View Full Version : More on Justice 4 Karley.

May 2, 2009, 3:19 AM
Just got the latest on the case for Karley.

For those that are not aware of this situation, the site is www.justice4karley.com


"It's a WONDERFUL DAY for Karley!!!
Posted on: May 1, 2009 at 10:19 pm
Hello to all Karley supporters...today was a WONDERFUL victory for the Toole's & Karley. The Judge said there was more than enough evidence to hold Johnson over for trial. He also said that there's enough evidence to make Johnson the suspect.

Today & Weds, Johnson was caught in so many lies. NONE of his statements matched. His answer to all questions by the DA was..."I don't recall." Your normal answer from someone who is GUILTY. His wife couldn't keep her story straight either. Today, the Judge got mad at Johnson so many times.

Johnson is still claiming to be the victim...stating he HAD to beat her because she was being so vicious. When this makes it to trial, the jury will be able to see right through him & his lies.

The DA & the Toole's have already said that they will accept NOTHING less than a FELONY conviction & 1 yr in prison. Personally, I hope the jury sends him away for the entire 4 yrs. That's what he deserves!!!

I felt badly for Shelley on Weds. This was never released but Shelley was not in town when this happened. She was at her mothers. She got a frantic call, on her cell voicemail, from a neighbor asking if everything was OK. Well, Shelley gets this msg & has no idea what is going on. The neighbor says that there are police cars & an ambulance out in front of her home. Shelley gets this msg... she calls the house...no answer. She calls Jeff's cell & is told what happened. She is in a state of shock. She tells her mother that she HAS to get home. Her mother makes arrangements for her to fly home. She gets home...hears that her precious Karley was released of the pain she was in & was on her journey to the rainbow bridge. So Shelley never saw what Karley looked like after the beating. On Weds, the photos were shown. This was the FIRST time that Shelley has seen them. We have been protecting her from seeing her baby in this shape. Luckily, she only saw one of them but it was enough to physically upset her for the rest of the day.

Johnson had been taunting Karley for a long time. He had also been taunting the other animals in the neighborhood. On the friday before the beating, he had placed a high frequency product on the fence & was activating it so it would drive Karley crazy. He did this most of the day. He also did this to the dogs that belong to Travis. In Court, he said that he didn't have anything like that. Well the DA showed him a photo of it & then Johnson's story changed. He told the Court that he used it for GOPHERS ONLY. Not when you have it perched ON the fence.

Johnson also knew EVERYTIME the Toole's would be gone or when Jeff was out of town. No one knows how he knew this but he always did. He would place disgusting items in their mailbox. He would call the police if the neighbors were too loud...and many other things.

On the night of the beating, Johnson called 911 & had an ambulance transport him to the hospital. Both of these things are NOT allowed by any FD personnel UNLESS it is life threatening."

Long Duck Dong
May 2, 2009, 4:06 AM
I am a animal lover..... and yeah I have had to actively injure a dog in self defence.... but there is no reason that I can comprehend the need to beat a dog so viciously .....

without knowing all the details... and only one side of the story... i am gathering that the person actively acted in a manner to severely injury / maim the dog without reasonable justification ......so I judge the man according to what I understand, and that is the dog was left in a situation that the dog needed to be put down to end its suffering..... and in that respect... I would love to hear his side of things.....and his defence......not that I am sticking up for him.... but in that I am not taking sides....just thinking about the dog...and the injuries it substained

May 2, 2009, 5:20 PM
Go to Justice4karley.com. The whole story is there, from beginning to now.

The guy responsible has been a thorn in the side of his neighbors for a long time. Every story he has told his side in court, he has been shown to be lying. His only witness was his wife, who was not there for the event.
Karley was only 6 months old and had never had a history of attacking anyone at any time.

Long Duck Dong
May 3, 2009, 1:32 AM
I have seen that site and read it all.... but it doesn't tell his side of the story....

I do see a site with pics about a dog that was unfairly treated and abused.....
but I also see a lot of heresay evidence..... and he said, she said.... and that is why I am reserving a opinion on the defendant outside of the injuries inflicted to the dog

M. Wolfe
May 3, 2009, 1:39 AM
I am a misanthrope. I make no bones in saying that. However, I love and cherish animals and I simply cannot look at that site. Any instance of inhuman animal abuse wells me up with rage - and I've done silly things I regret in that state in the past.

I don't know what happened and I don't want to know, I can't handle it.

May 3, 2009, 2:54 AM
I have seen that site and read it all.... but it doesn't tell his side of the story....

I do see a site with pics about a dog that was unfairly treated and abused.....
but I also see a lot of heresay evidence..... and he said, she said.... and that is why I am reserving a opinion on the defendant outside of the injuries inflicted to the dog

They have listed his statements according to police reports and medical reports and maybe it's just that I am suspicious when 1 and 1 don't add up right in the equation, but the guy's story doesn't fit any of the evidence. And there is plenty of it against him. Enough for the judge to decide that he needed to be remanded for trial.

You may want to consider all of the facts that have been reported and look at it with the perspective of actually having to enforce the laws, like the police have to do.

Just from his testimony in court, it was determined that the guy was lying about a number of things that, if he were telling the truth, he should not have had to lie about at all.

Long Duck Dong
May 3, 2009, 11:18 AM
I am not disagreeing or debating the attack on the dog..... its the background of events leading up to it over the years... that I am talking about....

