View Full Version : The Semi Sane Bi Guy Is A Liar And A Fraud.

Apr 11, 2009, 6:16 PM
An advert has been re-activated and updated by a member of this site. The person in question filling it with untruths and misleading information. Having suffered this person for three years and having being brought to a point where I have been near breaking, I am not going to sit back and see him play with people, once again.

AdamKadmon43 is a liar and he is a fraud. He plays with people's emotions and has no feelings of guilt, or remorse, when he hurts or insults them. He now activates his advert, for a second time, but he has changed many things.

Yesterday his age read as 45. He now states that he is 49. He is in fact 65!

The picture is of him, but was taken in 2006. He doesn't look like that now. He looks like a man who is well on his way to self destruction.

He is 6 feet tall, but if he just wants interesting and intelligent chat, why do people need to know his height or his weight....and his weight has increased. Well done Adam, you must be eating properly!! Though I somehow doubt that.

He is a vegetarian,,,that is true.

He is not divorced....or is he???? One cannot believe what he says. He has told me, in recent times, that he has never been married at all!! Who would want to have conversation with a liar?

Is he bisexual? Who knows. His stories change from one minute to the next, so Adam could be absolutely anything...anything at all.

Adam does not know the meaning of fun chat, unless he is so tanked up on whisky, that he doesn't know what he says. If fun chat to Adam, is either ranting and raving at people, or talking in a smutty manner, or pouring out his woes and making himself the victim......just because he wants attention.......then I guess he does want intelligent conversation. Disagree with him, in chat, real life conversation, or in a forum and one will receive a vile and violent backlash.

The majority of his posts, over the last two years....most made in the first six months of his postings, are either total fantasy and lies, or quick one liners and nasty remarks. He is not in anyway original and should never be believed.

He used to be a keen gardener, but now his garden is abandoned, for the joys of whisky and sex rooms, to watch ageing ladies expose themselves and strip. He hasn't been on a sea cruise since 2006, for he no longer has anyone to go with him. He had a long term live in female partner then and had lived a heterosexual lifestyle for many, many years. And when it comes to sex, he hasn't had that for years and most certainly not with men, for more years than he can remember. He is a fraud.

He now changes his sexuality rating to being equally attracted to males and females as a bisexual. As one can never believe anything which comes from his lips......you might as well discount this.

The only interesting person to Adam, is Adam himself. He is not interested in others. he feels no shame in hurting other people and does not consider himself responsible for any hurt he may cause others. It is the other person's fault, for not understanding him, or not agreeing with him. In short...he never takes on any responsibility, but just runs away.

So, if you want to talk to a liar and a fake, a chronic alcoholic, who hates life and people and has no respect for anyone, upon this site, or any other...whatever the subject matter, go ahead and talk to him. But a more self loathing individual, you will never meet and he won't give a damn if he says anything to hurt you.

This change in his profile, has been very deliberate. It's not to garner friendship or find people to talk to. It has been done to hurt the one person who has refused to walk away from his nastiness and has refused to abndon him. Well he was abandoned...officially....the other night. So now, he has no one real to run to, when he needs a listening ear......not unless he changes his ways. It's a shame, because he has been loved and cared about and still is...and it's not easy to break a promise.

So read this and take heed, those who do not know Adam. He is a liar and a nasty man. To those who don't like me writing this...tough!! I was a friend to someone and for 18 months I was lied to. Only discovering his visits here and his posts, led me to discover his lies. He hasn't stopped lying. He lies to cover lies and ignores people instead of having the guts to tell the truth. Of course he is never wrong and he is always the victim and he cannot understand, how he can distress, frustrate and anger someone so much, that they say things that they would bever normally say.

Disagree with Adam, or take him to task and one risks being called mentally ill, or a drug addict......but that's Ok.....Adam is saying it.....so it's alright by him.

He should be banned from this site.....for he has no respect for anyone. he thinks anyone coming here, or to any other site, is crazy and either a moron or a mental quadriplegic. And these words are tame. He can be even more vile.

Here endeth the first and the lasts lessons on AdamKadmon43!!!

Apr 12, 2009, 1:35 AM
You guys obviously have some sort of drama going---we really don't need it being fought out on our forum board---take your dispute back into the shadows please.

Apr 12, 2009, 2:34 AM
And/or email the site webmaster, if you have legit issues.

But I also agree that venting in public like this isn't productive - and it's only one side of the story. I was quasi official moderator at a board years ago and got entangled in some very personal drama with a woman I had invited to join.

