View Full Version : Most Favorable experience from this site:

Apr 18, 2009, 7:49 AM
I got the amazing pleasure to meet a couple from this site: We talked for awhile, ate dinner in a motel suite, basically got to know each other.

The fun, though I had fun with conversation, the sexual fun began. She wanted to see me and him play with one another. I couldn't help myself and went down on him. He did the same. Something about being watched by a beautiful woman is a turn on for me. She took picks and all.

This experience got better after I came in his mouth, relaxed and she got envolved. Then the excitement only got better as I was asked to use my tounge on her as she was entered. I got to suck and eat, so to speak at the same time. We finally ended in a double penetration.

I miss you , Would love to go again: If you are still on this site, give me a call:

Apr 18, 2009, 8:23 AM
This site has been wonderful to me, too! In November last year, on this forum, I met the most amazing poly-bi girl I've ever known! She lives some distance from me and we don't get to see each other but a couple times a month, but the wait is well worth it! I've also corresponded with others met here, who have many of the same interests and experiences. What a wonderful conglomeration of characters, stories, and ideas!

Apr 18, 2009, 1:58 PM
The most favorable thing for me has been meeting some Extrodinary people, and having the honor of calling many of them Friends on, and off site. I am so very fortunate to have found this site and I Adore it. When I go into chat, I am greeted with hugs and endearments and warm greetings, and it warms this old cold heart deeply. :}
This is an amazing place filled with OutStanding individuals and I love it here.:three:
Your Cat

Apr 18, 2009, 5:59 PM
I met a beautiful babe named "sweetblackangel" on this site... Even though she lives in Maryland, I was able to chat on the PM chat room here, talk with her on the phone long distance (duh, of course) and cam-chat with her... Then, because things happen for a reason (those that know me know I disappeared for a spell), I fell off the grid and lost (by choice) contact with the world... When I was finally able to resurface, my sweety was no longer active here on this site but I have managed to chat, if not for prolonged periods of time, with here through e-mail and messenger... Those that knew or remembered her know what a beauty she was... Those that didn't missed out on befriending a very loving and caring person... If you happen to sneak back in here again, ((( I LOVE YOU SWEETBLACKANGEL)))... And if not, I'll catch you on the web....:smirlove2:paw::paw:

Apr 18, 2009, 9:56 PM
I too have the most favorable experience in meeting other members from this site. I've met a few couples and a few guys and I consider myself lucky to have met them all. The best part was that all of them contacted me first!

Apr 19, 2009, 3:34 AM
The most favorable thing for me has been meeting some Extrodinary people, and having the honor of calling many of them Friends on, and off site. I am so very fortunate to have found this site and I Adore it. When I go into chat, I am greeted with hugs and endearments and warm greetings, and it warms this old cold heart deeply. :}
This is an amazing place filled with OutStanding individuals and I love it here.:three:
Your Cat

Cat said it all very well - my most favorable experience is connecting to quite a few loving, caring, deep, deep souls - If I never get the privilidge of meeting them face to face - I am still richer and blessed because of our online friendship. To all the new folks - welcome! and You'll soon discover exactly what I mean. To all my online friends... THANK YOU for simply being you! Love and hugs to all. Wolfie

Apr 19, 2009, 6:48 AM
I would have to say by far it was meeting up with Sapphy in Canada. She's the hostess with the mostess. We went to Toronto ( hadn't been there before, hell hadn't been to Canada before ) Great tour guide, amongst other things :tong:. I'll cherish that experience forever ;-)

Apr 19, 2009, 12:23 PM
Would have to say meeting the most wondrous and wonderful man in the world has been THE experience for me from this site.

He is a thoughtful, caring lover. He's someone who offers respect, trust and love. At the same time, I know these are gifts he grants. I cherish them and him. Hope we remain friends / lovers for many years to come.

Love you elian, my star. :-)

Apr 19, 2009, 2:35 PM
Well I haven't been a member too long but for those that don't know... I'm straight, my current fiance was just a friend I was trying to get to know better and flirting with and he sent me to this site to look up a user profile. Low and behold, same pics there as pics he had sent me. I wasn't shocked, I wasn't disgusted so we got to know each other better. He proposed on Christmas Eve for me, Christmas Day for him and I get on a plane on the 20th of June and fly across an ocean and halfway around the world to meet the man who stole my heart.

So the best experience from this site, well it's still to come or should I say cum?

Apr 19, 2009, 3:36 PM
I got the amazing pleasure to meet a couple from this site: We talked for awhile, ate dinner in a motel suite, basically got to know each other.

The fun, though I had fun with conversation, the sexual fun began. She wanted to see me and him play with one another. I couldn't help myself and went down on him. He did the same. Something about being watched by a beautiful woman is a turn on for me. She took picks and all.

This experience got better after I came in his mouth, relaxed and she got envolved. Then the excitement only got better as I was asked to use my tounge on her as she was entered. I got to suck and eat, so to speak at the same time. We finally ended in a double penetration.

I miss you , Would love to go again: If you are still on this site, give me a call:

I just wondering, i dont know, but ...did u ask the couple to take a std test/hiv test. i wonder if ppl do this....or if they just talk to see if they like the couple and just have unprotected sex with them without any tests, etc.

Apr 19, 2009, 3:54 PM
I have met some wonderful people on this site. I have also met some wonderful people from this site. I have made what I would call friends here. Some friends I will never meet, some I will, some I already have. I have met friends and partners on here. I was told about the site by a friend that I met elsewhere. I brought my guy here and he found a community that he really enjoys when he is able. I met a love here, I will be with her soon. I have been able to explore a part of me that I can't explore anywhere else, and appreciate having this site to come to.

Apr 19, 2009, 7:49 PM
Just on a whim I decided to join this site. On my first day I meet some wonderful people to whom still greet me in the chat room whenever I am in. I also happen to feel privileged to have met my current girlfriend on the first day too. I love her very much and she knows it. We'll be together soon baby! I am happy I listened to my "whim." :flag3:

Apr 19, 2009, 10:12 PM
lol If I were ever blessed with meeting a lot of these wondrous people in one place, I wouldnt know who to hug first, or to laugh heartily or bawl! or both. lol
Silly Cat

Apr 19, 2009, 10:17 PM
I too joined this site, not knowing what would happen or who I would meet. I can tell you this, I have met many that I can call true friends (you know who you are) on line - I have met one lover here and we have the perfect long distance, non commital yet non exclusive relationship that anyone could have. After chatting here in the chat room and on yahoo for a little over a year, I flew to her and finally met her in person (Jan '08). I spent another weekend with her in Oct '08 and we will be vacationing together this May ('09). She is so sexy and wonderful and I am so glad that I met her. I love her very much and she has truely touched my heart.
I (we) will be meeting more from here during that vacation and also more in the future as I travel about the country.
I have also met several others from here in person in my travels and hope to see them again (and I am sure I will).
I hope to meet many more of you in the future.

Doggie :doggie:

Apr 20, 2009, 1:23 AM
lol If I were ever blessed with meeting a lot of these wondrous people in one place, I wouldnt know who to hug first, or to laugh heartily or bawl! or both. lol
Silly Cat

You can hug me first, if you like, Cat... I promise the hugs will spread like wildfire.... :grouphug: :paw: :paw:

Jul 12, 2010, 8:38 AM
Just on a whim I decided to join this site. On my first day I meet some wonderful people to whom still greet me in the chat room whenever I am in. I also happen to feel privileged to have met my current girlfriend on the first day too. I love her very much and she knows it. We'll be together soon baby! I am happy I listened to my "whim." :flag3:

so i was bored and decided just to read old messages that had been left behind from myself and my girlfriend over the passed yr and a half when i came across this post by her. and to think she wrote this over a yr ago and i am just finding this. so much has happened since then and through everything we have gone through we can finally say that we are together at last and will soon be spending time with one another after so long. i am very thankful to this site for meeting some of the most wonderful people here including the love of my life. i love you baby <3

Jul 12, 2010, 1:46 PM
I think that just finding this site was a blessing....Since I started posting on the message board, I feel alot more relaxed and open (to myself) about being Bisexual. :flag4:

Knowing that I'm not alone is a big help to me.

So far I've met 1 couple a 1 man from this site. Things did not advance from the meetings.

I've chated with some very interesting people from the message board.

Jul 12, 2010, 3:01 PM
I joined this site because I wanted to meet others who are bisexual and just learn to appreciate this side of me, since I've been hiding for a long time... I've been lucky to meet some very nice people, one female in particular. We talked and flirted for a bit and then she disappeared on me. I don't know what I did, but I miss her... I hope that the opportunity arises for another chance to talk and be friends. I appreciate being heard when I leave replies to threads...