I find it a lil hard to believe a person is so agro with neighbours for years... for seemingly no reason and that the neighbours are the *victims* of this person....
I am not denying the fact that its possible that this person is a agro natured person.... but in 99% of cases... there are two sides to the story..... I am seeing one side..

but again, it doesn't justify or excuse animal cruelty or abuse

May 3, 2009, 11:57 AM
I am a misanthrope. I make no bones in saying that. However, I love and cherish animals and I simply cannot look at that site. Any instance of inhuman animal abuse wells me up with rage - and I've done silly things I regret in that state in the past.

I don't know what happened and I don't want to know, I can't handle it.

Then why bother with a post at all

May 3, 2009, 11:58 AM
I hope they bust the guy hard and he gets all they can give him. Its one thing to defend yourself, its a whole other thing to do what that guy did.

M. Wolfe
May 3, 2009, 12:13 PM
Then why bother with a post at all

In hind sight, it was fairly pointless.

May 3, 2009, 12:19 PM

May 3, 2009, 1:10 PM
I am a misanthrope. I make no bones in saying that. However, I love and cherish animals and I simply cannot look at that site. Any instance of inhuman animal abuse wells me up with rage - and I've done silly things I regret in that state in the past.

I don't know what happened and I don't want to know, I can't handle it.

My husband said the same exact thing to me actually.

M. Wolfe
May 3, 2009, 1:19 PM
My husband said the same exact thing to me actually.

I used to work in the local SPCA animal shelter, and my god, the state of some of the animals was horrid.

People, like this cop (on the assumption that he perching that machine on the fence), who obviously take some sick twisted pleasure out of harming animals need to be locked away or worse. It makes my blood boil.

And I can understand why a dog would act viciously in these circumstances.

May 3, 2009, 7:41 PM
I am not disagreeing or debating the attack on the dog..... its the background of events leading up to it over the years... that I am talking about....

I find it a lil hard to believe a person is so agro with neighbours for years... for seemingly no reason and that the neighbours are the *victims* of this person....
I am not denying the fact that its possible that this person is a agro natured person.... but in 99% of cases... there are two sides to the story..... I am seeing one side..

but again, it doesn't justify or excuse animal cruelty or abuse

I agree, it doesn't justify animal cruelty, but the cruelty happens. What is most frightening is that they have discovered that there is a correlation that someone who will abuse a helpless animal will also escalate to child abuse.

Sadly, as much as we do not like it, that doesn't stop it from happening.

May 3, 2009, 7:49 PM
I used to work in the local SPCA animal shelter, and my god, the state of some of the animals was horrid.

People, like this cop (on the assumption that he perching that machine on the fence), who obviously take some sick twisted pleasure out of harming animals need to be locked away or worse. It makes my blood boil.

And I can understand why a dog would act viciously in these circumstances.

Actually, he was a firefighter; a fire chief, none the less. He should have known better in the first place.

We are lucky because we volunteer at the local Humane Society ( http://humanebroward.com/ ) and they have a wonderful facility, treat the animals great and do regular open clinics for dog and cat care at low cost. We just got our dog up to date on her shots at the one that was today.

May 6, 2009, 9:11 AM
This is just wrong on so many levels. I don't care if you don't like the neighbors or the dog craps on your lawn every morning there is no reason to take all of life's frustrations out on a little puppy. Dogs don't understand boundaries like people do unless they are shown them. If anything, beat the neighbors with a rock until they are near death and try to pry their jaws apart. Oh, sorry, that might be a bit too difficult because they are actually big enough to defend themselves.

May 6, 2009, 5:54 PM
"......The Judge said there was more than enough evidence to hold Johnson over for trial. He also said that there's enough evidence to make Johnson the suspect....."

One interprets this as 'after a preliminary hearing the defendant will stand for full trial to account for his behaviour'.


Please continue to keep us informed Falcon.

Apr 2, 2010, 11:20 PM
Well, the verdict came in.

The son of a bitch got a slap on the hand.

90 days in jail (weekends only - disgusting), 400 hours of community service, and court ordered anger management (like that will do any good). He also has to do his community service at an animal shelter working with the dogs to benefit the dogs.

Many people believe that politics is involved, since he was facing a maximum of 4 years in prison (this is a felony crime, after all) and a huge fine.

None of that will help heal the hearts of the family that lost a beloved and friendly puppy to a vile and inhumane criminal that did not get along with any of his neighbors.

Apr 3, 2010, 3:56 AM
Something is better than nothing Falcon

90 days, weekends only, should mean approx 2 years worth of spoiling his weekend fun (52 * 2 - 104).

400hrs of community service (400 / 8 = 50 days worth = 2 months if the weekends are spoken for)

'Anger management' - that should stick like a bit of doo-doo to his career and reputation and act like 'the sword of Damacles / Damocles' for some time to come.

I wonder if it is right that the man's status should be ELEVATED by calling him a dog? Might we go for something else such as 'sack of shit' but this is open to suggestions.

Thanks for the update


Well, the verdict came in.

The son of a bitch got a slap on the hand.

90 days in jail (weekends only - disgusting), 400 hours of community service, and court ordered anger management (like that will do any good). He also has to do his community service at an animal shelter working with the dogs to benefit the dogs.

Many people believe that politics is involved, since he was facing a maximum of 4 years in prison (this is a felony crime, after all) and a huge fine.

None of that will help heal the hearts of the family that lost a beloved and friendly puppy to a vile and inhumane criminal that did not get along with any of his neighbors.

Apr 3, 2010, 4:09 AM

I hope some of you slicked thru to see the after photos.

It was so sad and karley did not deserve that at all.

This SOB deserves to be taken out and beaten like he did that dog.

I miss my Golden. Can't wait to get home soon.:(