The fact that I was the more civil one didn't make any difference: I got sucked in and all it did was get uglier and uglier.

Point: Keep the dirty laundry off public forums. It's a go-nowhere move.

Apr 12, 2009, 3:24 AM
You guys obviously have some sort of drama going---we really don't need it being fought out on our forum board---take your dispute back into the shadows please.

I tried to say the EXACT same thing yesterday in a separate thread and was very nicely told that things were NOT going to change and the drama would continue. I'm SOOOOO glad that I am NOT the only one who has had enough of this Bulllshit. As Volty said - take your dispute back to the shadows please. If I want to bear witness to this kind of petty drama - I could watch my battling neighbors - but I don't... that's why I close the blinds. LW

Apr 12, 2009, 3:55 AM
I SO didnt want to be the first to say anything when I saw this being posted this morning. I just Wondered how long it was going to be before this drama unfolded and leeched over to us.
If you have a personal grudge with someone (like you have Obviously had with this person for a long time,) take it Off Board, for we dont need anyone elses' personal Outting sessions and dramatics.
Anyone could see from the way you would answer his posts on something that you two had history and problems. Sorry they happened between you two, but that should ReMain between you two. Deal with it yourselves and let the Bitter Party take place elsewhere.

Apr 12, 2009, 4:02 AM
No Comment

Apr 12, 2009, 4:22 AM
And/or email the site webmaster, if you have legit issues.

But I also agree that venting in public like this isn't productive - and it's only one side of the story. I was quasi official moderator at a board years ago and got entangled in some very personal drama with a woman I had invited to join.

The fact that I was the more civil one didn't make any difference: I got sucked in and all it did was get uglier and uglier.

Point: Keep the dirty laundry off public forums. It's a go-nowhere move.

There is no other side to any story....and I was not some sort of invite....I found out by accident that he was coming here and I had thought he was straight! He is a pathological liar, so getting him to talk about anything is pointless. It just amazes me that people here are quite happy to be lied to. I didn't like him coming here and lying, and I don't understand why other people don't care. I deal in honesty and the truth.....not the untruths which come from the mouth of a drunk. You stay in your ivory towers...I'll stick to not closing the blinds and shutting the bad things out, but tackling them head on and saying when someone is a liar....and his whole profile and persona is a lie.

Long Duck Dong
Apr 12, 2009, 6:50 AM
and you have proven nothing other than to give yourself a bad look....

maybe adam is not a pleasant person..... but the way you have gone after adam, will make people look twice before dealing with you now too

to bring personal biased opinions into any forum is never a wise move....and I do see it a lot in other forums.... people turning the forums into a breeding ground of dislike and abuse.....and that is what the other people in the thread, are saying...... please do not lower the value of the site with personal issues and grievances against other people.... its just not fair on the people that have no desire to be involved, to have to see this in own forum

Apr 12, 2009, 8:05 AM
Directly above this reply field is the following from the site owner:

Posting Rules:
Generally I am not a "rules person", but experience with various internet communities has taught me that rules are necessary, even on a site that is all about about sexual freedom such as Bisexual.com. So here they are:

2. Be polite - flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person........etc
- Drew

I might suggest that the road to peace lies in healing yourself, Brother Jack.

Apr 12, 2009, 8:41 AM
I SO didnt want to be the first to say anything when I saw this being posted this morning. I just Wondered how long it was going to be before this drama unfolded and leeched over to us.
If you have a personal grudge with someone (like you have Obviously had with this person for a long time,) take it Off Board, for we dont need anyone elses' personal Outting sessions and dramatics.
Anyone could see from the way you would answer his posts on something that you two had history and problems. Sorry they happened between you two, but that should ReMain between you two. Deal with it yourselves and let the Bitter Party take place elsewhere.

I didn't really want to reply either...

I kinda of take this as a "Thanks for the heads up, but calm it down" sort f thing. We all knew what you felt and for what reasons just from the first few posts you made on this site. We know!

Apr 12, 2009, 1:08 PM
and you have proven nothing other than to give yourself a bad look....

maybe adam is not a pleasant person..... but the way you have gone after adam, will make people look twice before dealing with you now too

to bring personal biased opinions into any forum is never a wise move....and I do see it a lot in other forums.... people turning the forums into a breeding ground of dislike and abuse.....and that is what the other people in the thread, are saying...... please do not lower the value of the site with personal issues and grievances against other people.... its just not fair on the people that have no desire to be involved, to have to see this in own forum

''and you have proven nothing other than to give yourself a bad look....''

