View Full Version : Lie detectors

Apr 30, 2009, 4:19 AM
Has anyone ever tried being hooked up to one. I have. Years ago, I was doing a lite course in psychology, and one rainy night, only a few turned up. The teacher had brought with her a polygraph, and we all had to have our turn. Being the only male that night, I was to be last. I think there was about 4-5 girls and me that night. No one was asked too hard questions, but one of the girls, every time they mention her boyfriend's name, the needle went,,bang. Well, my turn came, much the same questions, that is, till the last one, when she just said,,,MASTURBATION,,,:eek:,somehow, I kept my cool, don't know how, the needle didn't move. How on earth did I do that, the needle should have broken. Thinking about it now, could it be that the question didn't require an answer?, but what about my emotion, like the girl, why didn't that set it off. Still don't know.
Any one else have a story.

Ps, the course I did was based on S. Freud.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 30, 2009, 4:51 AM
lie detectors work on impulses and changes .... but lie detectors can only detect changes in the body, not lies..... the person that does the reading, will make a conclusion, based on the changes indictated by the needles....

lol years ago, during testing for psychic abilities ( long story ) I was tested by lie detector and was able to influence the test to a point that the assessor ruled the test void, the reason for the test from to prove that suspected out of body experiences could influence a lie detector test, the same with meditation / self hypnosis states...

in conclusion, I was able to fully prove that meditation is the most successful way to fuck over lie detector machines....now in some people, there is not the emotional / body changes and impulses, like increased heart rate, pulse etc ....that are used to *detect* possible lies.....and I have the opinion that a open minded and relaxed person can *fool* a lie detector test.....

other facts are room temperature, mental stability, self control etc etc etc

draw your own conclusions....lol

Apr 30, 2009, 3:54 PM
Look at this: http://www.antipolygraph.org/

Read the personal stories section to see how many careers are mindlessly destroyed by this modern-day version of trial by drowning.

M. Wolfe
Apr 30, 2009, 4:13 PM
It's pretty rank and un-scientific.

I was annoyed that mythbusters did such a poor job at taking it on.

Apr 30, 2009, 5:09 PM
lie detectors work...No, they don't.

Apr 30, 2009, 6:40 PM
Vera..ole battleaxe geography teacher at high school.. she cud detect a fib a mile off.. she jus looked atya face..smiled an then gaveya gud bollokin for lyin from the soles a ya shoes.. scary lady.. even the thugs thot twice fore denyin they had smashed up the gym wen faced wiv 'er...an me got away wiv NOWT!!!! More notes home than most peeps had hot dinners ova me 6 years ther...who needed lie detectors wen Vera wos 'bout...??? She is dead now, poor cow..but ran inta 'er cuppla years afta me left... an she let me kno she knew zactly wot me wos up 2 in the art room durin the xmas concert the year fore me left..an wiv whom...me gob opened wide an an jaw hit the floor an jus fore me got out the denial she jus sed.. "No Lady Muck.. don't you dare sell your soul again..."

I ask ya!!!:eek::(

May 1, 2009, 12:53 AM
lol In my Sociology class our Prof. brought in a Poly. Several people were asked questions to see if your blood pressure went up, or if your heart rate elevated or deviated in any way. Some of us were told to purposely lie. When it was my turn, I answered truthfully on almost all of the 10 questions. When it came to the last four, I lied my ass off. Trouble is, all tested true, even tho they Were down right lies.

Question One: How old are you at this moment? I answered "101"
Question 2. Are you happy in your marriage and life? I answered "Yes, absolutely.
Question three: "Were you ever abducted by Aliens?" I answered "Yes"
Question four: "Were you a virgin when you got married, and have you ever had a Homosexual experiance? I answered "Yes and No"

So as you can see, they arent always right. :}
PS The Aliens were fun. Lil' Party Animals...lmao :rolleyes:

M. Wolfe
May 1, 2009, 2:59 AM
Question four: "Were you a virgin when you got married, and have you ever had a Homosexual experiance? I answered "Yes and No"

I'm wondering if people knew you were lying on those, or just you?

There are lots of times that I've flirted with telling people by putting it jokes and things as subtext - and rarely I got that 'that doesn't make sense' face from other people. I've always been bad at keeping secrets, and I close to blabbing my biggest one on many-a-occasion. There is a sense of jeopardy in these things.

May 1, 2009, 11:47 AM
We were told to give them a "Thumbs up" when we were lying, that way they knew we were. I think they kinda figured it out when I told them I was 101 and it didnt register..I mean, I know I'm old, but Damn.....lol
Silly Cat

May 1, 2009, 1:39 PM
... mentioned Vera.. me own fib scourge at school... forgot me mum... Vera cudn hold a candle 2 'er wen it cums 2 lie detection... not a course me wud ev fib 2 me mum... an def nev 2 me dad... the sad eyes did an dus me job ther.. tee hee:bigrin:

May 1, 2009, 1:45 PM
Funny you should ask that. I just had one yesterday!! Technology has moved forward. They no longer use the ones that measure your sweaty palms, breathing or blood pressure. They now use a VSA (Voice Stress Analizer). They pick a couple questions and ask you to deliberately lie and then use that to analize your yes or no answers. All answers must be presented in a manner which requires a yes or no answer. So, simply saying "Masturbation" wouldn't do it - They would have to ask "Do you masturbate?". I took mine as part of the background check and clearance for employment at a correctional facility.

I didn't lie and I passed with flying colors.... and got the job!!! Yay!

I'm very happy I passed, but as a nurse and a person with a scientific background. I must confess. I don't personally think they are worth the metal they are made from. I just don't believe they really work.

I'm pleased I passed - but would've been pissed off if they said I was lying - when I wasn't. Just my :2cents:. Wolfie

May 1, 2009, 7:47 PM
Congrats on the job sweetie. Altho I dont know Why they would ask someone if they took matters into their own paws...but with employers nowdays, one never knows..lol

May 1, 2009, 11:15 PM
I have heard of a new device which uses memory recall to tell if you know anything about a crime. If you were asked a question you knew something about, your memory would go into overdrive analysing the event, and that brain activity they can detect, if you knew nothing, your brain would remain calm.
I have nothing against the use of such devices, as long as the person being asked to take the test, have the right of reply, that is to say, he can ask the same questions of the person who wants the test.That would eliminate hypocrisy.:eek:

M. Wolfe
May 2, 2009, 4:22 AM
We were told to give them a "Thumbs up" when we were lying, that way they knew we were. I think they kinda figured it out when I told them I was 101 and it didnt register..I mean, I know I'm old, but Damn.....lol
Silly Cat

I meant on the last one.

If you were signalling people that you were lying then the results would mean nothing. If the people know you are lying or are about to lie, when they look at the readings from the machine, they will be far more likely to percieve a lie because it's what they expect.

The Observer Expectancy Effect is something we just did a big experiment on and we found people to be quite bad at it.

Though that wasn't really relevant to this, I just thought I'd mention it.

M. Wolfe
May 2, 2009, 11:06 AM
So, inspired by this thread, I did a little digging. I ended up putting together a thread on my own on this on another forum, I'm part off. Instead of copy-pasting the whole thing, I'll link it..
