View Full Version : New Poll: Why do you visit Bisexual.com?

Feb 1, 2006, 9:48 AM
Curious fellow-members want to know... Why do you visit bisexual.com?

- Drew :paw:

ps. Thanks to Arana for suggesting this poll.

Driver 8
Feb 1, 2006, 10:27 AM
I suppose "to socialize" counts as "other."

Feb 1, 2006, 10:52 AM
I think the main reason for me is exposure to the world of people who define themselves as bisexual - from the erotic to the day-to-day living situations and to hear people's views on a variety of subjects from a bisexual perspective.

meteast chick
Feb 1, 2006, 11:00 AM
I wasn't comfortable going out and just telling strangers this particular area of my life. However, I wanted to be safe and talk about it with some level of anonymity. The positive side is that you can stay as anonymous as you are comfortable with, and share with like-minded individuals. Thank you Drew!

Feb 1, 2006, 11:16 AM
I have felt comfortable with my bisexuality for years. I found bisexual.com looking for ways to communicate with people that have similar sexual desires as mine. The "Birds of a Feather Flock Together" I guess. Bisexual.com is a great site Drew, thank you very much.

Lisa (va)
Feb 1, 2006, 1:20 PM
Basically i think the folks here are as wonderful as the site is, thank ytou drew.


hugs n kisses

Feb 1, 2006, 1:53 PM
Allowed me to discover I'm not the only one with these feelings, and gives me a chance to learn more in a respectful environment. Also (hopefully) will give me a chance to take small steps to explore my feelings further.

bicurious bottom
Feb 1, 2006, 1:55 PM
Despite what some may think, I visit here simply to enjoy light-hearted humorous adult chat, and nothing more or less. :)

Feb 1, 2006, 3:11 PM
To pick up chicks :tong: ;) .

Naw, reading the forum and knowing that I am not alone in my bisexuality and my lifestyle is priceless. Here in rural Tennessee there are no like minded people to talk to or learn from and at times it gets quite lonely. Knowing that I'm really not alone helps immeasurably.

Feb 1, 2006, 5:24 PM
I have voted on reading the articles and forums because like Anne said, it is comforting to know that there are others out there who feel and think like I do. From the worries to the fantasies, this site really feels like home.

Feb 1, 2006, 5:54 PM
I like coming to the site because no matter what, I can always find someone stranger than me here. LOL

I love the site Drew, it's the one place we can come, whether out of the closet or not, and feel at home. We've become a little family here and it's been nice. We love, fight and get together for special occassions just like any other disfunctional family. Thank you for giving us this space to do that.

Big Hugs to you for all the great work fearless leader!!! :tong:

Feb 1, 2006, 6:50 PM
The poll only let me have one answer.So I picked 'to meet people'. But, I always read the forum/articles when I'm here. They're like questions I'm afraid to ask! Thank you all for being here and, there for me.


Feb 1, 2006, 7:20 PM
Hi Drew,

I voted for chat but I also come to meet people, some who I may never meet in person but people who mean something special to me. I also come for the threads and posts. The discussions are wonderful. The threads, posts and people on this site have been instumental in helping me define myseld to myself.
And for all these reasons I thank you for this site. Maybe one day I can meet you, with or without our clothes on. LMFFBAO
(Laughing My Fat Fucking Bear Ass Off)

:grouphug: :bowdown: :2cents:

Feb 1, 2006, 8:07 PM
I was going to say for a "sense of community" with like minded individuals, and that was true when I came here, however it is much more.

As Arana so aptly put, the people on this site have become family.

