View Full Version : R.A.K.

Apr 11, 2009, 6:48 PM
Hi Y'all,Well the other day at work,as some of you know i drive an automated recycling truck.I was on my route that morning,and as i made a turn to drive into one of the cul de sacs that it has,i came upon a car that had a flat tire. As i got closer i could tell there was a pregnant woman trying to change that flat.Well i got out and changed it for her even though i was on the job. I got the tire changed and made sure she was ok,because also she was also a small woman.I am not sure she would have gotten it done. Any way as i started too leave she asked me why i stopped too help her.Cause she certainly was not anyone i knew.Well i told her for one thing its just how i was raised,too help people if i can. And i also told her it was a chance to perform a R.A.K. for someone and not xpect anything from them. She asked me what that meant,And i told her a friend of mine called ita,Random Act of Kindness.Well she thought that was really cool. Ever since this friend had called it that ,thats what i call em.Well she is a friend from here,she knows who she is.Any way,if y'all get the chance give someone an R.A.K.

Apr 11, 2009, 8:19 PM
Hi Y'all,Well the other day at work,as some of you know i drive an automated recycling truck.I was on my route that morning,and as i made a turn to drive into one of the cul de sacs that it has,i came upon a car that had a flat tire. As i got closer i could tell there was a pregnant woman trying to change that flat.Well i got out and changed it for her even though i was on the job. I got the tire changed and made sure she was ok,because also she was also a small woman.I am not sure she would have gotten it done. Any way as i started too leave she asked me why i stopped too help her.Cause she certainly was not anyone i knew.Well i told her for one thing its just how i was raised,too help people if i can. And i also told her it was a chance to perform a R.A.K. for someone and not xpect anything from them. She asked me what that meant,And i told her a friend of mine called ita,Random Act of Kindness.Well she thought that was really cool. Ever since this friend had called it that ,thats what i call em.Well she is a friend from here,she knows who she is.Any way,if y'all get the chance give someone an R.A.K.

You are obviously a very kind and caring man, Charles. What you did, is the sort of thing we should all do. Helping some, may sometimes be a big event in our life, or it may be as simple as saying ''Hello'' and giving a nice smile. A ''Hello'' and a smile, can make someone, who is feeling sad, or having a bad day, feel so much better.

Sometimes, the person we try to help, may reject our concern and our friendship, but we must never feel that the attempt to help, was not worth the try. never, for the loss is not ours, but the other person's.

Keep those R.A.Ks coming...and that message is for all. Thank you for your nice post, Charles.

Apr 11, 2009, 8:30 PM
The world needs more R.A.K. specialists like you.
I will do what I can when the opportunity arises.

Apr 11, 2009, 9:04 PM
Charles is a sweet, kind, considerate, person and I for one, am very fortunate and pleased to call him Friend. *Lots of kisses inserted right here*:three:

[B]Very simple R.A.K.'s can be the best in the world. Even a smile for a stranger can be contagious, and cause That person to smile at another, who may in turn smile or speak to someone else, and so it goes on. It doesnt take but a second to smile or a nod, or say "Hi" to someone and it makes that person feel good that someone awknowledged their being. An RAK can be Anything, and it doesnt have to be a total grand gesture, just something that makes another person feel good, or helps them in some small way. Try it; you'll be surprised at how good it'll make you feel, and in turn, it'll make someone else feel good too. ;)
(Big believer in 'paying kindness forward')

Lisa (va)
Apr 11, 2009, 10:42 PM

yes, just another reason to love ya sweetie.


hugs n kisses

Apr 12, 2009, 2:42 AM
Charles - R.A.K. - yes, most in Texas are raised like that. My last RAK was this past winter - 22 degrees outside and another flat tire - only this one was an elderly woman. Tire changed, and I froze my tokus off - but warmed up (from the inside out).

Doggie :doggie:

Apr 12, 2009, 3:17 AM
I always knew you people are awesome! R.A.Ks NEVER go out of style - My favorite is to see a miliitary person at a place like Denny's - I know the sacrifices that they make for their country, so I quietly tell the hostess that their tab is on me and tell her not to tell them who paid it - just my way of saying thanks for what they do. The warm, good feeling I get is worth far more than the cost of their bill. LW

Apr 12, 2009, 7:47 AM
I worked on a military post for 30 years, as a civilian, and knew an old retired 1st sgt, who was ram-rod straight and tough as nails. He had done some smart investing and accumulated a fair fortune...........although you couldn't look at him and tell it. Over the years he and I became fast friends. Years ago, he drew me aside and asked me to deliver an envelope to a family who's house had burned. He asked that I never reveal who gave the money, but to tell them "God bless you and hope the gift will help." Well over the years, I delivered several of those envelopes and I never knew how much money was I them. But, one time I gave a lady an envelope, who was obviously very poor. Her husband, who worked for a dairy, had been killed by a cow, there. When she opened the envelope, as I was leaving, she exclaimed that it was a thousand dollars! We could use more gruff, but honest, and decent folks like that in this old world!

Apr 13, 2009, 4:40 PM
I was thinking about this subject........again.....and then remembered, that very often we automatically do things for other people, don't think anything of it and we forget about the event. Yet, a couple of things have just popped into my head, that I had, indeed, forgotten about. Nothing amazing. Nothing that will make my place in the hereafer (if there is one), any more likely to happen. Just everyday things,

A few years back, I was on the 'bus from my village to the nearest large town and a little girl was throwing up. The child, obviously distressed. The mother, concerned for her daughter, but embarrassed too.

The mother was doing her very best to clean up, as the child threw up and then she ran out of paper tissue handkerchiefs. I had a small unopened pack in my bag and offered them to her, which she accepted gratefully. Other people did the same. Mostly women on the bus, any mothers would have been in the same situation, at some point. I know I have.

The driver of the 'bus stopped, allowing the child to get some fresh air and other people opened windows. By the time the little girl got back on the 'bus, there was no more throwing up and thankfully her journey was not a long one.

Things like this...we forget about...but they are all RAKs.....and in this case, virtually everyone on the 'bus tried to help the mother and her daughter.

It's when someone says the very obvious to one, ''Your child is vomiting,'' (as if one doesn't already know!), but does nothing to help, that one tends to think ''Jeez, thanks a lot, thanks a bunch...for nothing!!'' Now, a remark like that, from someone is NOT an RAK!!

writes at night
Apr 13, 2009, 10:17 PM

Once again, you have actions have reminded me that there are still "southern gentlemen" in the world, and they make this world a better place.

Thank you for the gentle reminder that no matter what, we are all citizens of the world and we need to care for each other instead of turning a blind eye.

As always,