View Full Version : Where have all the ontario men gone?

Apr 11, 2009, 4:28 AM
Ive noticed that lately there has been a large drop in the number of guy from ontario on this site. It used to be there were 4 or 5 new ones a day, now it seems theres only a new one every couple weeks. Have they all moved on to a new site? whats the story?

Apr 11, 2009, 4:57 AM
Try and use Google to find a "Bisexual FOrum" and you will hit all kinds of nasty crap, including negative pseudo-studies on whether Bi-Men exist. I checked the first 3 pages, which is more than the average google user will do, and this forum doesn't show up.

Perhaps that is the reason? Google has it downrated so it rarely shows up on a casual search?

Apr 11, 2009, 6:28 AM
Cannot help with Ontario bisexual men but looking for Bisexual.com on Google gives a fair number of replies including our own site at the head.

Out of curiousity I looked at the Wikipedia entry for bisexual and was reasonably impressed by the attempt.
