View Full Version : Happy Mother'd Day!!!!

May 9, 2009, 2:35 PM
May a happy, and joyful day go out to all of you Mothers, and those of you men who are raising your kids solo, as well. You all do one hell of a great job, and you All have my affections. :}
Big Hugs to all of you for your love, dedication, and patiance..lol:bigrin:

May 9, 2009, 3:13 PM
Its good to have the male mothers mentioned cuz some folks (men and women) do both jobs as best they can... :paw::paw:

Long Duck Dong
May 9, 2009, 11:15 PM
a special thanks to all the mothers and the male mothers in the world, you do a fantastic job......there is not perfect parents.... but like me, many kids do our best to be perfect lil assholes.... and ya love us anyway....

thank you for allowing the 2 minute sex and the snoring hubby, that led to you squeezing a watermelon thru the eye on a needle... that dear lil bundle of joy that was us......

thank you for putting up with a 6 pound baby that filled nappies with 20 pounds of shit... every 2 hours, demanded milk by the gallon... and screaming loudest for attention just before you got close to cumming....

thank you for hugging us when we got bit by the family dog.... then bit again as we went straight back and pulled its ears for the 14th time in the last hour....

thank you for walking with us to our first day at school and home again, two hours later as we got sent home for holding a kid down and shoving chalk up his nose......

thank you for our first bike.... and returning the other 6 that belonged to other kids, that we *borrowed*.....

thank you for putting up with us as teenagers that always wanted to borrow the family car.... and then the family bus pass after we crashed the family car...played loud music that they danced to on the other side of the continent at 3 am.... helping us get our first job.. and listened to us complain how we were broke and $14 dollars a hour was not enuf to live on, as the rest of the family lived on the $10 a hour that you brought in.....

thank you for accepting my new partner, and welcoming her into the house and letting the police park outside so they could keep her under watch, til her next court appearance for armed robbery, grand theft auto, major fraud and identity theft, hacking and evading capture.... btw, she is just popping out in the new family car to go to the bank to pick up some money, I gave her ya credit card and she is borrowing the laptop for a hour or two.... we could not find the car keys but she said she didn't need them.......

thank you for understanding that I am gay... and that my gf is a guy in disguise and we will be getting married, in 75 years when they get out on parole....

thank you mum, for being mum..... but I have to ask.... did you have to have another child when I turned out so perfect ???????

blessings to all parents... without you.... we would not be here to love you and think you do one hell of a job......

May 10, 2009, 2:55 AM
Long, that was so much more hysterical than the syrupy goo that got forwarded to me yesterday.


May 10, 2009, 3:59 AM
Happy day to everyone :)

May 10, 2009, 1:06 PM
My day sucks and all...but I hope you all are having wonderful days yourself!

May 10, 2009, 1:19 PM
LDD - Thanks for putting it all into such eleoquent words! Well done. I actually copied and pasted and sent your post via e-mail to my mom - who has a great sense of humor. She said she laughed so hard she almost lost her teeth! She also said it is all soooooo true!!!! Thanks for giving my mom a nice chuckle! Wolfie.