View Full Version : A BI, CD, TS story chapter 25

tg Shannon
Apr 11, 2009, 2:04 PM
A CD, TS TG, story
Chapter 25
The next moring the alarm went off, Mike reached over and turned it off, as he started to move he relized he barely could, his legs were sore and his ass felt like it had been drilled with a fence post, the only comfort he had was his silk nightie caressing his skin, he sloooowly crawled out of the bed and got on his feat, he kept his legs slightly bent and sorely and slowly shuffled to the bathroom, after he finally got seated, thoughts of last night went through his mind and the site of Svens huge tool was embeded in his mind, he started to get arroused but quickly lost his hard on when he went to stand back up, the soreness traveled through his body, he moaned, this time in pain instead of extacy, he turned the shower on and got in, the hot water felt good on his sore joints and asshe slowly washed himself when the horror hit him.......{Oh gawd} he thought {Yvette said I start arobics today first thing this morning} there was no way Mike could move like that, let alone get into a body suit and leotards, he started to think of excuses, he could'nt very well come out and say {I can' study today cause I got fucked by the grounds keeper last night and his cock was so huge that I can't even walk right now} he was already warned to stay focused on his training.
As he thought while the hot water pounded his body he heard the phone ring, Mike turned off the shower and moved as fast as he could to answer it but it had stopped ringing by the time he got out, he dried off and started to get dressed, he slowly put his panties on while moaning from the pain, the feel of the silk garments sliding up his waxed legs was a pleasant distraction, then he slowly walked back to the bedroom and put on a denim skirt, he was contemplating on his bra when a knock came at the door, he shakinly hurried to answer it and instinctively covered his chest when he opened it, there stood the beautiful Yvette.
"How ya feeling today sweety?" she asked with a little giggle.
Mike looked at her and said " I cant hardly move, I'm sore as hell"
Yvette Laughed as she walked in and close the door behind her, "Hey I got an Idea" she said "I'm still turned on from last night....lets fuck!" She laughed hard when Mike gave her a go to hell look "I tryed to warn you hon, Sven is insataible and hung like a horse"
"He is that" Mike said "but it was still fun, although I'm paying for it now, will you come with me to the bedroom?, I need you to help me put my bra and the rest of my clothes and makeup on" Yvette took him by the arm and walked him back to the bedroom, they picked out a white bra and Yvette proceeded to dress Mike as he moaned and wined with every move, at one point she slapped him on the ass just to hear him scream....and he did, she laughed, she walked him to the kitchen and brought his makeup and mirror to him, Mike proped himself up on his elbows and put on Shannon's face (with help from the gorgeous maid) he put on his ear rings and she brought him his wig, it even hurt to put that on, Yvette brushed his hair and put his heels on him, she helped him stand up and Mike said "well, I'm dreading this day, especially the arobics class"
"Why" Yvette asked
"Duh" Mike replied, "I had the hell fucked out of me last night by a guy with a telephone pole for a dick, my legs and the rest of me is sore as hell, and you could drive a mac truck up my ass and still have room to pass on the left!"
Yvette Laughed hard, "Well hon number 1, you were warned, number 2, it was your decision to do that and number 3, I cancelled the day for you!"
Mike looked suprized at the giggling maid and sweetly said "you did that for me?" Yvette nodded, "AND YOU STILL PUT ME THROUGH GETTING DRESSED AND MAKE UP AND MY WIG!!" He yelled, Yvette busted apart laughing as she nodded, "HOLY HELL" Mike exclaimed, Yvette hugged him.
"Lets get you out of these clothes and into something comfortable babe" she escorted him back to the bed room and helped Mike undress, Yvette laughed everytime he groaned when he had to stretch.
and every time he would reply, "I dont find this very fuckin funny" wich would make Yvette laugh even harder.
Mike was finally in his sweat pants and tshirt, still wearing his bra and panties ofcorse, he finally felt comfortable after he sat down on the couch "Well love, I have to go" Yvette said, "I'll check back on you later, no toast for you tonight either, you will resume your training on Monday so relax and next time I tell you a guy has a huge cock......take my word for it....atleast till your training is through" she said with a grin and a wink.
"I will" Mike said, "Thankyou Yvette, you are awesome"
"No problem hon, us girls have to stick together" Yvette said as she opened the door.
"Just one thing?" Mike asked
Yvette turned and looked at Mike, she already knew what he was going to ask and said "I told them you had a stomache bug and I would get some medicine for you and nurse you back to health, I knew you were not going to be able to move this morning, actually though.....you're in alot better shape than Victoria or I was after we had our first encounter with the Titanic, thats what we call Sven's cock, we could'nt even get out of bed with out help, you done good baby, I'll look in on you later." with that she walked out and closed the door.
Mike just layed around and watched tv after that while also reflecting on last night and the morning, he started thinking about the grounds keeper and the more he thought the more he wanted a rematch, a plan was formulating.
Around 2 o'clock a knock came at the door, Mike eased up and slowly went to answer, he was stunned when he opened the door, it was Megan and she was holding 2 boquets of flowers, Mike welcomed her in and enquired about the beautiful boquets.
"Well" Megan said, "this one is from Thaxton with get well wishes and.... this one is from Sven for last night, so I'm assumeing the name of your stomache virus is the Titanic" Mike blushed as he took the flowers, "Dont be embaressed honey, we've all went through that part of the initiation, I'll never forget my first encounter with him, I walked bow legged for damn near a week and I'm a woman, so I can imagine what you must feel like" Mike invited her to sit down and the two talked for a while about everything, makeup, clothes, acsessories and ofcorse Sven and sex in general, finally Megan said "I need to get up to the house, it's toast time" she stood up and Mike walked her to the door.
"One thing I'm curious about" Mike said "You said Sven was a part of the initiation, what other parts are there?" he asked
"Oh I dont want to let the kitty out of the burlap, but you are in for a wild ride hon, better keep your strength up, I want you at your best when I get a hold of you" Megan smiled slyly and winked and walked out.
Mike's imagination ran wild, he really did want Megan, he got hard and was finally able to jack off, he shot his load into a wine glass and drank it down, then he spent the rest of his evening relaxing and napping.

More later loves