View Full Version : Do we still need to have "beauty pageants?"

May 1, 2009, 2:18 PM
I think it is almost funny---Miss California made her remarks against same-sex marriage and someone in the California pageant organization did an "outing" of sorts of her---that she has fake boobs.

She is, in my opinion, one big boob----I look at her and on the surface--she looks "hot" but she also seems to have that sort of underlying nasty sneer that some very attractive people often seem to have--to me--that sneer takes away from any surface attractiveness they might have.

I do have to wonder what purpose--in the 21st century what role events like beauty pageants have-----it is bad enough that we have so many ways to reward people just for having gotten lucky by birth with good genes to look "hot"--like modeling and becoming a big movie star or music figure.

At least most of those things do rely to some degree on some skills--beauty pageants really are about nothing more than beauty.

I really think their days are done---and its time to end them. I see no purpose for them today.

May 1, 2009, 4:29 PM
Here's a great example:


The Iraq...hee hee...


May 1, 2009, 4:37 PM
And just for fun, this video at the expense of Miss Teen South Carolina of "The Iraq" fame...



Long Duck Dong
May 1, 2009, 9:50 PM
true volty.... as a young man I used to watch beauty pagenants as I was growing up and think about who was attractive, who smiled well.... who seemed to be a genuine person etc etc.....

but as I got older and learnt more about the ways of the world and how everybody would go for the good looking girls first, and how if you had looks you could * go places *...and here I was.... busting my back at a manual job cos I was just plain ugly.....

and I begin to realise, that watching miss universe didn't have the same appeal any more..... I was watching ordinary people walk around a stage, wear bikinis and give generic answers..... then they would go back to their normal jobs, ( some of them did have normal jobs )

but there was a difference between them and me.... they had the look.... and the body.... I ...had the ability to be average looking....

I had somebody very dear to me, that was a model.... and she told me that it was not a world of beauty... but one of striking the right pose, saying the right thing.... and shitting on everybody you can, to get to the top...and even then... you were completing, not against everybody else.... but against the consumer market, which was fickle and one day you had the look, the next day you were old news and faded looks.......

I remember the day that she said, that being average looking must be a blessing.... cos being a model was hell.... you were the first one hit on in night clubs.... people held you up to be somebody exquisite.... the greatest thing in bed.... everything that you may not be..... and that every remark and statement that you made, could be a career ender...simply cos you had the look......

she also told me its like the porn industry.... a females greatest asset was the fact she could be fucked and look like she was loving it.....but at the end of the day.... they were only as good as mattresses that were there to be fucked....and in 99% of pornos.... the female was there to be fucked for the camera.... and that beauty models were the same.... they were there to be photographed.... not to be a person but a image......

so now I look at beauty pageants and pornos the same way..... there are real people in them... with genuine feelings and emotions and thoughts..... they are blessed with good looks or the ability to take endless cocks and pussies......but they are only as good as their ability or their looks......and there are 100,000's of people that * never made the grade *.... that are better off for it......

its not the looks that make the person beautiful... its the personality.... the looks are just a bonus.... enhanced with make up..... and a way to make money.... and beauty pageants are just money makers for the people at the top that run them.....

May 2, 2009, 8:11 AM
..apart from the stupidity a beauty contests an ther sexist nature an the obvious subjectivity an that they r for the gratification a the male in essence.. me h8s 'em cos 2 many contestants make me look an feel like a bloody dog...:( .. no gud for me ego me can tellya..

May 2, 2009, 8:32 AM
Beauty Pageants, such as Miss World and Miss Universe have not been televised in the UK since the 1970s and seem quaintly old-fashioned to us Europeans. If they serve any function at all, judging by Miss California's ill-judged remarks, it would be to remind the public that Beauty does not equal Intelligence; quite the reverse in this case.

May 2, 2009, 10:07 AM
h8s 'em cos 2 many contestants make me look an feel like a bloody dog...:(
*throws ball*

Fetch. Theres a good girl.:bigrin:

Much luv Dits.

May 2, 2009, 11:01 AM
Beauty pageants are losing their mythical luster. In the last five years alone, we've seen the Miss America pageant lose it's usual place in the prime time line up and watched it reduced to becoming reality TV with audience interaction on a lesser network. The Miss USA/Universe pageant has been purchased by the attention seeking Donald Trump who shamelessly used a Miss USA's trip to rehab as a publicity stunt and in addition has made the trials and tribulations of his pageant winners public knowledge and has even provided the stage for more conflict by producing a reality show where Miss Teen USA, Miss USA and Miss Universe all live together, complete with back stabbing and sniping....and of course, let us not forget the ramblings of Miss Teen SC and now our controversial Miss California. Beauty pageants are no longer truly popular venues for young girls to attain college scholarships by showcasing their beauty nor are they loved and adored by the public.....they are just additional fodder for some of the crap they call entertainment.

M. Wolfe
May 2, 2009, 11:16 AM
This thread reminds me of the bit in the "sunscreen song"...

"do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly." :tongue:


May 2, 2009, 2:18 PM
*throws ball*

Fetch. Theres a good girl.:bigrin:

Much luv Dits.

..an u wee Craigie, me will get tomoz.. anya kno jus wer that ball is gonna b stuffed dontcha??? :tong:

May 2, 2009, 11:07 PM
If there are people who find something salient about beauty pageants and you expect others to be tolerant of your likes/interests, then, you cannot consistently be intolerant of such apparent redundancies. They are simple cultural rituals , and as such need fit no specific practical purpose to make them tenable. You cannot convincingly say "How dare you criticize my bisexual lifestyle" and then go on to point your own finger of judgment on others.

May 2, 2009, 11:32 PM
If there are people who find something salient about beauty pageants and you expect others to be tolerant of your likes/interests, then, you cannot consistently be intolerant of such apparent redundancies. They are simple cultural rituals , and as such need fit no specific practical purpose to make them tenable. You cannot convincingly say "How dare you criticize my bisexual lifestyle" and then go on to point your own finger of judgment on others.

That's true, pd.

And if the touch of notoriety had only fallen upon Miss SC and not Miss California, I don't think we'd be having this conversation.

I'd bet my paycheck on it.


May 2, 2009, 11:45 PM
I could never tolerate watching more than a few minutes (seconds?) of a beauty pageant TV show. But, I love to see a beautiful woman. I love to see lots of beautiful women.
For financial gain and personal glory, we all make use of the abilities we are born with, the talents we develop and luck that often, occasionally or rarely blesses our life. Why should beauty be ruled out as an asset to be used for achieving personal goals?

May 3, 2009, 6:16 AM
If there are people who find something salient about beauty pageants and you expect others to be tolerant of your likes/interests, then, you cannot consistently be intolerant of such apparent redundancies. They are simple cultural rituals , and as such need fit no specific practical purpose to make them tenable. You cannot convincingly say "How dare you criticize my bisexual lifestyle" and then go on to point your own finger of judgment on others.

That is about what I was thinking while skimming through this thread.

May 3, 2009, 6:07 PM
Do we still need the "beauty pageants????" Absolutely... I plan on winning the next one... :rolleyes: :paw: :paw:

May 3, 2009, 9:42 PM
Do we still need the "beauty pageants????" Absolutely... I plan on winning the next one... :rolleyes: :paw: :paw:

Even though I am mostly gay, you still do not get my vote.
A beautiful woman still thrills me like no man can and it will always be that way for me.
Based purely on reasoned analysis, that may be a deficient answer, but I feel the joy of beholding beauty to the depth of my soul.
I seek to see and feel the beauty in all that I am involved with, not just the visual joy of a beautiful woman.
Yes, it takes much more than beauty to win my heart but not to warm my heart with one of lifes wonderful visual pleasures.