Feb 1, 2006, 8:46 PM
It seems to be an honest, open site. Many different issues, stories, laughs, pouts, birthdays, dirty pictures, a couple of "I hope my story is not too long" then it goes on forever, some "I have a question" that leaves me all confused....Some i don't like you's, Sorry if I offened someone's, Polls, links to funny clips, Dickman adventures, warm words, encouragements, some "be very carefuls" for the new or first timers, the feeling of belonging, and knowing I have friends that although I may never personally meet, I know I won't be steered wrong if I ever need soneone to talk to....Dammit Drew, now I have to go wipe the tears from my eyes cuz I love you all.... :love: :paw: :paw:

Feb 1, 2006, 9:38 PM
i chose "all the above " except that i'm not one at all for cybersex.. i gotta say, "ditto' all that has been posted before me by others who are faster to answer than i am.. it's the sense of belonging, of community, without the psycho's and crap starting drama queens who stalk the other sites that has kept me coming back night after night.. gee, i'm addicted :eek:

Feb 1, 2006, 10:00 PM
I originally came here after learning my husband was bisexual. He also being a member on here thought talking to a few straight women on here with bi husbands would help me through my long drawn out shock and horror. :eek:

I came the first few times reading all the threads and posts and checking out people's profiles and seeing what it was that bisexual people were all about. Stating here that I knew NOTHING about bisexuality.

I eventually made my way into the chatroom and made some really good friends and those friends have helped me more than words can express. I know that I would not be where I am emotionally if it had not been for this site.

Drew, this was a great thing you started. Thank you. :)

Feb 1, 2006, 10:04 PM
i chose "all the above " except that i'm not one at all for cybersex.. i gotta say, "ditto' all that has been posted before me by others who are faster to answer than i am.. it's the sense of belonging, of community, without the psycho's and crap starting drama queens who stalk the other sites that has kept me coming back night after night.. gee, i'm addicted :eek:
Scary wanderingrichard : I could not say it any better,are you a mind reader?

This common bond we share here makes me feel at home.
Thank you Drew and the rest of my extended family for the hours of enjoyment i find here.

Feb 1, 2006, 10:58 PM
I came here as a bisexual to be part of the bisexual community, or family as Arana puts it. :grouphug: After a lot of searching I stumbled on this place. Imagine, it took me quite a while to find a bisexual site with url bisexual.com - duoh! And now I'm addicted to this place. I'm here every day. I love reading the forums, the chat is great (when I can get there), the articles are good, and we've met and made friends with some of the members here. What more could I ask for. LOL! Keep up the great site Drew.

Feb 1, 2006, 11:51 PM
:bigrin: no, greg, sometimes the spirits of late poets take over my mind and fingers and bring out things that amaze even me :rolleyes:

Feb 1, 2006, 11:51 PM
i was so happy to find this site! where i'm from, people call it the "bible belt" and people are really uptight. so, i really need people to talk to that are like-minded. i'm only partially 'out' and that's hard enough. so, it's really nice to be able to openly share and get to hear others opinions and experiences.

redheadedwench :banghead:

Feb 2, 2006, 12:41 AM
Why do you visit Bisexual.com?

...definitely the food....for thought :bigrin:

Ashoka & Kaurwaki
Feb 2, 2006, 4:48 AM
Information, good chat, and the vain hope of finding a nice lady in our area. Have the first two down with no problem, the third......

Still, we really like coming here and chatting, it's a lot of fun

Feb 2, 2006, 5:11 AM
Ive only been cumming ;) for a few months, I first started to read some articles. I love the articles and the forums where I can say what I feel without fear. I am basically in the closet with the exception of about 5 people. Before I felt really bad about being BI and I felt I was gettin depresed and it was a hard time for a while, but being able to share and hear others has been very helpful to me on so many levels I owe everyone on this site so much graditude for just being part of this that I really need. So even though I come mostly to read and post in the articles/forums the main reason is to feel at peace with myself with all of you. Now I feel like I can jump up and down :bibounce: :wiggle2: :bounce: chanting and waving a BI flag (which i didnt even know excisted until I came here) although all of it in my closet and as my persona of runwildtonight. thank you all you are all family and friends to me now

:bibounce: :compuser:

Feb 2, 2006, 8:32 AM
Although I wouldn't mind meeting some of you folks in person, time and distance forbids it. So I mainly find this a a friendly place to ponder, and express views that I am interested in. I hope to at some time get to the chat room as I do enjoy chatting with like minded individuals.


Feb 2, 2006, 1:11 PM
I looked at a lot of sites and so far this site is a place with a lot of people that are respectful. This is a place where I can be open about who I am and not be judged. It's great to have a place to go when so many are in the same boat and I am finding out that this is one big ass boat. Good job Drew and thanks.

