View Full Version : Breaking News: WHO raises Swine Flu threat level

Apr 29, 2009, 4:16 PM
As I type this--the World Health Organization has increased the level on the Swine Flu from Level 4 to Level 5--one step below the most serious level so I guess this thing is a real deal.

It really is hard to protect yourself from something like the flu--but I guess that in this case--if you get flu like symptoms--call your health care provider ASAP and tell them your symptoms so they can advise you as to what action to take--they do say that Tamiflu and the other similar drugs are doing the job of fighting the illness.

May we and our loved ones all emerge from this unscathed.

Apr 29, 2009, 4:52 PM
Im thinking I wont get it and Im praying I wont get it lol Right now Im under quarantine for 2 weeks due to a medication Im taking for a week that is going to really drop my immune system down and along with being diabetic itll be next to no immune system. So, either Ill somehow have the bad luck of getting it or Ill be safe due to being under lock and key :)

Apr 29, 2009, 6:10 PM
Eh, I'll probably get it...I get everything...my immune system is shot.

I'm worried about my Dad though, he's got a low immune system right now due to surgery that he just had and they live in an area where a lot of people commute in and out of New York on a daily basis, right in the areas where a big outbreak just occured...so I'm hoping no one (includng mom) goes near him much.

Apr 29, 2009, 11:34 PM
In Egypt they are killing pigs to protect the people from swine flu.

It's like killing cats during the plague.

I wonder what they'll start killing when the disease gets through anyway?

Apr 30, 2009, 12:01 AM
Oh good grief. There goes most of the food chains if humans start killin' everything of in the name of animals causing diseases. Are they trying to turn us into Vegitarians??? They start killing off all the pigs due to Swine Flu, the Chickens and Ducks from Bird flu, and Mad cow disease. Whirling disease in most creek and stream fish. Whats next? Killer Ground Hog Syndrome? Turkey Tourettes? Goose Plague? Lizard Laxidazia? Elephants with colds?(eeeww)
Sheep Spasms. Lobster Alzheimers (They walk off and forget where they are) ScallopToximia? Suicidal Shrimps?
Gimmie a break.....

(This was an attempt at levity, so if it bothered anyone, my apologies and..bite me!)


Apr 30, 2009, 3:57 AM
Seems they "think" it is spread by saliva an through the air... Don they kno???? So..peeps r advised.. no snoggin... jeez.. me life wud end if me hasta stop snoggin Naggy... peeps wearin those essential style accessories..masks.. God... will take me chances tyvm... but no ta....:eek:

Apr 30, 2009, 11:35 AM
It's only a Pandemic in the nation where patient zero is; Mexico.

It is a concern everywhere else, but people are still panicking over it. That will only make things worse.

Here in the US, we have had more than 100 suspected cases and most of them have been confirmed with one infant death.

That may qualify as a pandemic in a medium sized town, but nationwide, it isn't such a bad thing. During normal flu season, those numbers are far worse, so why everyone is freaking out over it, I have no clue. It isn't as if it spreads in a manner that is any different than regular flu or that it has a 100% mortality rate.

And it sounds harsh and un-caring, but disease is one of natures ways to "cull the herd" to help prevent overpopulation by a species.

Apr 30, 2009, 11:45 AM
It's only a Pandemic in the nation where patient zero is; Mexico.

It is a concern everywhere else, but people are still panicking over it. That will only make things worse.

Here in the US, we have had more than 100 suspected cases and most of them have been confirmed with one infant death.

That may qualify as a pandemic in a medium sized town, but nationwide, it isn't such a bad thing. During normal flu season, those numbers are far worse, so why everyone is freaking out over it, I have no clue. It isn't as if it spreads in a manner that is any different than regular flu or that it has a 100% mortality rate.

And it sounds harsh and un-caring, but disease is one of natures ways to "cull the herd" to help prevent overpopulation by a species.

As President Obama said in his press conference last night--there is no reason to panic---but it is wise to take all due precautions in the face of the outbreak of this flu---it does seem that the 24/7 news operations are all freaking out over this---OF COURSE!!

No reason to get all freaked out over this--but you can't approach it with total apathy either.

The thing with this flu--it is definitely becoming a serious situation in Mexico and it is a descendant of the flu virus that back in the 1910's killed hundreds of millions of people---so it is a cause for concern---but then again---it is an interesting thing to note that in the US alone--there are something like 36,000 deaths each year from each season's "regular flu."

This is obviously not anywhere near that level of threat as yet.

Apr 30, 2009, 5:45 PM
Swine flu all the time 24X7 I bet the media whores are making sacrifices in thanks to their media pig gods. PANIC

Apr 30, 2009, 5:57 PM
Oh good grief. There goes most of the food chains if humans start killin' everything of in the name of animals causing diseases. Are they trying to turn us into Vegitarians??? They start killing off all the pigs due to Swine Flu, the Chickens and Ducks from Bird flu, and Mad cow disease. Whirling disease in most creek and stream fish. Whats next? Killer Ground Hog Syndrome? Turkey Tourettes? Goose Plague? Lizard Laxidazia? Elephants with colds?(eeeww)
Sheep Spasms. Lobster Alzheimers (They walk off and forget where they are) ScallopToximia? Suicidal Shrimps?
Gimmie a break.....

(This was an attempt at levity, so if it bothered anyone, my apologies and..bite me!)


It's crazy, especially since they confirmed that as long as your meat is cooked all the way through you can not contract it from eating pork.

Apr 30, 2009, 6:13 PM
Definition of Pandemic

Pandemic: An epidemic (a sudden outbreak) that becomes very widespread and affects a whole region, a continent, or the world.

By contrast:

* An epidemic affects more than the expected number of cases of disease occurring in a community or region during a given period of time. A sudden severe outbreak within a region or a group as, for example, AIDS in Africa or AIDS in intravenous drug users.
* An endemic is present in a community at all times but in low frequency. An endemic is continuous as in the case of malaria in some areas of the world or as with illicit drugs in some neighborhoods.

The word "pandemic" comes from the Greek "pan-", "all" + "demos", "people or population" = "pandemos" = "all the people." A pandemic affects all (nearly all) of the people. By contrast, "epi-" means "upon." An epidemic is visited upon the people. And "en-" means "in." An endemic is in the people.