depends on how you look at the afta life, in this case he may be reborn again and not there to talk to.
or at the stage he would be at now things like that spirit dont care about its to small of a thing to worry about. they dont mind if you dont believe in them.
allso it may be a made up story

2) Years ago on the Howard Stern show he also called it a bogus / money making scheme and he proved it. He was able to find out personal information about a guest by asking certain questions & their facial expressions.

a: yes thats true you can do that, but that proves nothing just that it can be done. and he can do it l.d.d can do it as well hes found stuff about me in just the two or 3days ive been on here but it means nothing. how do you explan the fact i can get stuff about people for a reading not knowing who they are and be right.{now i mean when i do the fairs we have in which i have no idea whos coming next and i get stuff right like babys that died when they were just born or still born ones and so on. yes i know you have to take my word for that.}

Lets just say I want to believe it but there are so many fakes out there that make it hard. However, I still love the tv shows Ghost Whisperer & Medium... lol

a: thats great i feel you need to go and see amedium and feel what can be done and said, and i offer this to you never shake your head or say yes or no when they are telling you somthing and see how it goes. allso remember your reading will never be as good as the next person or even you sister or brother.

i hope i havnt step over my mark by answeing all this for you

cheers the wraith

May 14, 2009, 12:30 AM
my question is why did you create 6 new threads basically saying the same thing?

its just wasting time & space...

as far as my belief goes, I do & do not believe in mediums (one of my fav shows). Why do I flip / flop? Simple. Its because there are so many fakes out there that everytime I start to believe someone puts a damper on everything.

1) I go back to Houdini and his wife who paid thousands of dollars on psychics & mediums. As the story goes he took a word to his grave and through mediums they were supposed to figure out what that word was and nobody did. Even nowadays every Halloween someone still performs a seance trying to speak to him but nobody can. Now, why is that? 2 people who very much believed in the spiritual world cannot communicate with him.

2) Years ago on the Howard Stern show he also called it a bogus / money making scheme and he proved it. He was able to find out personal information about a guest by asking certain questions & their facial expressions.

so is it possible to speak to the dead? I do not know. When I was a kid I had a friend that spoke to a close friend of hers who recently passed away. This went on for a few weeks then it just ended. Do I believe her - Yes I do. I hear that children have open channels because they haven't been taught right from wrong or believe vs not to believe.

Lets just say I want to believe it but there are so many fakes out there that make it hard. However, I still love the tv shows Ghost Whisperer & Medium... lol

Boca, I can assure you that mediumship is not at all like it is portrayed in programmes like Ghost Whisperer or Medium. It is not at all dramatic. It can be very matter of fact and mundane at times.

Houdini wamted to contact his mother and Yes, he was a great debaunker of the ''physical Mediums'' and the producing of ectoplasm and people going into cabinets and coming out with their clothes on inside out. Spiritualism today, is not like that, although there are a few people who would like to resurrect physical Mediumship.

There are no such things as seances held and there are no odd goings on in the churches. Mine is a Christian Spiritualist church and we have very ordinary Sunday serices......too many hymns...which id chosen by the Minister's wife....no one knows..except her! We have an opening prayer, the Lord's prayer and a closing prayer. Just ordinary things.

It is impossible...at this present time...to disprove that mediums are linking with the Spirit world....but it is possible to prove that someone is faking or cold reading.

I am a very basic Spiritualist and think that the physical Mediumship was a load of rubbish. Unfortunately, it was not really worth him taking a special word with him, to his grave, because if no one ever linked with him, the word would never be known and contact with the ''other side'' does not always bring names, words etc.

I get a lot of symbolic stuff, for me and to give.....and also songs. I have never had a song that did not mean something special to someone and only they would know about it.

It is impossible, in writing, here...to describe what it is like to give a reading. One needs to explain it with the spoken word.

I hasten to add that I am not a developed medium who has sat in an awareness circle, so I would never dream of giving a reading to someone who was bereaved....or distressed and this should not be done immediately after a death, anyway.

At my church....if someone takes their transition, we are not sad, for we know that although we will miss them on this side, there will be great joy on the other.

You are correct about children being more open spiritually. Most of us, as we get older, forget these things, but not all of us.

We should not dwell on what is to come, but what is now, for that is why we are here, to experience life and live it to the full, if we can. Too many people dwell on what is to come.

I hopw I make sense!

Long Duck Dong
May 14, 2009, 5:37 AM

a: yes thats true you can do that, but that proves nothing just that it can be done. and he can do it l.d.d can do it as well hes found stuff about me in just the two or 3days ive been on here but it means nothing. how do you explan the fact i can get stuff about people for a reading not knowing who they are and be right.{now i mean when i do the fairs we have in which i have no idea whos coming next and i get stuff right like babys that died when they were just born or still born ones and so on. yes i know you have to take my word for that.}

cheers the wraith

do me a favour and read what I wrote about how I did readings..... closed chat, absolutely no info from the person.... throw away emails that leave no tracks or trail ( create one just before the reading ) do not give me feedback at all until after the reading...never during it..... give me simple and plain perferably a one word question, nothing more......please do not say anything to me during the reading, even a yes or no, is one word too much....use a neutral name, even a name like * no name * is fine...... that way the person can be 99% sure....that the reading is either genuine, one hell of a lot of educated quesses.... or wildly inaccurate....

I showed you how being in a site and using emails can be used to find info on people......and to show others how it can be done, including lists of questions..... something you requested of me.....