View Full Version : KY Intense

Apr 20, 2009, 1:08 PM
This product is apparently just out here.

Has anyone had any experience with it yet? My significant other would like to know if it works before we begin a quest to find it.



Apr 20, 2009, 3:51 PM
I'm kind of wondering if its similar to the warming gel that K-Y has, or if its something totally new and different. Ya'll let me know, ok? I wanted to hear someones personal view before buying it..:}
Curious Cat

Apr 20, 2009, 4:43 PM
Lubes are just nasty. Especially the synthetic ones like KY!

Apr 20, 2009, 5:29 PM
Lubes are just nasty. Especially the synthetic ones like KY!

Not all lubes are nasty and if you prefer your own spit or precum(which I am merely assuming you are suggesting), then more power to ya...but many people rely on the use of lube and should not be made to feel that there is anything wrong by inquiring about them.

OP....as with anything else, I caution you to always "test" a new lube on another part of your anatomy where the skin is similar and somewhat sensitive...like the inner thigh or underarm....especially ones that are labeled as "intense" or "warming" prior to actual use. Many people can experience severe allergic reactions to some brands and it is always better to make sure yourself before using anything.

Apr 20, 2009, 5:37 PM
Not all lubes are nasty and if you prefer your own spit or precum(which I am merely assuming you are suggesting), then more power to ya...but many people rely on the use of lube and should not be made to feel that there is anything wrong by inquiring about them.

OP....as with anything else, I caution you to always "test" a new lube on another part of your anatomy where the skin is similar and somewhat sensitive...like the inner thigh or underarm....especially ones that are labeled as "intense" or "warming" prior to actual use. Many people can experience severe allergic reactions to some brands and it is always better to make sure yourself before using anything.

That's what I meant about them being nasty.

I was dating a woman and she tried out the KY warming lube that was on commercials a few years ago and she had a bad reaction to it and we did use condoms but we just wound up throwing it out and not using any lube as most of them just gunk up and make everything less sensitive.

Apr 20, 2009, 5:58 PM
My experience with a lot of KY products is they either get really "rough" feeling as they dry out and supposed warming agents begin to grate, or they become like glue and you end up either spraying water on it or spitting on it. Astroglide, the original, works well for me and I like it. It takes longer to dry out. As I understand it, there is a kind of lube they sell on many gay sites that stays wet and greasy until you add some kind of powder that dries it up and makes it flake off rather like a version of the gunk you toss on an oil spill when you are changing oil at home.

Apr 20, 2009, 7:09 PM
intense is right: two words: chemical burns !

Apr 20, 2009, 7:20 PM
intense is right: two words: chemical burns !

That's for sure...and as for the KY Warming Gel, the phrase "warming sensation" is highly underestimated....

Apr 20, 2009, 7:42 PM
Please excuse me if I'm wrong here, but I was under the understanding that KY jelly was water based. Or am I thinking of a different product from over here with the same/similar name as one over there in the States?

As for using lubes, I've found the stuff I most often use to be quite adequate, and makes things a lot easier during particularly anal sex. I've found to only real 'trick' is to not over use the stuff. Only use what you need. Too much and yes it does get messy and not really much fun.

Apr 21, 2009, 12:06 AM
Lubes are just nasty. Especially the synthetic ones like KY!

My car likes lubes, especially the syntetic ones.

Apr 21, 2009, 2:28 AM
I don't like lubes at all. Friction makes me purr. Not to mention flavored lubes usually use nasty artificial sweeteners like aspartame. No amino acid isolates near my rear, thanks but no thanks. When I do need to use lube I find Astroglide to be the best.

Apr 21, 2009, 10:18 AM
I just saw it for sale at Walmart last night. $23.97 for a tiny little tube. There is no lube in the world worth that. Buy a tub of crisco.

Apr 21, 2009, 11:13 PM
OMG Randy! You Know my screen hates it when I spurt Pepsi all over it! lmao:bigrin::tongue:
Laughing Cat

M. Wolfe
Apr 21, 2009, 11:30 PM
Warming gels can be murder for allergic reactions. When I was 12 I had a terrible injury where I tore a whole load of ligaments in one side of my back. My left leg has never worked properly since. But anyway, when the pain was just starting to begin mum got me to try 'Deep-heat' a warming gel designed for sports injuries.

I BURNED SOOO BAD. I ended up in the shower for two hours on my knees with cold water hosing my back.

I've always avoided 'warming' stuff since.

Apr 22, 2009, 1:57 PM
I just saw it for sale at Walmart last night. $23.97 for a tiny little tube. There is no lube in the world worth that. Buy a tub of crisco.

I don't think it's actually lube. I think it's just supposed to excite women. :)

Apr 22, 2009, 2:07 PM
wonder how it would work for anal sex....intense enough for a woman ,yet strong enough for a man.....

Apr 22, 2009, 5:51 PM
I've never had a problem with KY warming gel. The effect lessened with repeated uses so it stopped being worth the goopy, thick KY. I prefer Astroglide myself /product endorsement

I may try the stuff sometime, but not if its as expensive as it sounds.

Speaking of those Icy-hot sports balms, I've heard far too many stories of men putting them on their penises -- I think they get what they deserve honestly.

Apr 22, 2009, 5:57 PM
This isnt' supposed to be a lube but some sort of lotion to "intensify" sensations. Doesnt' say anything about warming in the advertisment I saw.

Here in the Bible Belt, it will be a couple of years before they carry it.


Apr 22, 2009, 6:07 PM
If you're looking for something to intensify sensations, may I recommend Zestra. It's a natural product and much less gooey and gunky than any KY product. AND I can attest to it's usefulness, without any "burning" or bad reactions LOL! It may be marketed towards women, but I believe it it useful for many purposes as well.


Apr 22, 2009, 10:51 PM
Speaking of those Icy-hot sports balms, I've heard far too many stories of men putting them on their penises -- I think they get what they deserve honestly.

Speaking of Icy-hot, one time my partner did oral sex on me shortly after chewing Dentyne ICE Artic Chill gum. That was pleasant for about 10 seconds. :) THEN, OW!! OW!! my dick is on fire!! :eek:

Never again.

Apr 23, 2009, 12:22 PM
Last night My wife just had me on all fours with a cok ring in place and she was spinning a vibe on my Anus while stroking m y cok with the Intense K-y lube. I came twice in that position in less the 15 minutes apart. but my first Orgasm came on in about 5 minutes. the warming feeling was wild I felt it across my cok's full length at the same time as the heat on my balls was building. Any sex I think will like this stuff. Astroglide is the best hands down.. but this is fun. just not as slippery as Astroglide...Mix and see maybe the next hot lube will be Astroglide Warming...

Apr 23, 2009, 1:56 PM
Wooo...yeah...no need for more sensitivity...

We tried something similar once just to see what would happen...nothing!

I don't have a need for lubes often so I don't use them a lot...but I must say that astro glide is my fave.