View Full Version : Good news

M. Wolfe
Apr 28, 2009, 2:50 PM
One of my was best mates, Matt, was recently engaged to be married, but no longer is.

This is good news because the girl he was engaged to was a selfish, miserable little pixie and Matt in an enabler - she was sucking him dry, whipped barely described how bad it was.

Everyone of his friends agrees that she was a deadweight on Matt, cramping his potential - he's doing very well at uni. However, none of us could do anything, as he could pull out all number of excuses justifying the relationship, and he'd sooner drop anyone of us that her.

Recently she made a new friend, a guy, she went to a movie with him, Matt said he trusted her. The next day, she no longer wanted to be with him....

What.... a.... slag...

It's sad that it ended the way it did, Matt is distraught, it would have been much better for everyone involved if Matt had been the one breaking it off. I think he may fall into a similar destructive relationship.

However, at least we got him back before they got married.

Apr 28, 2009, 3:13 PM
Just a word of caution....be very careful as to how you may put her down in front of your friend. While he may find it somewhat comforting at this particular time, there is always the chance that they may get back together...and if that happens, all Matt is going to remember are the nasty comments his friends made about his girl and YOU will be the one worse off. Just be supportive of him at this time and keep the "slag" comments to a minimum in front of him. He needs your friendship right now...not your negativity.

M. Wolfe
Apr 28, 2009, 3:27 PM
ust be supportive of him at this time and keep the "slag" comments to a minimum in front of him. He needs your friendship right now...not your negativity.

In point of fact, I've not put her down in front of him, it was he who called her a slag first. We were here, waiting for him, with arms open. We are trying to help him pull himself together.

This is good news, as painful for him as it may be, it's what's best - so I prey thee, flying spaghetti monster, that they don't get back together. That would be disastrous!

Apr 28, 2009, 5:08 PM
Cuppla more words a cauntion... b ware thine own perception a the girl.. an b ware the perception thy m8 gives out.. 1 mite jus b totally rong... the otha a smoke screen a pain wich ifya play it rong mite lead 2 strife tween yas..:)

M. Wolfe
Apr 28, 2009, 10:15 PM
Cuppla more words a cauntion... b ware thine own perception a the girl.. an b ware the perception thy m8 gives out.. 1 mite jus b totally rong... the otha a smoke screen a pain wich ifya play it rong mite lead 2 strife tween yas..:)

Don't worry, I'm not wrong. This relationship has been going on for 5-6 years. Enough people have seen enough of the girl to see the destructive nature of the relationship.

M. Wolfe
Apr 29, 2009, 6:58 AM
Wolfe-He's not going to sleep with you just because he broke up with his fiance.

I didn't break them up and I don't want to sleep with him.

Got him back? As if you own him or something? Or that he's obligated to ownership by you?

He's no longer trapped in a relationship that will box-in the potential of his life, making him a slave to a mortgage and kids prematurely.

Like it or not someone's partner/husband/wife/fiance should always come first and be #1 before their friends are.

Not arguing with you on this point.

Grow up, mature a bit, get into a relationship with someone who you love and care about and just maybe you will realize this.

This relationship is none of your business as it is not your relationship and you are not either your friend or his fiance so back off, grow up, stop spreading gossip, and do some maturing of your own before you start nasty rumours about people who you do not know. :2cents:

So I'm simply supposed to ignore everything that my senses tell me regarding the two? He's one of my best friends, am I not obligated to do what I can to help be the best he can be? Yet when it comes to a fiancée, I'm just supposed to back off and accept that he's a lost cause?

It does not matter what enough or any number of people think of the relationship as this is between your friend and the woman who he is/was with.

It was plainly obvious what that relationship was like, she was trapping him in, with no regard to what he wants or should do, as long as she got her way. I had an unbelievable time trying to swallow the idea that I couldn't do anything to help him.

People break up and end relationships at the drop of a hat over tons of things. It is not your call or judgment to call this woman a slut/slag just because she broke up with your friend.

He called her that first! I called her that now, because she left him for nothing, leaving him a mess. You don't do that to people you love.

Also there is a large difference between slut and slag.

Apr 29, 2009, 9:25 AM
Wolfe, don't worry about it...BisexualIndian always seems to have a bug up his rear with his posts. I read the post thinking that it was unnecissarily harsh so too, so, try not to bothered by that:)

M. Wolfe
Apr 29, 2009, 10:44 AM
Wolfe, don't worry about it...BisexualIndian always seems to have a bug up his rear with his posts. I read the post thinking that it was unnecissarily harsh so too, so, try not to bothered by that:)

Yes well I said this was good news because for him, it's a new beginnings - A chance to be his own man again, but I think it's been taken the wrong way.

Apr 29, 2009, 3:02 PM
Well, if it makes you feel better, I knew where you were going with this thread haha.

Apr 29, 2009, 3:15 PM
Well, if it makes you feel better, I knew where you were going with this thread haha.

omg rissa where did you get that icon? I love it!!

Apr 29, 2009, 3:17 PM
omg rissa where did you get that icon? I love it!!

I don't even remember...but it's my desktop background too :-)
You could probably easily find it on google though.

Apr 29, 2009, 3:17 PM
Bah dont give second thought to bisexualindian...

Some people have nothing better to do with their time except rant over something they picked apart in detail and made up in their mind something they could bitch about without even having any clue whatsoever what they hell they are even talking about.

In one ear... out the other!!

I totally understood ya, not sure why we needed to know it but hey, whatever works!

Apr 29, 2009, 3:46 PM
Wolfe, don't worry about it...BisexualIndian always seems to have a bug up his rear with his posts. I read the post thinking that it was unnecissarily harsh so too, so, try not to bothered by that:)

Amen! BisexualIndian has NO IDEA what kind of relationship you and your mate have. I have some friendships that I can speak my piece openly about things with-- and others that I have to be a little more "diplomatic" with. Only YOU know your relationship boundaries. I can FULLY understand your feelings and your relief at his escaping a huge mistake. (Been there done that with friends of mine as well). Don't let one persons negativity/negative opinion disuade you from doing what you feel is right for you and your friend OR for your feeling good about it ending if it was a bad situation. That's what friends are for. Yeah, you run the risk of losing a friend if you say the wrong things or you can help them by your support - again, only YOU can judge that. Whether you actually SAY anything to your mate or not - NEVER BE SORRY FOR FEELINGS YOU HAVE IN THEIR BEST INTERESTS!!!! Ignore bisexualindian. LW