View Full Version : Kelly McGillis

May 2, 2009, 6:14 AM
Wen 'er cummin out broke this week me dad's jaw dropped an 'e is rite upset. The ole coot has the bad hots for 3 film actresses.. 1 is dead.. 1 nev seems 2 make films ne more an now 1 is gay... Marylin Monroe.. Debra Winger ... Kelly McGillis.. poor ole sod.. now ther is nowt left for 'im.. 'e will jus havta accept me mum will b bout till the day 'e dies givin 'im a hard time...:bigrin: nev mind..'e has me...:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

Wen the story broke..me mum asked 'im wer 'e had been ova the las 20 years or so..the daft bugga hadn a bloody clue... God me dus luff 'im bless 'is lil cotton sox...:tong:

May 2, 2009, 7:41 AM
nev mind..'e has me...:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

And my goodness arent he and I so maudling over our drinks about that commonality.:(

May 2, 2009, 8:05 AM
Wen 'er cummin out broke this week me dad's jaw dropped an 'e is rite upset. ... Kelly McGillis..

Poor old dad. His loss is our gain.

It may have broke his heart, but I nearly fell over backwards when I read that she (Kelly McGillis) and Jodie Foster had an affair during the making of ... oh, whats the film's name ... 'The Accused'.

May 2, 2009, 8:19 AM
Kelly McGillis is lookin FINE. I'll take her:


May 2, 2009, 8:21 AM
And my goodness arent he and I so maudling over our drinks about that commonality.:(

Ha U!!!! Yad both b rite maudlin if me wosn bout 2 make ya life eva so joyful now wudntcha?? He wud b richer an u wud hav a tidier bedroom..butyad b rite mizzy..:bigrin:

May 2, 2009, 8:35 AM
Dark Eyes,

Once again, I am struggling with your speak...... I read it to myself, I read it out loud to myself, and I finally figure it out.. You make me laugh every time I read something by you cause I have one hell of a time figuring it out...

Have a great day,

May 2, 2009, 11:36 AM
I did see that story making its way around the net about Kelly McGillis----and it was funny--I thought of Debra Winger as a result of that----it does seem that she sure left the scene--I always liked her work.

I guess it is pretty much true that while older male actors seem to find enough work----once women get beyond a certain age--they don't get much--if they do--they make them up to look much older and dog tired.

I do have to say--I watched "The Wrestler" the other day----Mickey Rourke did a hell of a job in that film----he looked so different in terms of his body--I wonder how much of that was real-----something he did to transform himself---or whether it was just a result of makeup----they sure didn't use any CGI sort of work on that film----the style of filming was almost documentary in style---they used "real" places as locations to film most of that film as opposed to using stages or sets.

I liked the intense realism of that film--but it was a kind of a downer of a film.

Marisa Tome sure did a bold move by exposing so much of her body in that film since she is no longer so young.

May 2, 2009, 11:42 AM
Dark Eyes,

Once again, I am struggling with your speak...... I read it to myself, I read it out loud to myself, and I finally figure it out.. You make me laugh every time I read something by you cause I have one hell of a time figuring it out...

Have a great day,

Same here Ocean.

I love Darkeyes type-speak BUT... it takes me a bunch of time to figure out what was typed without reading it out loud to myself and trying to figure out the inflections. :)

As for Kelly McGillis... Who cares??? As long as it makes her happy. Seems she's had a bunch of 'bad' run-ins with males, emotionally/sexually??? Who knows other than her. Her choice is her choice in any direction and should be accepted.

just my thoughts

M. Wolfe
May 2, 2009, 12:07 PM
Wen 'er cummin out broke this week me dad's jaw dropped an 'e is rite upset. The ole coot has the bad hots for 3 film actresses.. 1 is dead.. 1 nev seems 2 make films ne more an now 1 is gay... Marylin Monroe.. Debra Winger ... Kelly McGillis.. poor ole sod.. now ther is nowt left for 'im.. 'e will jus havta accept me mum will b bout till the day 'e dies givin 'im a hard time...:bigrin: nev mind..'e has me...:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

Wen the story broke..me mum asked 'im wer 'e had been ova the las 20 years or so..the daft bugga hadn a bloody clue... God me dus luff 'im bless 'is lil cotton sox...:tong:

My, I have fun trying to make sense of your cryptic posts.

So, was your dad ever likely to hook up with the actress? I assume not and if that's the case then the actresses sexuality doesn't matter. In fantasies, people are whatever sexuality you want them to be.

May 2, 2009, 1:17 PM
My, I have fun trying to make sense of your cryptic posts.

So, was your dad ever likely to hook up with the actress? I assume not and if that's the case then the actresses sexuality doesn't matter. In fantasies, people are whatever sexuality you want them to be.

Me dad hooked up wiv ne 1 wud b the las thing 'e eva did... me mum wud hav 'is guts for garters.. ne way..the daft ole bugga adores 'er... but 'e dus hav is fantasies like ne 1 else.. painful gory death notwithstandin..:tong:

May 2, 2009, 1:43 PM
So Kelly likes girls?
Doesn't everybody?

May 2, 2009, 2:01 PM
So Kelly likes girls?
Doesn't everybody?

Nope..not so..kno lotsa guys shag but don like girls..r married an don like girls..an sum who jus don like girls...an a few who loathe 'em.. an even kno a few girls who don like girls (platonically me means not biblically).. an even kno 1 girl who h8s 'em so much she dusn even like 'ersel.. so no..not every1...:( .. an me she wud happily shoot like a dog.... God me on bout bein a dog 'gain...:eek: O well...:tong: Woof! Woof!!:bigrin:

May 2, 2009, 5:11 PM
My, I have fun trying to make sense of your cryptic posts.

So, was your dad ever likely to hook up with the actress? I assume not and if that's the case then the actresses sexuality doesn't matter. In fantasies, people are whatever sexuality you want them to be.

I's Franspeak......You'll get used to it, like the rest of us have done. :)