Are you trying to tell me that you may actually believe the man in question....a line of type...and a man who changes his age with the weather.....at least in forums. The man lies and has lied to me for three years and to others all of his life. I don't lie! My opinions are not biased. They are the truth. What you don't seem to understand, is that he has lied to people here, in chat and in the forum. We should all expose liars and his lies do effect the people that read them, especially if they believe them.

If I have given myself a ''bad look'' because I expose a liar, then I shall sleep easy in my bed and have a clear conscience.

Apr 12, 2009, 1:25 PM
Directly above this reply field is the following from the site owner:

Posting Rules:
Generally I am not a "rules person", but experience with various internet communities has taught me that rules are necessary, even on a site that is all about about sexual freedom such as Bisexual.com. So here they are:

2. Be polite - flame the idea if you feel you must, but not the person........etc
- Drew

I might suggest that the road to peace lies in healing yourself, Brother Jack.

Being polite??? Strange that I see some incredibly rude postings in these forums threads and also a lack of what I would call ''freedom of speech,'' and many times, a head in the sand approach to things. Gee, I've even been told, in the chat room, that only the feelings, desires and cravings of the ''one'' are important and not another person's feelings.

The road to peace, does not come with inner healing, but by making sure site after site does not get taken in by his lies. The person in question lies to everyone and has only re-opened his advert to hurt me! How do I know this? Because I know the man! I withdrew my respect and friendship from him the other night, and broke my vow never to abandon him. I considered him officially abandoned. My feelings fot him remain the same, but he had to have other feelings withdrawn and this is his way of repaying that withdrawal of respect.

Flaming (A most strange word, not found in common British usage), the person and the idea, are one and the same to me. We disagree with people and people have ideas and opinions which may not be to our liking.....or behaviour which has to be addressed.

I don't care whether Adam is bisexual, or heterosexual, my feelings didn't suddenly end for someone I care about....and there is no way one can be sure about anything with Adam.....because he lies whenever he opens his mouth. Strangely I do care about him lying to others...in chat.....in pm...or public and in his many posts on the forum. Seems lots of people don't mind being lied to.....I find that extremely odd...and rather disturbing!!!!

Apr 12, 2009, 1:37 PM
I didn't really want to reply either...

I kinda of take this as a "Thanks for the heads up, but calm it down" sort f thing. We all knew what you felt and for what reasons just from the first few posts you made on this site. We know!

Really, Rissa....did people know. Well, sure....I know that many people had weighed Adam up and discovered what he was, a long time ago.

It's not a question of being Heterosexual, Homosexual or Bisexual.....or Black, White or Brown......or Republican or Democrat, Socialist or Communist, Left Wing or Right Wing, Believer in a deity or a person with no belief........it's much more important than that.

It's about integrity, honesty and giving a damn about other people. It's about someone lying through his teeth, where ever he may go, on line or off and not respecting the people he encounters.

He has no respect for the people in his real life, of which I count myself one and he has absolutely no respect for the people here, on this site and no respect for the people on other sites he visits.

He thinks of himself, as some other world being, knowing more than the whole population of the planet. He's bad news and i won't see him flaunt his lies and sit back and laugh at us all.

Some people need to be brought to acccount and Adam is one of those people.

Apr 12, 2009, 2:42 PM
I often step outside quite a bit. I mean to say that at times sanity is on the verge for me. Chronic clinical depression, anger management issues, near psychosis all blend well together. :) Hm, thriving intellect comes into play there somewhere, and too many good drugs at points. :)

( Have never declared myself a saint, or run of the mill. Never shall. )

So I 'step out' for bits. Fresh air really helps perceptions. And it is perceptions and something called 'the grand scheme of it all', I address.

Anyone can manipulate perceptions. No one may alter reality. I know from experience, having manipulated time and space a good bit to achieve objectives. So reality is fixed and immutable.

In my perception of 'the grand scheme of it all', the drama between BrotherJack and Adam is inconsequential. It doesn't matter 'in the grand scheme of it all'. Hell not much does matter, not even me.

Guess I'll go back out now. Not really much more for me to say. Except, you both ought to know better. Now please take it off the board.

Apr 12, 2009, 2:55 PM
Well, you've done a thorough job of warning us. Can we please lock this thread or something? Peace on Earth, good will to men?

Apr 12, 2009, 2:58 PM

Apr 12, 2009, 5:08 PM
"Route 77 runs North to South!"

Apr 12, 2009, 5:17 PM
After this, I will not post anything else on this forum.

It just encourages her to continue this nonsense.

Apr 12, 2009, 6:02 PM
"Captain Ahab, I have heard of Moby Dick- but it was not Moby Dick that took off thy leg?"

