View Full Version : The g0y movement

Apr 30, 2009, 7:04 PM
What do you think of the g0y community or movement which may represent an alternative to the gay lifestyle for men?


Apr 30, 2009, 7:19 PM
What the F___?

Apr 30, 2009, 7:33 PM
Yet another fucking label.............:banghead:

Cheers Chook :bigrin:

Apr 30, 2009, 7:51 PM
I don't like the tone of the site, and the whole anti-sodomy stance is a bit much, but I can appreciate some of the goals of this g0y movement. I think a lot more men would be willing to admit their same-sex attractions if they didn't think they had to give up women or subscribe to some preordained "gay" lifestyle. For some bizarre reason a lot people still think that any trace of same-sex attraction in a man is just some form of repressed homosexuality (think of it like the "one-drop rule" but with sexual preference in place of race). So, men who might otherwise be willing to accept their same-sex attractions fight them out of fear of being labeled gay. And it's not even a matter of thinking there's anything *wrong* with being gay; it's really just about not wanting to be mistaken for something you're not.

blackberry playa
Apr 30, 2009, 8:01 PM
I don't like the gay bashing but I can relate to the male intimacy aspect. We have to keep a big tent.......

Apr 30, 2009, 9:06 PM
Yeah, waay too much emphasis on labels. They don't define what it means to be "g0y" up front - all they say is "it's not gay".

Frankly, I don't care what they do in the bedroom..

This is not a new idea btw - there are lots of guys who are into frottage or whatever that specifically say "we don't care for anal."

It can be exciting to identify with a particular group, however the ultimate goal of any alternative sex/gender "movement" should be to eventually eliminate all labels and differences.

The ultimate goal is that it wouldn't MATTER if you were gay, straight, bi, lesbian, transgender, g0y or whatever - people are people and capable of loving deeply and affectionately.

Apr 30, 2009, 9:48 PM
I got seriously thrown off by that music.

M. Wolfe
Apr 30, 2009, 10:02 PM
It can be exciting to identify with a particular group, however the ultimate goal of any alternative sex/gender "movement" should be to eventually eliminate all labels and differences.

Why? Differences exist, getting rid of labels isn't going to make that go away and make everyone the same. Also what and who we each are will become meaningless. To define something is to understand it's nature, and isn't understanding what we really need?

Apr 30, 2009, 10:53 PM

so... umm....

are we just going to interchange vowels now?!?!?!?!


ghey ( the h is silent... )




May 1, 2009, 12:41 AM
I guess that the only way to solve the problem is establish a list of all possible physical and emotional permutations of human relationships. Assign each one either a number or a letter.

Once this is done, everyone can evaluate themselves and chose their own label.

Let's see, sexually I'm a looking for an A-D.42.6.138 relationship.:bigrin:

May 1, 2009, 12:45 AM
a) I don't buy the idea that there's such a thing as a "gay lifestyle."

b) The anti-anal thing is over the top. You like guys but don't like assfucking? Fine, no problem. But don't be all holier (no pun intended) than thou about it. And don't act like condoms don't take care of the STD problem, because...they do.

c) No problem with frottage. I'm all about the frottage.

d) There are some damn hot pics on that site.

e) How the hell do you say "g0y" anyway?

M. Wolfe
May 1, 2009, 12:53 AM
d) There are some damn hot pics on that site.

Hmm... Going to have to take more than a cursory glance.

.... What the hell is frotage???


Kk, it's better than it sounded.

May 1, 2009, 12:57 AM
My blog about it:

Boys and G0ys (http://pop-shot.blogspot.com/2008/09/boys-and-g0ys.html)

Nikki Ninja
May 1, 2009, 2:29 AM
haha nice music

May 1, 2009, 8:25 AM
a) I don't buy the idea that there's such a thing as a "gay lifestyle."

I disagree. "Homosexuality" is sexual behavior; "gay" is cultural and has plenty of connotations. My guess is that these g0y dudes don't want to be associated with the stereotypical gay subculture (i.e. drag shows, pride parades, raves, porn, Cher, and so on).

May 1, 2009, 4:58 PM
I disagree. "Homosexuality" is sexual behavior; "gay" is cultural and has plenty of connotations. My guess is that these g0y dudes don't want to be associated with the stereotypical gay subculture (i.e. drag shows, pride parades, raves, porn, Cher, and so on).

O come on...

Cher is the sh*t!! :tong:

May 1, 2009, 6:17 PM
O come on...

Cher is the sh*t!! :tong:

I prefer Madonna myself. :tongue:

May 1, 2009, 6:38 PM
It's curious that I don't feel the same way about what I wrote today as yesterday.

I just get tired of those who feel that I am less worthy of love than they are using the differences to justify their position of hatred or fear or self-righteousness.

If I can walk down the path in a park and watch a boyfriend and girlfriend kiss, then watch two girlfriends or two boyfriends kiss - and get the same reaction - that is the world I want to live in and it was the essence of what I was trying to convey in my first post.

In short - yes, we are different and diversity should be celebrated - but it shouldn't matter who you choose to love...too often people ARE discriminated against in a negative way because of innate differences instead of lifted up.

Why? Differences exist, getting rid of labels isn't going to make that go away and make everyone the same. Also what and who we each are will become meaningless. To define something is to understand it's nature, and isn't understanding what we really need?

May 1, 2009, 9:06 PM
I guess that the only way to solve the problem is establish a list of all possible physical and emotional permutations of human relationships. Assign each one either a number or a letter.

Once this is done, everyone can evaluate themselves and chose their own label.

Let's see, sexually I'm a looking for an A-D.42.6.138 relationship.:bigrin:

Woah! You're into A-D.42.6.138's? That's some freaky shit. Not even legal where I live:tongue:.

The g0y movement is just silly.

May 1, 2009, 11:41 PM
I thought g0y was a homosexual Jew

May 2, 2009, 12:17 PM
I really don't know what to say about this.... on the one hand I can understand how some men with same-sex atteraction might not like certain elements of "gay culture" but the way they talk about anal sex and any guy who happens to be feminine (including crossdressers - they say some quite nasty things about crossdressers on this part of their site: http://g0ys.org/initialize.htm - look under "it happens" :disgust:) sounds a lot like homophobia (and possibly misogyny) to me.

I mean, a lot of guys who are attracted to the same sex don't really feel like they fit in with mainstream "gay culture" (including me to a large extent) but that does not give them the right to call it all sorts of derogatory things. If you don't like or don't fit into a subculture then leave it alone.

I did find their arguments about how "you can sleep with a guy as long as you don't have anal sex.... technically, the bible is fine with it" to be hilarious - if you're sleeping with other guys then don't bring your politics into the bedroom, why would god even care about what you do in bed. I mean, I don't like anal sex myself (I've always found it to be quite uncomfortable and not that fun regardless of whether I am top or bottom) but if other guys enjoy it then good for them.

About the only good thing on the site was all of the muscular "Tom of Finland"-style paintings (and pics of muscular guys) that seem to cover most of the pages. However, some of the other "artwork" on the site is quite disgusting/offensive/just plain wrong. :disgust:

M. Wolfe
May 2, 2009, 12:50 PM
But Labels have nothing to do with that.

I understand what your saying and I agree, but I get so annoyed when people say that getting rid of labels/categories/stamps/boxes/circles/squares (/triangles/x's/starts/selects/L1's/L2's/R1's/R2's ... lol) that everything will magically get better. People forget that labels and names are part of coming to understand people.

The judgement of people (like samesex couples kissing in public being bad) is the social Zietgiest that we live in. The fix for that is to bring more understanding because understanding breeds apreciation.

It's curious that I don't feel the same way about what I wrote today as yesterday.

I just get tired of those who feel that I am less worthy of love than they are using the differences to justify their position of hatred or fear or self-righteousness.

If I can walk down the path in a park and watch a boyfriend and girlfriend kiss, then watch two girlfriends or two boyfriends kiss - and get the same reaction - that is the world I want to live in and it was the essence of what I was trying to convey in my first post.

In short - yes, we are different and diversity should be celebrated - but it shouldn't matter who you choose to love...too often people ARE discriminated against in a negative way because of innate differences instead of lifted up.