View Full Version : Another one bites the dust: Maine legislature approves "gay marriage" bill

May 10, 2009, 1:06 PM
I am surprised that no one noted that this took place--I had been busy and had not heard that this had happened until this morning---hopefully the governor of the state signs the bill so it becomes law----with this being a legislative act---it makes it that much harder for the anti "gay marriage" crowd to bitch about the passing of this bill---it was passed by a legislative body of a STATE and not a ruling by a "judge legislating from the bench!" and all that crap.


May 10, 2009, 10:10 PM
It is like a ray of sunshine to me, even though I am from a state that will likely be one of the last (or never) to give same sex couples the same legal rights as heterosexual couples. I do not care if they call it marriage, just give us a contract between partners with the legal rights and obligations that heterosexuals get. They can crap on us all they want in their churchs and it will not bother me, provided we have real legal rights and protections from harm.

Long Duck Dong
May 11, 2009, 3:19 AM
yeah jem and volty..... as long as its the right to have a recognised union....

its simply a case of opposition to the rights to have a union recognized, is plain and simple discrimination.....and any ruling body that ruled against a union is actively practising discrimination..... in a county that is supposed to not discriminate

I feel that any anti lgbt politician should be honest.... no BS, twisting words.... and if they are trying to get elected.... say Yes I can biased against lgbt and that I intend to discriminate against them as citizens of the usa, as I beleive they should have no rights

but I am the same on any issue where basic human rights are denied.... and I see basic human rights as the right to marriage, employment, compensation and justice......regardless of gender, culture, creed, sexuality etc

go on the ruling board in maine... I hope that it gets thru and it sends a message to other states...... and that message is * regardless of personal views, the people in our state are entitled to the same rights .....*

May 11, 2009, 4:18 AM
Apparently---New Hampshire is also ready to pass such a measure as well----now--we need to get the Federal government to follow a law already on their books--the ones regarding other states recognizing the "marriages" of those who got "married" in states that allow it by those who don't---the so called "full faith and credit" laws that each state is supposed to recognize contracts entered into by those from other states----if that happens----there is no reason for any one state to legally ban same gender marriage and it effectively means that, de facto, same gender marriage is the law of the land----so far--the prohibitions that states like Ohio that had voter initiatives to prohibit "gay marriage"--put into those laws specific language to not recognize the same gender marriages of those states that allow them have not been challenged---but with the number of states that are now allowing same gender marriage growing nearly by the day---it is time for a challenge to that aspect of those laws.

I think it really is only a matter of time now----I would say--that within a decade---
"gay marriage" will be the law of the land in all 50 US states.

Long Duck Dong
May 11, 2009, 4:27 AM
thats good to hear..... i know that it will not stop discrimination..... but its good to know that the path is opening to allow people to have the right to be in love and have it acknowledged.....

I have never marry myself... its hard to say.... but I will continue to show support for those that do seek the chance to have a legally recognized union....

but there are times when i look at things like the guy in japan that wanted to marry a barbie doll cos he felt that he was just so fantastic... no other person could share his life.... or the male in some country..( not sure of the exact country ).... caught giving a goat a good one... so they made him marry it.....lol......

there are times when i do look at the anti lgbt marriage activists when they talk about other forms of marriage being made legal if gay marriage is approved, and think in some cases... yeah... they could be right lol

May 11, 2009, 4:46 AM
thats good to hear..... i know that it will not stop discrimination..... but its good to know that the path is opening to allow people to have the right to be in love and have it acknowledged.....

I have never marry myself... its hard to say.... but I will continue to show support for those that do seek the chance to have a legally recognized union....

but there are times when i look at things like the guy in japan that wanted to marry a barbie doll cos he felt that he was just so fantastic... no other person could share his life.... or the male in some country..( not sure of the exact country ).... caught giving a goat a good one... so they made him marry it.....lol......

there are times when i do look at the anti lgbt marriage activists when they talk about other forms of marriage being made legal if gay marriage is approved, and think in some cases... yeah... they could be right lol

Back when the laws preventing blacks and whites from marrying were being challenged---those fighting to save the status quo of the day made the same sorts of arguments that are being made in the attempts to make "gay marriage" allowed everywhere in the states---

The foes of black/white marriage argued that if this was allowed----all kinds of crazy sorts of marriages would take place and it would be the end of the world---that God would send all sorts of plagues and the sort upon the land--but none of their crazy notions took place.

Now that we do have "gay marriage" in a growing number of places----God has yet to smote those places down-----like I have said about other things----since God is smoting or is it smiting? down places like the Sudan, Burma and others where tremendous REAL human right violations are taking place as we speak---I don't think that God is "a gunna smite down" those places that allow "faggots to get hitched"

I don't see any fireballs from heaven falling upon places like Iowa or Maine as yet!!!!:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

If "gay marriage" does become the law of the land----it doesn't mean we are going to allow a man to marry his dog or something equally whacked in the head.

Those arguing for the current status quo and seeking to prohibit "gay marriage" are only relying upon fear as the foundation of their argument---but those appeals are going to soon fall upon deaf ears---the fact that many places are now allowing "gay marriage" and the sky hasn't fallen undercuts any of their nonsensical, fear based arguments to the contrary----I would say--they might be going to try to fight it--but they have to know---the jig is up and the fat lady is getting ready to sing the death knell of same sex marriage prohibitions.

Long Duck Dong
May 11, 2009, 7:14 AM
lol yeah......I kinda laugh at the idea that if gay marriage was legalised, that god would smite his people for treating each other as equals.....

sounds a lil odd I know but I have trouble finding the part of the bible where god says, you are all my children and equal in my eyes...now go populate the earth and discriminate against each other or I will * nuke * you for daring *love thy neighbour *

I gotta stop writing this cos I am gonna piss myself laughing in a minute