May 13, 2009, 8:58 PM
last year i was taklking to some one at the gym from overseas and he had great english, but when i said "bro" as some say in n.z he look at me funny , and i thought what have i said thats made if mad, it turn out to be nothing he just didnt understand that word or frase.
I told him it was slang for brother ,or it was used by certian groups and cultures in N.Z.

i was wondering what terms and sayings are out there and what they mean.
pls can i have some feed back.

cheers the wraith

May 13, 2009, 9:34 PM
I agree with THEWRAITH

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May 13, 2009, 10:04 PM
GO AWAY *sigh* Omg I swear this has to be some type of joke or punishment.

May 13, 2009, 10:40 PM
GO AWAY *sigh* Omg I swear this has to be some type of joke or punishment.

It's overkill!!!!

May 13, 2009, 10:42 PM
It's overkill!!!!

Ya got that right!

M. Wolfe
May 13, 2009, 10:55 PM
Ya got that right!

Was I such a headache, comparatively? I hope no one's gotten the wrong impression about us kiwis, we aren't all spammers.

May 14, 2009, 12:33 AM
Was I such a headache, comparatively? I hope no one's gotten the wrong impression about us kiwis, we aren't all spammers.

I was up to speed with things until this post Wolfe...maybe it's just late haha.:bigrin:

May 14, 2009, 12:45 AM
even in the third world countries, we know what "bro" means...

also,is it how you spell "frases" n NZ? or did you just spell it like that for fun?
just curious

May 14, 2009, 6:33 AM
There is sure something funky about the posts put up by The Wraith--this person certainly has no concern for using proper English in writing---no proper punctuation, spelling, capitalization and other such things--let alone----some of the topics I have to ask--WTF is this person talking about?????---the original post above--I have no idea what this person is talking about.

Man--we have some great people here--but we sure do seem to attract our share of looney birds!!

I can tell ya----I don't think I would accept a reading by a "psychic" who doesn't know or care about trying to communicate well and properly in the written form!

Long Duck Dong
May 14, 2009, 6:54 AM
dammit, volty.... I just choked on my coffee cos I read ya post as I was drinking and laughed..... you owe me a coffee now....lol

May 14, 2009, 8:57 AM
dammit, volty.... I just choked on my coffee cos I read ya post as I was drinking and laughed..... you owe me a coffee now....lol

Well--it would be a bit hard to actually get you a new cup of coffee considering we are pretty far distant from each other----but at least from a virtual point of view---I send you a new cup of coffee--I hope ya didn't burn yourself with it!

I am thinking---these postings seem to have a familiar feeling about them---even if this is a new tactic----I do think this person may be BBBBBBOOOGGGGUUUSSSSSS!!!

Our old troll might be back again----working a new angle to try to get information about people on here by the troll----I hope that no one falls for it---

There is certainly something about The Wraith that sets off my radar about this is some sorta scam or is not otherwise legit--it might not be psychic in nature----but this whole thing sure has my warning bells going off---with this I am like the old robot from "Lost In Space"---"Warning!!!! Warning!!!! Warning--Danger Will Robinson---DANGER!!"