View Full Version : Weird or not weird? Is Bi-sex even a question?

Apr 9, 2009, 5:22 PM
This a bi-sex board - correct? So based on that. Most Males and Females here think that they fit between that M-F category. We're a little out of the expected 'norm' and not totally over the edge. We think, might react, might embrace or live it. That's all.

Being Bi isn't Weird. We've opened ourselves to a different side of thinking and engaging.

What's your thoughts?

Apr 9, 2009, 6:45 PM
Paraphrasing-"We have opened ourselves to a different kind of thinking."

Joan Halifax, PH.D in her book Shamanic Voices explores this difference in the "Androgyne Shaman", "Soft Men." Androgynous shamans in many cultures were considered sacred, because "To bring back to an original state that which was in primordial times whole is now broken and dismembered is not only an act of unification but also a divine remembrance of a time when a complete reality existed."
The legend of Adam and Eve explores this in the Bible in coded fashion. A rib, taken out of Adam, enable "God" to create a woman, a companion for Adam. In this legend, a deliberate excision, separation, as done-but to please whom? Adam? Or "God"?
In Siberian tribes, a young man who was identified as being feminine was set aside for training as a Shaman. This was considered to be a high honor, adrogyny being the unification of the Creator on earth in physical form.
Many other cultures have the same practices, and it seems that there was a collective "memory" of a time, way back in the past, when beings were "one", as the Creator intended.
So the intriguing question is: who orchestrated the split?
There are many legends, stories, songs of a time when all creatures could communicate with each other, when all was in harmony with their Creator. Since the split, mankind is constantly searching for its other half to achieve happiness, wholeness.
Perhaps the loop is closing once again.

Apr 9, 2009, 7:14 PM
As a Wiccan that got his start in Shamanism, I say Good job on the post.

I can add nothing else that would contribute to what you said here.

Apr 9, 2009, 7:58 PM
First let me start with ,wow! another wiccan/pagan here I thought there wereonlly 3 of us on the site. So BB to you Falcon and your mate. The unified then split individual goes wayyyyyy back. Every culutre has some sort of story of one being that was later split either by god(s) eitheer as punishment or out of fear that the new creation would challenge the status quo. An interesting though not mythologicaly accurate version of this is in the song "Orgin of Love" by Hedwig and the angry inch. As I get more into my bi ness I am finding myself finding that both men and women are very attractive to me and admitting this seems to have open other avenues to me and has made me more aware of the world and energies around me.
BAck to the original post though. Bi sex will be a question only as long as people make it a question. As the world and we accept us and ourselves it will slowly fade till it is no longer a moot point.

Apr 10, 2009, 2:30 PM
Holmes, there are a lot more Pagans here than you would think. I'm one of them, though I do not like to discuss anything ceremonial including my path on a public forum.
The Bi side of people has fascinated me, probably because it taps into that subconscious that people want to ignore because it's "not socially accepted". A lot of that does come from society. For example nudity-plain, simple nudity with no sex attached. I'm a nudist as well, but, I have to go to a "nudist resort" to be nude; I just can't go out in my back yard nude because society frowns upon nudity.
Love to be nude-and finally, it's getting warmer up in Michigan!

Apr 10, 2009, 3:28 PM
As a Wiccan that got his start in Shamanism, I say Good job on the post.

I can add nothing else that would contribute to what you said here.

Ah Falcon... You're Wiccan - I KNEW there was something I liked about you. Blessings be!!!! LW