Feb 2, 2006, 2:04 PM
I visit for the sense of community. So many wonderful people here, so much compassion and understanding. I read the forums, mostly in lurk, and get a sense of acceptance, which cannot be found anywhere else. I can hide in plain sight, so to speak, and not be judged for being what I am.
Mike :2cents:

Feb 2, 2006, 2:44 PM
My reasons for coming to this site initially and continuing to return echos that of many of those who have posted their thoughts in this thread.

I came here because I was looking for a place to have some meaningful conversations about bisexuality--thank God for this site and as I have said before--thank you Drew and your associates for putting this site up and keeping it going.

I am glad to find a community of like minded people--this site has done that for me.

Feb 2, 2006, 5:03 PM
At the end of a long, stressful day, or during a lunch break, it gives me a break.
I can enjoy the forums and generally let my "other" self out of the box a bit.

PS VOLTMAN. Use a bigger font. Some of us sometimes forget our bi-focals. ;)

Feb 2, 2006, 6:17 PM
I visit because I enjoy reading the thoughts of everyone. They are always interesting and often insightful.

I also visit because I am still in the closet and it's comforting to know there are many, MANY others out there!

I also visit in hopes of meeting others near me in Indianapolis for friendship and possibly.....hopefully.....more.

Feb 2, 2006, 6:17 PM
Hmm, not sure really, lots of reasons i guess :cool:

at first i was just very keen to make friends, just other people like me who were attracted to people regardless of gender and saw that as a norm not a perversion...

having been married for too long :cool: i imagined myself meeting mainly women for 'romantic liasons' and men more as friends... hmm that didn't quite work out as i expected either!

since last summer i have been enjoying the attentions of my bisexual male lover, whom i met via here.. if it wasn't for the affirmation this site offers, i may have allowed myself to be undermined by my friends belief that i am straight really and anything else was 'just a phaze'... this site reminds me that myself and said lover have no sexual preference regards gender, we are together regardless of gender but rather because the chemistry is so good right now :rolleyes:

i still visit to chat with friends, read the forums etc.. but at the risk of sounding a bit cheesy this is just a very safe place to touch base with.. :flag1: ... julie x

Feb 2, 2006, 10:15 PM
It seems to be an honest, open site. Many different issues, stories, laughs, pouts, birthdays, dirty pictures, a couple of "I hope my story is not too long" then it goes on forever, some "I have a question" that leaves me all confused....Some i don't like you's, Sorry if I offened someone's, Polls, links to funny clips, Dickman adventures, warm words, encouragements, some "be very carefuls" for the new or first timers, the feeling of belonging, and knowing I have friends that although I may never personally meet, I know I won't be steered wrong if I ever need soneone to talk to....Dammit Drew, now I have to go wipe the tears from my eyes cuz I love you all.... :love: :paw: :paw:

*hugs Codybear*

Awwww....that was beautiful. :bibounce: :)

Feb 3, 2006, 6:52 PM
I looked at a lot of sites and so far this site is a place with a lot of people that are respectful. This is a place where I can be open about who I am and not be judged. It's great to have a place to go when so many are in the same boat and I am finding out that this is one big ass boat. Good job Drew and thanks.
LOL big ass boat indeed....now if it wasn't such a big ass world, we could all find each other much more easily.... :rolleyes:
I also agree with the ADULT conversation part....we have a great freedom of expression here, and b/c of that expression, I have noticed the ppl attracted to this site use it responsibly....I love the fact you can say what you wanna say, how you mean to say it, and we can all be mature about it. Show pics to clarify and all.....we can update our profile w/o having to wait 3 days for someone to approve it for content purposes(ahem..yahoo personals) The ppl are wonderful, helpful and otherwise entertaining :bigrin: I too, think I may be addicted :eek:

Feb 3, 2006, 11:12 PM
Why do I visit Bisexual.com? Good question. :rolleyes: Why do people hang out with the friends that they do? The answer is acceptance and freedom to be who we are and know that we will not be looked down upon or stigmatized for being "different". At Bixexual com, unlike sites totally devoted to gays or lesbians, we are given the freedom to be able to speak to both genders, ask questions and be ourselves. Of course the possibility exist, in a fantasized world, of finding a mate with whom to share our lives openly and together. So, why do I visit Bisexual.com. The answer, to be who I am. :)

Feb 4, 2006, 4:28 AM
This site has helped me to validate some of the things I have done in my life and those that I will do in the future.It's also just fun to relax and enjoy the cyber company of those who don't sit in judgement,to read the forums,chat now and then and wait eagerly the next installment of Choices.

Feb 4, 2006, 7:38 AM
Friendship. There's a lot of good people on this planet. Some of them just happen to be bisexual, and this a safe place to socialize and share.


Feb 4, 2006, 12:21 PM
Hi Drew,I came here at first to meet other likeminded persons. I have now what i consider a lot of new friends here. So this place and its people are like family to me to. I can express myself more openly here. Its been 10 months since i arrived here,and i feel as if ive known some of these folks all of my life. That is how welcomed they can make you feel here, thank you for such a wonderfull site. Charles,,,,,Tex.

Feb 6, 2006, 6:31 AM
I, like many, found this site by accident. Now I realize it was Kismet. What I found was a place where you are treated with honesty and respect by others from all walks of life from all over the globe. People who are willing to give of themselves and share their thoughts, experiances and feelings in a spirt of understanding with open communication. The insights I have gained into a world which I was not familiar have been extraordinary. Answers to questions which I have yet to ask myself are given in the posts, threads and articles. But if I had to list the greatest gift, it would be the gift of friendship. The people whom I have met here have been amazing, each in their own special way have touched my life. I have been able to enjoy the time we have spent, both on this site and in person, knowing that we have a common bond of understanding. For this alone, I shall be most grateful to Drew and to all of YOU.


Feb 6, 2006, 7:35 PM
thank you drew for giving me the chance to come and become part of this wonderful family community, whoses help and support and laughter i cherish

Feb 6, 2006, 11:24 PM
I came here so that I can chat with other men who have similar situations: married, love pussy but who admire cocks as well. A place where we can chat about our experiences, experiments etc without revealing who we really are. To chat about personal things (kiss-and-tell) that one does not feel overly comfortable doing face-to-face with other people. So far, I have been lucky with who I have chatted with and I hope it continues. Eventually, I hope that it will lead to face-to-face encounters and new friendships.

Feb 7, 2006, 11:52 AM
My primary reason is to read posts, and either reply, or start new threads. I do enjoy chat on occasion, and like looking for new members in my area. (Always looking for new friends). I guess I come to the sight for many different reasons....... :2cents:

I just wish I could access it while at work, but alas, I'm in the closet there and it would be VERY DETRIMENTAL to my career if they found out..... :flag3:

Feb 8, 2006, 8:04 PM
I frequent Bisexual.com,because I can speak freely,and chat and meet new friends, without judgement of my sexuality. It is my main chat room. I have refered some of my friends to enroll. I love this room. Randall

Feb 9, 2006, 1:39 AM
I would definetly like to meet someone.

Feb 9, 2006, 5:19 AM
Great Poll!! We're just a nosey buch aren't we?? lol!!!

I'd actually have liked to have ticked off two - The Forums and, of course, Chat.

As I have mentioned in the past - I came read a few posts - had a chat and .......discovered a WONDERFUL, vibrant, caring, loving and friendly bunch of folk who have one thing in common - their sexuality. Other than that we represent all shades of humanity in beliefs, fears, hopes and dreams.

And, again as I have written before, THANKYOU Drew for creating this wonderful Community. The love and support that events have led to me receive in just the last 24hours alone makes me think that we are, indeed, a "Cyber Family".

With, as ever, Love and Peace from London, UK.

Rupe. :)

Feb 9, 2006, 7:08 PM
I come here to see opinions and veiws of other bisexuals.
Cybering aint for me, and meeting peopel online isn;t my main motivation.

Feb 19, 2006, 11:22 AM
I found this site by accident on a fluke search for bisexual content on the web. I didn't have many expectations since I have never found anything useful on the web in terms of sexual things but I was VERY pleasantly surprised to find a FREE site that offered a COMMUNITY of people who were friendly, helpful, thoughtful, representative of both sexes, and most of all NOT constantly hitting you up for cybersex RIGHT NOW!!! (except for the occasional rogue). You can visit this site and find out information without the threat of having 25 people hit you up for sex. I find this unique in the internet sex-themed site world.. So why do I come here? For it ALL!!!!!!

Feb 20, 2006, 2:03 PM
I didn't come here looking for anything other than a chat room of friendly people to talk to. Boy-o-boy did I find that! Y'all are great!! In addition, I have met some very nice people and became quite close to some, and even closer with (an)other. I love this site, and have told all my friends about it. I has become such a part of my life. If only I had all the time in the world to just sit at my puter and respond to messages everyday (like some one I know :wiggle2: Bri!!)

Love you all!!

Feb 20, 2006, 2:06 PM
I found this place while Googling for "bisexual", and it looked like a nice place to hangout and learn something about myself and other people.

Feb 20, 2006, 2:14 PM
I didn't come here looking for anything other than a chat room of friendly people to talk to. Boy-o-boy did I find that! Y'all are great!! In addition, I have met some very nice people and became quite close to some, and even closer with (an)other. I love this site, and have told all my friends about it. I has become such a part of my life. If only I had all the time in the world to just sit at my puter and respond to messages everyday (like some one I know :wiggle2: Bri!!)

Love you all!!

I totally agree with Ang!
You never know who you may meet. I have met a few people who I am glad to call friends. I also met one very special person (Ang you know who I am talking about!!) who I would never have met if it weren't for this site. I love this site.

Feb 20, 2006, 2:18 PM
I also met one very special person (Ang you know who I am talking about!!) who I would never have met if it weren't for this site. I love this site.

Aww... tear! Happiness tears.....

Feb 22, 2006, 4:54 PM

U're awesome....and this site rocks...people here are cool and it feelings like home...a place where one actually fits in and doesn't get the look :eek: ....
LOL...and learning from the people u talk to....insightful!
u're the best!

Feb 25, 2006, 11:59 AM
Let me echo everyone else's glowing praises of this site. What a great place.

By the way, am I the only one who cruises around looking a other people's avatars? That's 50% of the fun on here. My postmodern Aquaman avatar may be a little lame, but I think the following people have the best avatars:

Little Red Riding Hood 27 (The "Bitch please" powerpoint thing)
Arana (Tinkerbell)
Voltman27 (The dancing bananas)


Driver 8
Feb 25, 2006, 2:06 PM
My postmodern Aquaman avatar may be a little lame
Dammit, Johnny, all this time I've been imagining that was you.

... say, does this mean glantern is a friend of yours?

Feb 25, 2006, 2:08 PM
No, I don't know Glantern. But I think Glantern and AquaMan would be a hot duo. Where's your avatar?


Feb 25, 2006, 4:35 PM
Being a Bi-curious male with lots of fantasies, I found this site while surfing for info on the topic and found that this was one of the few that actually had the inside scoop. Most sights seem to want to help you get back to the so called right path in life and get those evil ideas out of your head. I want to learn as much as I can before jumping in the lake of love with both feet. This site has been very informative and everyone here is great. Its a great place for str8, gay, bi and bi-curiouse people to post questions and understand all aspects of sexuality or to try to understand what a bi partner may be feeling.

Mar 5, 2006, 4:12 AM
i need a place to talk to other bi men and women who love them. i've been bi for 30 yrs. i'm new on this site however, and i'm hoping this is the place. as far as personal ads go - well, of course if i met a couple, m or f here that would be the icing on the cake. but i'm really glad u created this special place, man.

Mar 5, 2006, 7:56 AM
I voted for all of the above.....Great site Drew. Thank you. The men and women here are genuine and just down right fun to chat with. Driver, Mimi, Arana, Belle, Barb, usedbear, etc......all wonderful people. :2cents:

Mar 7, 2006, 1:00 AM
I know that I like women, but subtly there is more. I could use the excuse that my mid-40's dau informed me recently that her crowd is Lesbian, and i'm checking this site out. I think my age has me realizing that I'm seeking just sexual experiences and not lifestyle, no offense to anyone,,,,

C'est la vie!!!!

Mar 7, 2006, 4:16 AM
Though I've been bi all my life, it is simply reassuring to know there is a place one can go and feel secure knowing there are others who are similar in sexuality and quite often in many other ways. Though I've yet to really get to know anyone here, just the sense of knowing about our similar backgrounds draws me here almost everyday. And also quite honestly, I feel that this is a place that offers the possibility of more than just sexual encounters but real integration and communication. I feel both sexual and spiritual here if that makes any sense whatsoever.....a place I can express my thoughts about my sexuality is very wholesome indeed....

Mar 19, 2006, 6:53 AM
I'm a new member, thanks to ErosUrges. :) I've just been lurking and enjoying the message boards so far - I must say the discussion on religion was Excellent!

I came here for the personals, but it's a real joy to find so much more. Thanks for providing such a wonderful community.

Mar 22, 2006, 6:48 AM
hey drew.im very glad you started this site.i me and my wife first started in hopes of finding somebody,still in hopes,but we discoverd a whole neighborhood if you will.of bisexual people of all types and back ground around the world and every body is so cool.and open minded i had no idea their was so many bi people.well i figured their was but i have only met a handfull till i logged on to this site. :bigrin: :bigrin: :bibounce: i hope this site stays and grows,thankx drew.oh p.s. and theirs the sexual to ofcourse. :bigrin: :bigrin:

Mar 22, 2006, 7:58 AM
I began way back when (with a different name) when I was married. We both visited here just for fun chat and perhaps to meet a like minded (bi or at least curious) couple. Since divorcing 2 years ago I still visit here, had one mm experience and now decided I am really just a straight open minded guy that had 1 mm experience. So now while I have discovered much about myself I really enjoy chatting with the special people here I chat with on a regular basis and thank you all (you know who you are)!!!
...And thank you Drew! I know this site has given a lot to many without asking anything in return, God bless you. :2cents: ;)

Mar 26, 2006, 11:05 AM
To meet new people and to put in a personal ad.

Mar 26, 2006, 3:38 PM

Mar 26, 2006, 5:15 PM
I said other, I have had the pleasure of meeting many here...found this site with my ex when we were still married, I stayed. Thanks Drew...there really are some awesome people here that none of us would have had the blessing to meet otherwise!!!!
:male: :2cents:

Mar 28, 2006, 11:59 AM
actually another couple we know from a swinger board we belong to reccommended it....

Apr 4, 2006, 4:52 AM
I come to visit bisexual site to be able to meet new people in some other countries and the desire to meet partner and lover who can afford to help me financially. I'm a looner person and tried to isolate myself to people. So now, here i am trying to enjoy myself meeting new people.

It took me some time to look for this website but at last made it to register and start collecting and meeting new friends whom i believe be able to understand, accept and love me despite of who i am..

You may be able to know me the better person i am if we get to meet and see each other even in cam and chat only.

Don't be hesitated to add me to your buddy lists or meet me in chat..u may catch me at yahoo.chat and my id is carlo_17cute or email me at this address carlo_17cute@yahoo.com.

Awaiting to receive messages from you all!! :bibounce:

Apr 4, 2006, 8:09 AM
Drew, and my other friends,
Why do I visit this site? It's basic. . . Frienship within a community. You've done a wonderful job Drew.

To those of you who don't know, this is a commuity of wonderful people. Mrs.F, Driver8, usedbear, twowhocare, arana, and the woman whom I care for most of all, Angelina. I'd speak her name, but not without her permission.

Back to the point, Drew. Let me know how I can support this site. For now, it's Sparks4546@yahoo.com If I can help in anyway I'll share with you my ucla.edu address.

Take good care,


Apr 4, 2006, 2:31 PM
I joined to meet other people, mainly women because I'm bi-curious even though I don't have much experience. I also like to read other people's thoughts and post my own thoughts as well.

Apr 23, 2006, 11:55 PM
Thanks,Drew, for creating a site whose venue offers so much to so many. I really enjoy reading the personals and find it thrilling that there are so many folks out there who are so comfortable, being "themselves". I lament only the fact that there was no such venue when I was younger. I hope everyone appreciates this site as much as I do, and all of your endeavors to make it so worthwhile. Thanks again!