View Full Version : RED ALERT!!! Possible Threesome Ahead!!!

Apr 27, 2009, 11:55 AM
OK, here's the short version.

i went out over the weekend and hooked up with a sexy bi chick who's a swinger and totally wants me. i got her phone number and am planning to call her either today or tomorrow and see if she wants to get together this friday.

we also met this other chick who is visibly into both of us. the two girls danced on their own a bit and seemed to get along pretty well. we also have her contact info.

all three of us belong to a bi club that meets a couple times a month, so we end up seeing each other somewhat regularly. both girls are very sexually open and they both want me.

Please, PLEASE, PLEEEEEZE help me! anyone have any hints - or more importantly, do NOT do's - that will help me maneuver this into a threesome?

(Safe sex, obviously, that goes without saying.)

:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::b igrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

Apr 27, 2009, 11:58 AM
just go with the flow and have fun.....and remember no means no

Apr 27, 2009, 12:13 PM
lol No anxious are we???
Have fun, be safe above anything else. Lots of vitimins Now. Case of condoms and lube from Wal-Mart....lol;)

Apr 27, 2009, 12:56 PM
Evil, Just one thing to ponder: This may be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. I hope it is, for your sake. How you conduct yourself and the things you say and do, will reveal much about you as a person and lover. Even if it's not going to be permanent situation, if your time together is good for all concerned, you may end up being (at least) friends forever.

Years ago, I met two women who were lovers before I met them. Within a month they asked me to move in with them and what followed was 18 months of the most exciting times of my life! I hope your experience is half as rewarding and fun as mine was! Good luck!

Apr 27, 2009, 2:14 PM
Almost anyone here can give you advice of what "hint" to utilize, but one of the best ways I have been able to know what a partner likes is to simply ask... You can look at it as another form of "oral sex"... :rolleyes: One thing I do agree on, No means No... Have fun... :paw::paw:

Apr 27, 2009, 10:35 PM
You Lucky Bastard...ENJOY:cool:!!!

Apr 27, 2009, 11:37 PM
I'll risk repeating others...go with the flow. However, if as you say they both want you badly may I suggest that you do not act too eager. Even a little "playing hard to get" may increase your chances of ending up with both of them in the palm of your hand. Remember, play safe and No means No. Good Luck

May 3, 2009, 1:27 AM
Sit back and watch them dyke it out and tell them that you are living every straight man's dream of being with 2 chicks at the same time unless one of them is fat.

Use no condoms or just use 1 condom for the 2 women!

I think your comment of "Use no condoms or just 1 condom for both women" is very stupid. Ever hear of "Safe Sex"???. Evil - have fun but be safe. Live to enjoy it again!

May 3, 2009, 6:41 AM
OK, here's the short version.

i went out over the weekend and hooked up with a sexy bi chick who's a swinger and totally wants me. i got her phone number and am planning to call her either today or tomorrow and see if she wants to get together this friday.

we also met this other chick who is visibly into both of us. the two girls danced on their own a bit and seemed to get along pretty well. we also have her contact info.

all three of us belong to a bi club that meets a couple times a month, so we end up seeing each other somewhat regularly. both girls are very sexually open and they both want me.

Please, PLEASE, PLEEEEEZE help me! anyone have any hints - or more importantly, do NOT do's - that will help me maneuver this into a threesome?

(Safe sex, obviously, that goes without saying.)

:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::b igrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

Any update,,,,last time someone posted a post like that, we never heard the outcum,,,,:eek:

May 3, 2009, 6:02 PM
Any update,,,,last time someone posted a post like that, we never heard the outcum,,,,:eek:

So what happened... Do tell...DO TEEELLLLLL....:three::bibounce::bounce::drool:

May 3, 2009, 6:13 PM
As a bi guy, this facination with TWO Women and you eludes me. Was it the movie American Pie where the one guy would sell his mother to see the two women together?

Anyway, good luck. Be happy. :)


May 3, 2009, 9:53 PM
okay, i've gone out and gotten to second base with GIRL A and i am seeing GIRL B later this week. (i also got roped into a date today by GUY C, who i would have blown just to get out of a second date, but that's another situation.)

setback: GIRL A is not attracted to GIRL B enough to date her, so any connection between the two must be made by me. at best, she would be fucking her for my sake. at worst, she would see it as a "pity fuck".

setback: my own performance anxiety prevented me from going all the way, but, thankfully, it just left her wanting me MORE. it has been three years since my last "first fuck" with a girl and i must admit, i had stage fright. i decided it would be better to hold off than risk an encounter with "mr. floppy."

setback: both girls actually have good hearts and character, so, if i'm gonna do this, i have to take their feelings into consideration. casual sex is easier when it's with someone i can't stand.

anyway, will provide updates at a later time. but, the way things are looking, this whole experience might end up being a lesson in how to get it right the next time. which is worth learning from, regardless of the outcome.

oh, and, i DID suggest the MMF threesome scenario and GIRL A only likes FFM.