View Full Version : hi again all! a question about chat

May 6, 2009, 5:39 AM
Hi all!
i am not new to this site. but have not been on for a WHILE! im sorry!
i left before from alot of negative energy from this site! not from the great people, but from others! im back to mingle, and put mmy :2cents: in. once again.

here is the deal! im not computer savy! and the chat will not work. i tried to download java again. and i couldnt. dont know why. i know anough to know i need java. but i keep getting errors with downloading java! i have reformatted, and drivers are good, and everything is fine, but dont know why java wont download?

i know anough to get by, and pretend. but this sytumps me. lol i know its gonna be easy! i just want to chat again! in chat room!

miss it here! and look forward to much needed converse! this site treated me well when i really needed it. and want to return the favor.

any help would be awsome!
THANKS, , and hello again, bisexual.com!

May 6, 2009, 3:14 PM
it may be that you have older versions of java on your machine. Google 'javara1.05'. It's a small, free program that will tell you if you have the latest version of java, download for you, remove all older versions of java. I've used it for awhile. Hopefully this helps


May 6, 2009, 3:21 PM
Get Mozilla Firefox for your browser youll have less problems.

May 6, 2009, 5:29 PM
i do use firefox.
its still not working.
i will hopefully find the info online somewhere!
THANKS for the help!

May 7, 2009, 11:15 AM
turn off your popup blocker... if you can get into this site, there's nothing wrong with your java.