View Full Version : Are really horny people more likely to be Bi?

Apr 24, 2009, 6:56 PM
What do you think? The bi-curious person from the other day got me to thinking that his feelings were related to being horny, possibly at it's peak during masturbation.

Recently I pretty much stopped masturbating but when I get behind a computer I want to surf to a porn site about half the time. I don't feel like masturbating until aroused by porn so it should be a simple matter of not looking at the stuff. Psychologically I seek out porn to fuel masturbation and orgasm. It seems like a typical addiction.

Horny, in this case, is more psychological than anything else. Is that the case with most really horny people? Can it eventually lead to same sex experimentation? Does anyone here feel that this is what led to their bisexuality or was a contributing factor?

Apr 24, 2009, 8:53 PM
I think that is very likely, same sex fantasy while masturbating is very very common, male or female.I read somewhere that women between ages of 17-40 were more likely to have a same sex experience then men, but after 40, men were more likely.(Women have already done it, so that make sense):eek:
A study by Harward Uni found that about 20% of the people asked, admitted to a same sex experience.About 5% of people are guy, so that leaves 15% Bi.If you include fantasy, I think most people are bi, but getting them to admit it, is not easy, specially if married.Are young girls more likely to kiss when a bit drunk, yes, and I thing young guys will be more likely to have sex with a male friend, if a bit drunk too.:rolleyes:

Apr 25, 2009, 7:10 PM
This is something that I have asked myself a lot of times.

It is not likely to be that case in the largest number of cases, but it is possible in a very small number of cases.

Apr 26, 2009, 3:35 AM
If you asked the question, are drunk people more likely to engage in a same sex experience, I think it would be for younger people, but not so much in older people.Younger people always need an excuse to do what they really like to do when sober, then they have something to blame for it later. I was drunk, didn't know what I was doing, all forgiven.:eek:

M. Wolfe
Apr 26, 2009, 7:45 AM
If you asked the question, are drunk people more likely to engage in a same sex experience, I think it would be for younger people, but not so much in older people.Younger people always need an excuse to do what they really like to do when sober, then they have something to blame for it later. I was drunk, didn't know what I was doing, all forgiven.:eek:

LOL. I've met a few who under the influence, have done certain things much to their shame....

...I was once involved. :tongue:

Apr 26, 2009, 9:31 AM
Nope.. jus horny..

On pointa wen sozzed.. don think lowerin inhibitions brings out latent bi-ness eitha.. we mite do summat wiv sum 1 we wudn othawise do wen sober.. but think simply that bein sozzed can an dus make us do the daftest things.. like strip off an flash our bits.. snog peeps weve nev seen b fore.. pinch policemens bottoms an nick ther caps.. an slept wiv an had sex wiv peeps we wudn normally fancy in a million years..dun alla these things an more.. jus makes me a drunken daft cow wiv not a lotta self control wen sozzed.. not much else..:tong: