View Full Version : Warning: ATM card thefts

Apr 24, 2009, 9:18 AM
This thread is off topic for this site, I know ... but I was amazed to see this technique .... complete with pics... and I thought anyone with a bank card would like to know about this.

I know from now on I'll be very vigilant about checking the slot of my ATM. That having been said, there is NO way in hell I'd give my PIN number to anyone....but some people WOULD, especially if they thought their card was irretrievable.

So.....spread the word !


Apr 24, 2009, 10:25 AM
Very sensible recommendations to protect yourself at the end of the article.

Another scam I've heard of -- the scammers set up a cash machine in a convenience store, bodega, flea-market, etc., but it's not actually connected to any network. They fill it with a couple thous.$ and let people withdraw the cash. After a few days, all the cash is gone, but they have many people's account numbers and pins! They then very easily code-up counterfit cards and empty the accounts at "real" ATMs.

I NEVER use a non-bank ATM.