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Apr 15, 2009, 8:30 PM
Let me start off by saying that I cherish my privacy...I am a loner and I don't really like being bothered much.

With that being said, I am so fuckin sick and tired of the whacked out sons of bitches that live on this military base! One neighbor across the street gossips about EVERYONE...even if she has to make shit up. Her next door neighbor owns a rottweiler (banned on base but she got it through on a grandfather law) that she has admitted is so incredibly vicious that if anyone in the neighborhood sees that the dog got out of her house that the MP's are to be called and the dog is to be shot dead on sight. ALMOST EVERY PARENT of a toddler thinks it's ok to let their 2 and 3 year olds run around the neighborhood un-suprvised on a daily basis so kids are missing all the time (good thing we got a vicious rottie here right?). There is also a young girl that is way to damn obsessed with constantly wanting to see my infant and I must constantly act as if I'm not home when she rings the bell cause apparently her parents and her just don't get that I'm not letting this little kid into my house all the time to see my daughter. THEN she critizises me about smoking, to which I say "Yeah but it makes you look cool" (haha) and her parents don't appreciate the humor behind that...

Now...as for the mother fuckers that are way to damn close to me...the people that just moved into a house two houses to my left have been here for a few weeks and her toddler has taken two of my kids toys out of the backyard which I saw in their yard so I had to go ring their bell and get them, the one is completely missing now. My sons bike that we got him for Christmas was taken by this kid 3 times when the bike was sitting right outside of our front door. Now it's locked up in the shed. Because of them, we are forced to purchase a fence to keep our items safe, which I'm pissed about because I think it sucks that I have to be out money now because everyone around me can't do the right thing...and she apparently thinks it's funny that her kid keeps taking shit out of everyone's yards. I can't imagine any other reason why she would laugh when I go and speak to her about it!

The people on my immediate right (the ones I had that drunken night with) are ROYALLY fucked up. I thought we were friends..then her husband hit on me one night while they were having a fight about their marriage. I decided to tell the wife and she called him on his lunch break to yell at him. He drove home for luch, came crazily ringing my doorbell, just to tell me the second I opened the door that I'd better stay away from his family and to call me a fuckin bitch. Keep in mind, I was home alone taking care of three children. So very manly of him to come to a woman's door like that knowing her husband is at work huh? Now the wife and I have decided not to talk anymore cause I HAVE a happy marriage and I don't need their shitty marriage interferring with my life. However, they got knew puppies and they keep crawling under our fence everytime I bring my dog out so I can only take him out when they are inside. Since we aren't talking at the moment, whenever I try to call her to complain about this, the bitch doesn't answer the fuckin phone and it keeps happening! I mean, what the fuck! Next time they come over into my yard, I'm taking them inside and I'm putting an ad on craigslist for two free puppies and if they wanna get pissed then they can suck my dick!

The only normal neighbor I have is the one on my immediate left, who by the way finds much amusement with all of the bullshit happening in this neighborhood (except with the guy coming to my door, she offered to go over to their house and tell him off but I politely declined). My husband is deploying soon (which means I'm going to be alone with the crazies) so she told me that as long as we stuck together she'd keep me safe and sane lmao.

Thank God my husband works in the armory and keeps track of all the weapons issued otherwise someone would definitely shoot my ass when I go apeshit in this neighborhood!

Ok....whew....I feel much better now that I bitched a little bit...now I can go on with my life...