Jul 12, 2010, 3:04 PM
I've only been on this site for a few days. And just from the few posts I've made and the posts I've read everyone seems very close. That's very encouraging to me. Everyone is so helpful and I've already made a few friends :) I can't wait to get to know more people on this site :)

Jul 12, 2010, 5:44 PM
From joining this site I have gained so much, and lost too. I have gained some marvelous on-line friends, had met a young man who later married my sister. Have brought friends to this site so they can feel comfy and free to be themselves. I have met in person three fantastic friends that live close that are members of this site, and I love them dearly. I have made friends from people from all over the globe from this site, and its wonderful!
I have also lost my best friend, and lost a dear, dear, friend to a heart attack.
I have lent a shoulder many times to those who needed it, and regret it not for one second.
So just joining this group has been a favorable experiance. Plus, all in all even the trolls and Putzes have been a positive thing for me. ;)
Have a great day, Loves.
Yer Cat

Jul 12, 2010, 9:41 PM
Can you say SPAM, boys and girls? lol

Jul 12, 2010, 10:51 PM
I met a guy on site who is local part time. We have gotten together a couple of times. He was only the second guy I had been with. Still haven't been with any others. But the biggest thing was meeting 2 different ladies on here. We only spoke on the phone, but it was the first time I had a conversation with a woman who knew I liked to suck cock and fantasized about it. I have met women on other sites, but never any who knew up front that I swung both ways. It was quite liberating!!!

Jul 12, 2010, 11:06 PM
Just an update to my post from over a year ago. We got together shortly after that last one and had a wonderful time. Spent a little over a year apart, and now I am in Colorado for a week visiting. We are in love even more! And we met right here in chat! She is the love of my life!!! Someday, I don't know when, we WILL be together.

I love you Marie with all my heart!!!


Jul 12, 2010, 11:19 PM
Well I have met some interesting people on this site! Most of them are amazing people, who always treat me with love and respect! I have gotten very close to a few of these people :) I love it! Its awesome!
The people on this site have been here for me through my good times, and through my bad...Can we say when I was dating my now ex!! Thanks for all the advice guys! U were amazing!
I love you guys!!!

Jul 13, 2010, 6:47 AM
Just an update to my post from over a year ago. We got together shortly after that last one and had a wonderful time. Spent a little over a year apart, and now I am in Colorado for a week visiting. We are in love even more! And we met right here in chat! She is the love of my life!!! Someday, I don't know when, we WILL be together.

I love you Marie with all my heart!!!


I wished I were there with you two - you both mean the world to me!

Doggie :doggie:

Jul 13, 2010, 8:41 AM
Just an update to my post from over a year ago. We got together shortly after that last one and had a wonderful time. Spent a little over a year apart, and now I am in Colorado for a week visiting. We are in love even more! And we met right here in chat! She is the love of my life!!! Someday, I don't know when, we WILL be together.

I love you Marie with all my heart!!!


I wished I were there with you two - you both mean the world to me!

Doggie :doggie:

I am so lucky to have lovers such as you two. You dont know how blessed I feel.

I love you both so very deeply,


Jul 13, 2010, 1:21 PM
Feel da love, feel da love..:}
Silly Cat

Jul 13, 2010, 3:33 PM
Met a couple of local married bi guys on here, you know who you are, and we get a motel about once a month and have a great time. Without this site I wouldn't have met such great bi guys.

Jul 13, 2010, 3:44 PM
I am fairly new to this site, and i have to say, everyone I have met in chat or email has been wonderful. Special hats off to Whitehawk, Duckiedarling and LDD for welcoming me and making me laugh. There are others I just met in chat last night, but too many to list here ...Just talking to you is giving me the camraderie that has been missing for way too long, and the comfort to not hide.:flag4:

Jul 14, 2010, 3:18 PM
Just an update to my post from over a year ago. We got together shortly after that last one and had a wonderful time. Spent a little over a year apart, and now I am in Colorado for a week visiting. We are in love even more! And we met right here in chat! She is the love of my life!!! Someday, I don't know when, we WILL be together.

I love you Marie with all my heart!!!


That is so wonderful Rock. Congrats. Marie is such a wonderful person. You both are invited when Fishie and I get married in the next couple years. She is the love of my life and just like you all, we are so glad for this site. <3 you and Marie!!

Aug 26, 2010, 4:12 AM
Wow sounds like you had a great time. Nice to see you could use the site as a tool for your positive dating experience (http://dating-sites-reviewed.com/) or encounter whatever you want to call it ) Im just new here, but it seems this seems to be the place to hang out and get the chance for some action ! :D
cya :)

Aug 26, 2010, 8:36 AM
Just coming to the site helped me deal with some isues. I talk to laot of people and have only met one person with my wife and had agreat time. I go tru prurts where I just don't wan to chat but know that if I see them I can talk to them.

I have also met two people that have passed away and miss them both.

Aug 26, 2010, 9:19 AM
Back when I first started coming to this site , I met a lovely man from my area . We both had similar sexual backgrounds when we were younger and at one time worked in the same plant in neighboring departments . Take into account the size of the state of Maine and the population of just over a million making it a large sparsely populated state in places with a mostly redneck attitude , this meeting was a remarkable thing back then . We haven't met very often due to family and work obligations , but when we can , it's very enjoyable still .

Aug 26, 2010, 9:48 AM
Feel da love, feel da love..:}
Silly Cat

Know what Cat......Marie and Dogwood were guests in our home last year...and not only can you FEEL the LOVE...you CAN see the LOVE. Also the respect, admiration, humor, compassion and understanding these two fine friends have for each other. After leaving us the were headed to Rock and you could tell how much they meant to each other when they spoke.

I have had the pleasure to have met so so many from this site who are important parts of my life...lovers in the past, always friends. One dear man who died last fall will always be a part of me.


Aug 26, 2010, 10:33 AM
I have met several people from the site in the real world--and all of them are great people--one guy I meet with on a fairly regular basis--he keeps a very low profile on here--I am one of the few persons he has ever speaks with or intends to--but that is OK-he is a very nice man--just a bit quiet, shy and all of that.

I sure have become friends with many of you on here in the virtual sense--but no less so than people I count as friends in the non-cyber world--I sure do want to meet more of you.

I do regret that with at least one of our late friends--Used Bear--I never got to meet in person---he was a big man with a big heart that I think was broken for several reasons---a few of you know what I am talking about in that regard. I do miss him even though we never did get to meet in the real world. I also miss someone that I never got to meet---but who also "left this mortal coil"---that was Huneypot.

The poor young lady had an all too short, but troubled life without a doubt. One night in my early days here when I tended to pull all-niters on here---Used Bear and I pulled Huneypot away from the brink of doing something to herself--she was basically suicidal and we made sure that she took steps to pull back from that--Used Bear even got her by phone calling her from his home in the New York City area--to where she lived in Ireland as I recall. It was from that night on that Used Bear took Huneypot under his wing, so to speak, looking upon her as a surrogate daughter.

It disturbed him greatly when she died, but he went on--to later finding a great lady from here that he became romantically involved with for a time--unfortunately that did not work out and she later was killed in a tragic auto accident--he did seem to lose heart after that.

Used Bear had grown up on the sidewalks of New York and in phone conversations I had with him--he would tell me of those stories--I had plans to at some point-- to travel to his home to interview him and record some of those stories for--but alas-I never did!!

Even though I did not get to meet Bear face to face and hopefully even closer than that--he did enrich my life a great deal.

We might have had our share of nut cases, trolls,, cranks and disagreeable people on here-just like in real life--we do also have a pretty good group of people too.

Aug 26, 2010, 12:08 PM
I agree, Volty, I have grown to cherish a few of the great folks I've met here, too. How different my life would have been if there'd been an Internet and this site 50 years ago!

Aug 26, 2010, 6:16 PM
I agree, Volty, I have grown to cherish a few of the great folks I've met here, too. How different my life would have been if there'd been an Internet and this site 50 years ago!

For me--I wish the internet and this site had been around in say, 1979, give or take a few---sure might have made for a less rocky road back in those days for me and others of that generation.

Aug 26, 2010, 6:16 PM
My most favorable experience was actually going to be with LDD and making sure it was real. Plans are being made for a permanent move now to NZ and I'm very much looking forward to being his arms again.

I have met a lot of great people on this site and enjoy the spirited discussions we can have at times. My goodnes, to see Darkeyes and I go at it you'd think we hate each other or something, but in reality she's like my sister and we argue just like family.

Aug 26, 2010, 6:56 PM
Very interesting that someone with NO PROFILE had such a wonderful experience. It is kind of like a fantasy that never happened. Very nice. Unusual they lost contact if it was that overwhelming. But then the tooth fairy and Santa are pretty cool also.:2cents:

Aug 26, 2010, 7:39 PM
The support and love of a number of members when I was going through a really bad time.. I could feel their disappointment in me, yet never did they try to humiliate or chastise, but gave nothing but friendship, advice, love and support for one who didnt deserve it but was so glad of it.. thank you..