View Full Version : What makes your relationship so good

Feb 4, 2006, 10:07 PM
The thread about "thoughts while having sex" started me wondering. GF and I have amazing relationship and amazing sex. We've been together 3 years and everything just keeps getting better and better, if thats possible. And it's like fireworks every time we have sex. So I have to wonder what makes it so great - not that I'm complaining. We are so much in love and so into each other, no doubt that helps, and we are totally open with each other about everything. So I have to ask everyone else, are we the exception? and what makes your relationship with your partner so special?

Feb 4, 2006, 10:27 PM
I meant to add to this that our relationship is enhanced by sharing ourselves with other couples and singles. We both agree that watching each other with someone else, especially someone of the same sex, is very hot. Neither of us feels any jealousy and theres no reason to as we're both so into each other.

Feb 4, 2006, 10:52 PM
just be real and honest works for us..

Feb 5, 2006, 5:42 AM
Not to sound too cheezy, but the fact that I love my gf and I know she loves me back is what makes me so happy. Also knowing that she accepts me as I am (as difficult as it is sometimes) I know she does. And that lets me be more honest than I can or have been with anyone ever. She knows that she can tell me anything as well, point being communication, I never understood it as I do now.

Feb 5, 2006, 8:46 AM
Not to sound too cheezy, but the fact that I love my gf and I know she loves me back is what makes me so happy. Also knowing that she accepts me as I am (as difficult as it is sometimes) I know she does. And that lets me be more honest than I can or have been with anyone ever. She knows that she can tell me anything as well, point being communication, I never understood it as I do now.

Nothing cheezy about what you said....love is a very big factor. I have always felt that there are two levels to sex...the physical and the mental. When you are mentally making love it increases the physical. Communication is also very important. Not just verbal either. That is the main reason that I have never been a big fan of the "one-night stand". It takes time to learn your lover...learn what she responds to....learn what sets her off. With CL and I the sex just keeps getting better and better because over time our feelings have just kept growing and the sex keeps getting better and better.

When you combine the physical desire with the passion in your mind......it can't be beat!!!!!

Feb 5, 2006, 1:33 PM
We've been together for 23 years. That's a long time. Usually when people ask, I tell them we've been together for 'a century and a half'. For us it's all about being open and honest, loving and respecting one another, and having a healthy sense of humor.
We are both bi and both very new to exploring that side of ourselves (about 2 1/2 years actually). It's not always been an easy path, but we have learned some valuable lessons and our love has grown deeper and more understanding. We have fantastic sex, though not as frequently or as wildly open as we once did since we have small children now.
Communication, love, understanding, and pure damned stubbornness has kept us going all these years. Oh, and really good sex.

Nikki Vandom
Feb 5, 2006, 6:50 PM
My wife is my very best friend I have ever had.We have been married for 8 years.She really,really loves me and makes sure I know it all the time.It's not just words, she demonstrates it all the time, I'm not talking sex here.She actually treasures me.I feel so honoured/ humbled that a woman holds me in such high regard.I only recently confessed to her my bisexuality.I was unsure(and frightened) how she would take it having heard horror stories from others.She was excited for me!She not only accepted it but encouraged me to embrace it fully!Have I got the perfect woman or what?I think the best way to show someone you love them is to serve them.I know that is unpopular in our "ME" centered society.I love and treasure my wife and show it all the time.Little things count.I wake up a tad earlier than she(when I'm home)and have a warm breakfast waiting for her everday,things like that.Not out of duty, but out of love.Folding the clothes suddenly becomes an act of love rather than a chore,same w/ the dishes...the list could go on.The sex is great!I think she has a stronger sex drive than I do.Good sex is important for a healthy relationship.For us, foreplay is the main course and intercourse the dessert.I pleasure her first for as long as she wants me to.I tell you the truth,when you have pleasured your woman and really taken her to paradise,the warm sense of fulfillment I get from that redefines the meaning of masculinity.She lets me have my bf.She enjoys watching us and she really enjoys joining us!She is definately the brains of the outfit and that is cool w/ me.Frankly,I have never had the desire to dominate/ subjugate anyone.We stand toe to toe, nose to nose and look eachother in the eyes.We talk alot.She says I'm like a gf to her and my being Bi allows me to be more sensitive than st8 guys,maybe so.We do fun things together.I went to cosmetology school so I like to give her manicures and pedicures from time to time.I have done her hair and makeup on occassions when we would go out somewhere fancy and all the women would comment on how good she looked and we would just smile at eachother.Oh well ,I'll stop here.I hear of all the pain people are experiencing in their relationships and my heart goes out to them.I am so fortunate and blessed to belong to Lori.Peace & Love,N.V.

Feb 5, 2006, 10:31 PM
Bill and I have been married for twenty years. Best friends, soul mates and lovers all rolled in one. We are fortunate to have an open loving realtionship where the true happiness of the other is our goal. Being able to share our thoughts and feelings with each other in meaningful communication helps us achieve a greater level of love. Just when I do no think that I have a bit of room left in my heart, I turn around and find that I love him even more than before. Our lives, like all of yours has been filled with challenges and obstacles along the way. But knowing that he is there to share my thoughts, concerns and to listen and to love unconditionally, is a great feeling. Add that to a spendid sex life and what more could one ask for.


Feb 7, 2006, 6:58 PM
What makes our relationship so good??
Coming up 16 years - 2 great kids. My 2nd time around.

Honesty, respect for the other as a person and for his/my opinions, humour, support, tolerance.

It hasn't been a perfect marriage, but we're probably more settled and in love than ever.
Yes, there has been "affairs" on both sides - long ago. Settled through communication and trust.
My bi activities (more encounters than relationships) are non-obtrusive into our family life: he's aware but wants to remain ignorant.

One aspect that does keep freshness, is the fact that he is away for up to 5 months a year in largish chunks of time. And I am often away on shorter trips when he's home. Oh, boy, does that keep our relationship sizzling when we're together.

meteast chick
Feb 7, 2006, 7:34 PM
My husband and I have a very honest and open relationship. While I do think about how he may feel before I say something, and I would like him to do the same, I never hold back if I feel it must be said. We have been married for 6 years and have a 5 year old son and a 4 year old son, so if you do the math, you could see that we had a rocky start to our marriage. I am still as much in love with him as ever, and some of those fireworks may have diminished, but that's only because we have settled into our lives more and matured as individuals and as a couple. Allthough at times I still pine for those fireworks to return, I know that if he was gone from my life, what I have right now would mean more than anything else in this world.

Feb 7, 2006, 10:00 PM
Flounder and I have been together for 15 yrs. (married 10 of those yrs.) When I met him, I knew instantly he was the right guy. He was so easy going, down to earth and the most caring guy I had ever run across. As the yrs. have passed the bumps in the road have gotten bigger, we have stuck together and crossed the bumps. There will always be bumps in the road, that is just a part of life. It's what you learn from those bumps that makes you the person/people we are today.
Then I learned a few months ago something about him that I never knew. He's bisexual! I thought long and hard and came to the conclusion that it didn't matter. Infact now I know why he's as passionate and caring as he is. I think it makes him even more special.
What makes our relationship good? I know it's good because I respect him, I respect and accept his feelings and I will ALWAYS stand behind him and back him up no matter what. If he's wrong, I will tell him, but I support him and he know's that. And I know he would do the same for me. He is my best friend and I don't know what my life would be without him. And without him I would not have my son who we both adore.

Flounder..I love you...your wife Mrs.F

Feb 8, 2006, 1:01 PM
That was really sweet and supportive Mrs. F. You are one truly special lady! I just wish my ex would have continued to be as supportive. She was at first, but when I found a steady, male partner, she freaked out. Couldn't take it, and ultimately, sabotaged the marriage. As most people on here know, I outted myself to her prior to our marriage, so it was no secret to her. Things just didn't work out between us for that and many other reasons.

:2cents: :bipride:

Feb 8, 2006, 6:00 PM
Thank you jo69guy. Although I accept him and support him, I have not yet reached the stage where he can have a male partner. So, really...I may freak out just like your ex did. Although I hope not! Things will happen when the time is right. No one needs to feel pushed or uncomforatable. As long as we communicate to each other how we feel, things will be just fine. ;)