"Who told thee that?" cried Ahab; then pausing, "Aye, Starbuck; aye, my hearties all round; it was Moby Dick that dismasted me; Moby Dick that brought me to this dead stump I stand on now. Aye, aye," he shouted with a terrific, loud, animal sob, like that of a heart-stricken moose; "Aye, aye! it was that accursed white whale that razeed me; made a poor pegging lubber of me for ever and a day!" Then tossing both arms, with measureless imprecations he shouted out: "Aye, aye! and I'll chase him round Good Hope, and round the Horn, and round the Norway Maelstrom, and round perdition's flames before I give him up. And this is what ye have shipped for, men! to chase that white whale on both sides of land, and over all sides of earth, till he spouts black blood and rolls fin out.

Apr 12, 2009, 7:32 PM
After this, I will not post anything else on this forum.

It just encourages her to continue this nonsense.

Nonsense is the way you treat people and the way you lie to people, and have so much hatred in your heart, so little love for your fellow human beings.
you claim to be better and greater than all, and disrespect people where ever you go. You'll be back......You can't resist the attention you think you are getting......a bit like being a web cam chat room....and having them encourage you to get more drunk and make even more of a fool of yourself. You'll be back.

For three long years
I befriended thee
Did listen to your woes
Gave love and caring
Words of advice
But none, you wished to know.
I gave out good
You returned some back
Yet, mostly it was bad
Drama, Tantrums, Outbursts
You gave to me, and more
Lies, such lies
N'er in my life
Had I withstood before.
Yet, I did say
Abandon ye?
Nay, never t'would be so
I make a vow
I keep it fast
As those around me, know.
Yet, three full years
Have done their worst
And me, you almost broke
So with my hand
I withdraw respect
Take back my friendship too
You are no one now
To this this grieving heart
Run through and bleeding
From thy dart
I abandon thee and this,
A vow, I took
With great love in my heart
But this, I say, had to be done
You run, unleashed
You wreck, you pause
You cause such pain
And with no cause
You sit, and view your work
Then think it good
You smile, Oh, this, I know!
Go, hate us all
Hate thee and me
And all who gather round
Abandoned, yes
Unloved, why, No
But, now. the words come
Go...please go
Yet should you choose
In distant time
The caring is there
My love is thine.

Apr 12, 2009, 7:33 PM

No!......just truthful words! For I do speak no lies.

Apr 12, 2009, 7:34 PM
Well, you've done a thorough job of warning us. Can we please lock this thread or something? Peace on Earth, good will to men?

Locking a thread.......smacks of the death of the freedom of speech.

Apr 12, 2009, 7:46 PM
I often step outside quite a bit. I mean to say that at times sanity is on the verge for me. Chronic clinical depression, anger management issues, near psychosis all blend well together. :) Hm, thriving intellect comes into play there somewhere, and too many good drugs at points. :)

( Have never declared myself a saint, or run of the mill. Never shall. )

So I 'step out' for bits. Fresh air really helps perceptions. And it is perceptions and something called 'the grand scheme of it all', I address.

Anyone can manipulate perceptions. No one may alter reality. I know from experience, having manipulated time and space a good bit to achieve objectives. So reality is fixed and immutable.

In my perception of 'the grand scheme of it all', the drama between BrotherJack and Adam is inconsequential. It doesn't matter 'in the grand scheme of it all'. Hell not much does matter, not even me.

Guess I'll go back out now. Not really much more for me to say. Except, you both ought to know better. Now please take it off the board.

We all matter Void!

Everything matters!

Truth matters! Respecting other people matters!

You're right, no one can alter reality. If a person is a rotten apple, eventually the apple will fall apart and whatever is inside will crawl out and reveal itself.

If not being a liar and being honest is manipulating perceptions, then whoopee doo, ain't I glad to be so.

Knowledge can sometimes be a painful thing to have, but it sure as hell is better than living in a fantasy world or some dream state. The truth shall set you free......Y'all catch my drift!!!

Apr 12, 2009, 8:36 PM
Locking a thread.......smacks of the death of the freedom of speech.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but after {counts posts} 6 posts on the same thread, all tearing down an individual (truth or not, you're still tearing him down), there's just got to be an end to it. I don't like someone who posts on another message board I visit, but I've never been mean or rude to him. I got sick of his meaninglessness, so I ignored him.

Honestly, this could be considered cyber-bullying. Just because Person A has bad breath, it doesn't mean Person 1 has to tell all of cyberspace. :2cents: