View Full Version : Introduction

Apr 30, 2009, 9:33 AM
Hello all,

I have just joined the site and wanted to introduce myself. I am a mostly closet (Mormon) bisexual. I have only been truly honest with one person I care about with regards to my sexuality, and while he accepted it without question, it prompted his fantasies of a threesome to go into overdrive--which really was not my intent. I am married and my husband knows about my attraction for females, but he does not know that I identify myself as bisexual. I think he feels threatened by my attraction for women and when I have tried in the past to start explaining how deep this issue is, he sort of shuts down and doesn't hear it. I don't fault him for it--he just can't take it in right now.

A few months ago, I was taking an online Lifespan Development course and the discussion turned to bisexuality. Another psychology major (this is scary) went off on me about bisexuality being a case of "gay with a publicist" and cited faulty studies to back up his claims that bisexuality is not a valid identity. When I explained that I was bisexual and did not appreciate his insinuation that the B in LGBT is not really a B but a G or L in B clothing, he had some pretty searing remarks for me personally. I hope no bisexual ever finds his or her way to that man's office in search of help. Yikes!

The only other site I have ever posted on related to bisexuality was not a good fit for me. I am an introvert with a sarcastic sense of humor--it is quite hard to find a place in the world where I feel comfortable and people appreciate the joys of communicating with me (see, a little sarcasm there).

Fun fact: If I were the type to hang posters on my wall, I would have one of Sarah Bettens right next to one of Adam Duritz.

Thanks for reading!


Apr 30, 2009, 11:15 AM
Welcome home, Sophie.

You will not find anyone deriding your sexuality here (except for the occasional troll), so enjoy.

We have a huge thread archive here and any questions that you may have are more than likely covered in at least one (sometimes more) thread. If you don't see it there, then feel free to ask. Some of us are closeted and some are not, but many of us have been here for a while and can help.

So sit back, relax and have a cookie.......fresh from the oven.:)

Apr 30, 2009, 11:27 AM
Welcome aboard, Sophie.

You will find this site a much better fit.

Apr 30, 2009, 11:41 AM
Hi dear, and welcome on board from another newbie.
Sorry to hear that you got some pretty bad responses to your bisexuality, but I guess it happens to all of us, sooner or later. I just received a pretty acid comment from a so-called gay friend of my partner's, who told her (in my absence) not to allow me to be in the company of men too frequently, because I "still haven't understood on which side of the fence" I am. Isn't it cruel? And this is supposed to be a friend, who knows I separated from my ex-husband in order to live with my girl.
So, be patient and never let anyone despise who you are.
Again, welcome.


Apr 30, 2009, 12:03 PM
Welcome, Sophie

I think you will like it, here. I came aboard last October, I think, and the folks I've met are most understanding and intelligent.

Almost any subject you can think of, relating to our bisexuality and love interests can and will be discussed with candor and openness.

As with any forum, there'll be an occasional flake, or one who just wants to stir you up. Disregard them and relish the communications you'll have with those who accept you for who you are.

Apr 30, 2009, 12:09 PM
Hello Sophie, welcome to the wonderful world of Bisexual silliness...lol
We are an open fun-filled litle family.
Come on in to chat and meet us sometime. :}:bigrin:
Everybody's Cat

Apr 30, 2009, 1:55 PM
Welcome... youll be fitting in here perfectly :)

Apr 30, 2009, 2:43 PM
Welcome! :grouphug:

Apr 30, 2009, 6:27 PM
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!


Apr 30, 2009, 10:08 PM
Hi Sophie,

Welcome to this site. I think you will find that you will be accepted for who and what you are.


meteast chick
Apr 30, 2009, 10:45 PM

I was lucky enough to have found this site before I found any others, and instantly felt comfortable as I was finally starting to accept my sexuality. Being a Mormon bisexual (which I thought was an oxymoron), you must face some serious uphill battles, and I hope you will find solace here. It's nice to hear someone who is obviously so mellifluous with their words, and I don't believe one has to be educated to be intelligent, but you obviously are. I personally find it even better that you are a woman with these qualities!!!

luv and kisses,

May 1, 2009, 1:19 AM

Being a Mormon bisexual (which I thought was an oxymoron)

I used to have a neighbor whose daughter (at age 8) was calling everyone who annoyed her an oxymoron, so your comment gave me a smile. Yeah, I'm a walking, talking oxymoron. Yay me!


M. Wolfe
May 1, 2009, 2:35 AM
Mormon, ay? That must complicate things. I hope you don't feel conflicted over everything.

Anyway, welcome. Get to know people, have some fun already, oi.

May 1, 2009, 1:35 PM
Welcome! I'm sure that you will find this a wonderfl site with caring real people. If you have questions - feel free to ask. If you want to talk and discuss - we have lively discussions here! Everyone is very kind and respectful - except the trolls. Ignore them - if you feed them they keep coming back for more. Hugs, Blessings and welcome! Wolfie