Apr 15, 2009, 10:18 PM
Aww that sucks! My sister in law used to live on the same military base, so I've heard some lovely stories. *hug*

Apr 15, 2009, 11:37 PM


Apr 16, 2009, 12:49 AM
Hello there Rissa, and WELCOME to the real world !!! :( And one thing about this world is that it's constantly changing. Sometimes it's for the better, sometimes for the worse. It seems to be more-times for the worse than the sometimes for the better. I used to live in a part of town where the old houses were crowded so close together, that you could not only look out your window and see what was going on in your neighbors house you could also hear (and they in yours). Everbody knew everbodys business, everbody seen what went on, everbody "talked", everbody streched the truth !! My real reason that I lived there was cause the rent was real cheap, and that was all I could afford. I always tried to be nice to and get along with my neighbors and even tried to be helpful to them (like helping them do something, fixing their car, lawnmower ETC), But most didn't like me or were afraid of me cause I was a motorcycle guy and I parked that motorcycle inside the house (in the living room) and I frequently had partys. And the neighbors did talk. When I rolled my bike out to the sidewalk, out front, the kids from the neighborhood would see it and come around to see and I would talk to them and they would tell me what's happining in the "hood" and tell me what the people were saying about me and what they thought and heard ETC.
I Have a opinion that when people gossip, tell lies, badmouth you, those same people will avoid, shun, and not have anything to do with you. Even though they will talk to you, you will be "aware of a certain uneasy air about them" that tells you that they are really trying to pry info out of you about you or somebody else! And then when they see that they can't get any info (gossip) out of you, then they will move on about their way and go to their circle and start in on somebody, maybe you!
So my best advice for you while you live in a "Peyton Place" is for you and yours to keep to yourselves, and WHATEVER you do, don't let the "hood" hear about anything that has the words BI, or GAY, or CURIOUS, or anything like that. That would spread through the neighborhood faster than any wildfire, and your family name would forever have a front row seat at the "gossip bench"!!!
This all kinda reminds ya of the song by Jenny C Rilley "Harpers Valley P T A" huh???

Thats all that your :2cents: will buy for this session :bigrin: Your friend, Doggie........:doggie:........:bipride:

Apr 16, 2009, 1:33 AM
lol Thats the hazards of living On Base. I did this for a long time, and finally decided to get a small house out in town. I didnt associate with folks because they seemed to have their own little agandas and didnt have time to talk to a very young Mother who was all alone at the time. If you mesh with this other lady, cool. At least you'll have al ally and hopefully a friend. :}
Good luck to you Honeygirl.

Apr 16, 2009, 3:01 AM
Keep to yourself and avoid them unless they're cool like that one person you wrote about who you are friends with.

Apr 16, 2009, 11:36 AM
The things you relate about living on base housing---I heard the same sort of things from the married members about living in base housing--and it is funny that someone said it-----my married buddies all called base housing "Peyton Place" with all the people who were screwing each others spouses--especially when one partner was deployed and the other was free to play. On the one base I was on----we had an air squadron that was attached to the now long decommissioned USS "The Mighty Sara" Saratoga aircraft carrier. When the airwing deployed----you could hit the bars in town--- in Key West---and see the wives of the pilots out cruising for action.

Being single--and just a low level non-com petty officer----they had us in what used to be called "barracks" but were then being called "dormitories"---life for us in them was much more subdued than it apparently was in married housing.

Glad to see things haven't changed!! But I am sorry you have to deal with the madness Rissa.

This was at Boca Chica Naval Air Station just above Key West--but heard the same thing from the guys when I was up in Miami and the married guys were living in base married housing at Homestead AFB south of Miami.

Apr 16, 2009, 2:16 PM
You always knew when the 82nd or the 75th or 18th Corp for that matter deployed from Ft Bragg. The bar flies went through the roof. Of course, per the UCMJ you cannot do anything with anyone else's spouse but that never seemed to stop anyone. Only when such activity gave the Army a black eye (became public) was an example made.

Man, the talk that floated around about such activity was as thick as butter.

Apr 16, 2009, 5:11 PM
all of this and you're only 22... give it a few more years and it will all be water on a ducks back :)

Apr 16, 2009, 5:28 PM
all of this and you're only 22... give it a few more years and it will all be water on a ducks back :)

In a few more years he will be PCSing to another duty station and I won't make the same mistake about living on base ... and I will get to be happy with my privacy and homebodiness yet again...*daydreams of the future*