View Full Version : Sick of Britney Spears...*gag*

May 4, 2009, 6:40 PM
I am so sick of Britney spears... she has no talent at all...and yet again she was caught lip syncing at one of her shows....come on.. how many times does she have to be caught before people stop going to her shows... i go to shoos to hear LIVE music not taped....TMZ showed a video of a fan getting on state and Britney screaming... yet you don't hear it over the mic... she's a fake and needs to stop making money for shit she can't do... oh and same with paris hilton... sigh... whatever happened to like actually working for money?

ok thats my rant :P

here is that britney link http://www.tmz.com/2009/05/04/at-a-brit-concert-no-one-can-hear-you-scream/ no one can hear her scream :P

May 4, 2009, 6:52 PM
If Britney billed herself as an entertainerI would not be as annoyed with her, but when your singing voice is so processed by studio wizards you are no longer a singer. The sad thing is there are probably 50 or more singers who actually can sing and can't get a recording deal because they don't look or sound like whatever is popular at the moment. i have no problem when a artist lip synchs a portion of a concert because of the intricate danceroutine that coincides with the song they are performing. I'll be damned if I am going to pay 100 for nose bleeds for a lip synched concert I could play thecd in my car for 14.95 I agree with you she should be done

May 4, 2009, 9:37 PM
Here goes....I am sick of.......Brad and Angelina, Jennifer Anniston, Mily Cyrus, shall I continue?????...And of course Britney........Oh and I cannot forget the Jonas Brothers...AAARGGGG

May 4, 2009, 9:43 PM
OMG yea miley cyrus and the jonas brothers... i heard them all the time over the summer at hte radio station i worked at... god i wanted to shoot them.

May 4, 2009, 9:45 PM
Hell,ya.........They SUCK!!! No talent>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

May 4, 2009, 10:36 PM

May 4, 2009, 10:51 PM
I am so sick of Britney spears... she has no talent at all...and yet again she was caught lip syncing at one of her shows....come on.. how many times does she have to be caught before people stop going to her shows... i go to shoos to hear LIVE music not taped....TMZ showed a video of a fan getting on state and Britney screaming... yet you don't hear it over the mic... she's a fake and needs to stop making money for shit she can't do... oh and same with paris hilton... sigh... whatever happened to like actually working for money?

ok thats my rant :P

here is that britney link http://www.tmz.com/2009/05/04/at-a-brit-concert-no-one-can-hear-you-scream/ no one can hear her scream :P

I was watching TMZ tonight and saw that too. You can see that she screamed (out of fright when the guy jumped on stage) but the sound track kept on playing... LOL

Rant - how about repeating what I've been saying for years. Why are we rewarding stupid people that have no talent for not doing a damn productive thing ???

Spears - has talent but then she went crazy. We haven't seen the real Spears in at least 10 yrs.
Paris - I agree.. why do we follow her around just cause her parents are rich. Clubs pay her $25 - $50k to do an appearance.. We should be following her father ... lol hes the one that made the money..
MTV THE HILLS - they can't act & are dumb as shit but yet they get paid $75k per episode. I understand they are getting paid because people are watching their shows so the problem is the future children are dumb fuckin morons!

and many many more just like them

Was it Miss America (or something like that) last yr where she babbled on & on about stupid clueless shit and again this yr with Miss California... Is that what we are becoming? Clueless Morons?

May 4, 2009, 11:11 PM

yea seen that.... um... scary... whats that gotta do with her having no talent and lipsyncing all her shows?

May 4, 2009, 11:58 PM
The video itself isn't self explanatory ?

Long Duck Dong
May 5, 2009, 12:22 AM
let me tell people a lil secret..... its called... don't watch them if you can't stand them.....

a lot of people know that lip syncing goes on.... cos dancing and singing is hell on a singer...so they lip sync....that way the fans get better sounding singing and the singer doesn't sound like they are in the middle of sex in the shower....

how many people would shell out a couple of $100 to hear a droning, barely audible mumble of words as their favourite singer flops around stage like a fish out of water....

please do me a favour... go for a run around the block 3 times, then try to sing along to ya favourite music..... then slam the singer / dancers for lip syncing

May 5, 2009, 12:38 AM
Celebrity deification = superlative ignorance

May 5, 2009, 12:53 AM
I actualy like pop starts but as entertainers not creative inovators. so when i see Britney kiss Madonna i think its kinda cool but as if say Angelina were to kiss Jodie Foster.
Please let me say though that I realy enjoy creative music. Frank Zappa,acid mother temple,miles Davis,Tom Waits are just a few artists that are creative and i like,but to be honest i think maybe Britney has a far superior technicaly trained voice.But what Britney does not seem to have is that something of deep emotion.The creativitiy seems to be lacking in a lot of songs.Oh but what a show Britney and Madonna put on though.
I really think of Britney and the lot as the show tune of our times .they are like the stage actors who have to sing well dance great and do some acting and posing for pictures.i guess thats why so many actors can sing and dance too.
I just like to have fun and love people and life so i enjoy it for what it is but it bores me quickly so i dont listen to it much anyway.

May 5, 2009, 9:06 AM
Ok, here's for my rant...as an extention of Long Duck Dong's post...

I am a singer and entertainer. I've done little shows here and there (when I didn't have kids and was able to pursue that side of my life much more than I am able to now...sigh...) where dancing was involved. It is NOT easy to do that kind of dancing and still give an impeccable singing performance as well, no matter how fit you are or how much you practice...and these people do FAR more dancing during their performances than I have done, so I can't imagine. If you haven't noticed, if they sing a slower song or a ballad, they obviously do not lip synch because they are actually able to sing properly then. This is why MOST singers lip synch. If they didn't, everyone would be bitching about how their singing sucked instead.

So can we start getting over the whole "all these pop stars lip synch so they have no talent blah blah blah" crap?

Seriously...this is why I'm almost happy that my "making it big" dream has crashed in on itself because no one is ever satisfied, and I'd end up killing myself in the process to make it otherwise...

May 5, 2009, 9:26 AM
On another note...why is everyone so concerned over the fact of her lip synching more than the fact that the girl was genuinely terrified that someone had bypassed body guards and everything to stand right in front of her on stage? The first thing I thought of was that I felt bad for her that she got so scared like that...not "oh my god what a dumb whore...lip synching AGAIN..."

May 5, 2009, 1:40 PM
Is that what we are becoming? Clueless Morons?

Yes. That is what they are becoming.

May 5, 2009, 1:50 PM
yea i feel bad that she got scared shitless over that guy. i would have too.

not all pop stars lip sync though... As it says in my profile I am a Backstreet Boys fan... I've been to enough shows...and front row to know they aren't lip syncing. (since i can hear them singing from the stage at front row) THey dance at their shows...not as much now as in the late 90's but they still dance to the older songs...they put on a great show... SO that said.. you can put on a great show and not lip sync...

this is my opinion.. i would not pay to go to a show where the artist lip syncs... if i wanted to hear the cd i'd get it and listen to that... paying 100 or more for a show i want to hear the artist. And if i went to a show and found out the people were lip syncing... i'd want my money back.

Think milli vinlli here... hell i don't know if what britney sounds like on her cd is really her singing... every time i find a video of her she is lip syncing.. and i never see her do acapella(sp?) where it is just her. So someone else could be singing for her like Milli Vinilli. thats all...

May 6, 2009, 5:38 AM
Cant lissen 2 'er but don haff like wotchin 'er.. minimum talent wiv shitty music... but lotsa yumminess... turn off sound..ya'll c wot me means..:tong:

... but woteva she is she don deserve the slaggin lotsa the world seem 2 give 'er..

May 6, 2009, 6:51 AM
say what you will but Britney has alot of sex appeal. She has lost some of her pre mom body but she is still very sexy in my book. I'd like a piece of her ;)


May 6, 2009, 9:18 AM
Usually, when I am sick of something, I avoid it--I don't actively seek out videos of it. An example: If I am sick to death of sesame tofu, and a cooking show comes on where they are making sesame tofu, I turn it off. I do not sit there and watch it just to see if I can make myself puke. Just saying.

May 6, 2009, 11:50 AM
Usually, when I am sick of something, I avoid it--I don't actively seek out videos of it. An example: If I am sick to death of sesame tofu, and a cooking show comes on where they are making sesame tofu, I turn it off. I do not sit there and watch it just to see if I can make myself puke. Just saying.

i wasn't seeking it out... it was on a show i was already watching...and i didn't have to do much to seek out the video lol it was on the shows web site lol

May 6, 2009, 11:51 AM
say what you will but Britney has alot of sex appeal. She has lost some of her pre mom body but she is still very sexy in my book. I'd like a piece of her ;)


for me her body does nothing... i like real girls

May 6, 2009, 2:38 PM
for me her body does nothing... i like real girls

Couldn't agree more! :tongue:

May 6, 2009, 5:37 PM
for me her body does nothing... i like real girls

..s'fine.. but lukkily we all hav our own ideas a wot is yummie... she not in me top 10.. not even in me top 1000.. but by no stretch a the 'magination can she b described as yughie purely from me own pointa view.. how othas c 'er or ne 1 else is for them 2 say.. by almos common consent Princess Di wos considered 1a the most beautiful ladies of 'er day..all me has ev seen wos a skinny sexless badly dressed grotbag.. an not cosa me loathin a the royals.. jus cos she didn, for all the fact me adores tall women, meet me fancy..

May 6, 2009, 9:25 PM
Leave Britney Alone!!!!Somebody's got to be the bottom of the barrel.Besides, think of the entertainment value.* I wanna shave my head and go commando too!

May 10, 2009, 12:15 PM
The sad fact of reality is---"stars" like Ms. Spears sell records---many millions of records and sells out highly produced, but highly lucrative "live" shows----and all the related merch they sell to go along with "stars" such as her like clothing and geegaws--to the tune that she makes something like a half-a-million dollars each and every month--you wonder how much the record company and all the other entities that were created to cash in on "stars" like Spears generate----it is most often the case that the musical talent only makes a fraction of the cash generated by their music--the entertainment company makes the motherlode of the bucks generated.

As long as they can prefab a "star" like Brittney and make big time bucks on such a "star"--the record companies are going to do so----and it is more a sad comment on "We the People" that so many people buy such crap that is produced by "stars" like Ms. Spears.

Sorta like its sad that the grocery checkout tabloids are one of the few magazines/"newspapers" that are still making any money---most of our major newspapers are going down and even many of the entertainment types of publications like magazines produced by companies like Conde Nast are ceasing production.

We have only ourselves to blame that a no talent such as Brittney can make big time bucks--while some incredible people making real, lasting music can toil for years and never hardly get known--let alone make anywhere near what Brittney does.

One of my fave groups---they have been making music now for 20 years---they once opened for Bob Dylan on one of his tours----I bet they might have made a bit over a half million thanks to their music in 20 years of doing so--music that is real and their worst music is light years better than the "best" of a "star" like Brittney Spears----it just hit me--her initials are "BS"!!!!

Sounds fitting to me this is so!!!!!

I had to come back and add, in Brittney's favor----if she can make this sort of money doing what she does----more power to her I guess----she is not doing anything illegal or even immoral---if people are stupid enough to shell out their disposable income the way they do for an inferior product---why the hell not----Microsoft became of one of the world's largest companies producing and selling a pretty much flawed product!!

Jade Pecker
May 11, 2009, 8:38 AM
I'd make Britney Spears gag! lol But seriously, I LOVE Frank Zappa! I identify heavily with the character Harry-AS-A-Boy! I laways wanted to show up at a Napoleon Brock or Ike Willis show wearing every piece of Grateful Dead paraphanalia I own and a sign that says "Glue for your extra", and dress up my son with duck lips and a string hanging out the back of his shirt......

May 23, 2009, 1:34 AM
I agree, RangersFan! Paris Hilton is one that get's me. I must be missing something because she has no talent and just isn't that cute.