View Full Version : Hormoans after orgasm

Apr 9, 2009, 1:09 PM
Any answer that is sensible would be nice. Most of the time i want to try my bi side , the idea turns me on . However as soon as i have cum after sex or orgasm the idea turns me off . So how can i keep my Hormoan levels up so i can enjoy ?

Apr 9, 2009, 2:05 PM
It's very common for most men to loose interest in sex after ejaculation. It's called the refractory period, and what you are experiencing is most likely directly related to it. It varies in all men, and tends to increase with age.

Probably part of the male biology so that we don't fuck ourselves to death LMAO :eek

Let me know if you find a magical cure!

Apr 9, 2009, 5:21 PM
Quite natural. You will have doped yourself up on endorphins after coming. It's not the hormone levels alone.

Apr 9, 2009, 5:27 PM
I actually think you harbor guilt for the feelings and desires you feel for other persons of the same sex.

So once the passion is gone, then all the sudden....oh boy, now I feel bad. I did something just for sex. Maybe you did, you you likely are feeling guilt for your gay side.

You might want to seek counseling for the conflict, someone who is experienced in gay/bi emotions and therapeutic approaches toward helping you resolve them.

Apr 9, 2009, 5:36 PM
Typical male problem. Talk to any female, she'll agree. In a MM thing - both fall asleep. It's not your problem, it's a Male thing with zoning out after.......

If you figure out how for this not to occur - please post. I think, cavemen drew pictorials on walls asking the same question. :rolleyes:

Apr 9, 2009, 6:05 PM
This happens to women too ya know lol.

Apr 9, 2009, 7:52 PM
Any answer that is sensible would be nice. Most of the time i want to try my bi side , the idea turns me on . However as soon as i have cum after sex or orgasm the idea turns me off . So how can i keep my Hormoan levels up so i can enjoy ?

The solution is simple. Experiment with your bi side before you cum. If you find that you really like it, you won't be turned off after you cum.

Apr 9, 2009, 8:44 PM
A good therapist will tell you that most people have sexual fantasies...and that not all sexual fantasies are made to be acted out. It is only a matter of personal preference...there is no "norm" or standards to bisexuality. Some of it can just be limited to fantasy...for others, the impulse is stronger, and needs to be fulfilled in "real" life.
Of course you could also have an inner conflict, feel guilty, because of your conditioning. If you feel really turned off afterward, disgusted rather than merely disinterested, it could be guilt. Then you need to realize bisexuality is natural (look at the animal kingdom if this means anything to you...)

I think everyone goes through this, this doubt about oneself. Conditioning can be difficult to discard...it needs to be confronted head on and smashed to smithereens. You need to unleash your own inner revolution! Whether it is merely a fantasy or needs to be more, these feelings and desires are valid, and whatever you want to do with them, you need to acknowledge their truth and validity first and foremost. Then see where they take you.

Apr 24, 2009, 6:57 AM
There is nothing I hate more in male sexuality, then this "sudden death" syndrome, specially when you are looking forward to a cream pie:tongue:. But it only last 15min or so, then ready again.

Apr 24, 2009, 8:26 PM
This happens to women too ya know lol.

Are you sure Rissa? In the cases I have studied it is usually boredom or too much reading over his shoulder.

Just kidding.

Apr 26, 2009, 12:53 PM
I suffer from it too. While having sex I have all of these ideas running thru my head of things I'd like to do and right after I orgasm the ideas just fade away and I'm left with thoughts like, "What the heck was I thinking ?"

Really wish I could control it.

Apr 26, 2009, 1:38 PM
I've found that you can substitute something simpler, and get your engine going again.

I would just lie back for about a minuit, them start stroking my partner in an intimate, but non-sexual way. Then I would start kissing them in a general way, say around the knees. By the time I work my way up, I am becoming hard again.

That's how I ate my first cream pie. :bigrin:

Aug 17, 2010, 7:58 AM
Interesting. I remember how this was an issue for me more when I struggled about being bi than after accepting it. I mean even now after I've hit my orgasm I lose interest in sex almost immediately and must wait a while before stirred up again. But at least I don't suffer from that terrible guilt I use to feel for having sex with the same sex after my orgasm. Before orgasm, I wasn't necessarily fine with it either but didn't think much on it at all since the desire and the activity of the moment kept me engaged. But then when orgasm had happened, I would feel terrible guilt for being sexual with a male. So glad those years are long gone. Now though I might lose interest after orgasm, I'm no longer struggling with the guilt for same sex play.

Aug 17, 2010, 2:15 PM
" Hormoan" I need my dicKtionary again!

Aug 17, 2010, 5:22 PM
I know how to make a "hormoan",,,,,,Dont pay her! HA HA HA HA HA ,, I used to have that problem until I started answering my bisexual side. It seems adding cock to the mix has increased my libido. I can still eat pussy and suck cock for a while after orgasm,, which usually leads to another orgasm,mmmmmmmm. For 60 yr old thats good I guess. So start acting on your initial desires, go get some cock and see what happens

Aug 17, 2010, 10:46 PM
Sex for me at the moment is like banking. When I withdraw I lose interest.


roy m cox
Aug 19, 2010, 2:24 PM
i never lose interest i always go back for more and my boy friend loves this about me right from the first time we had sex he was like "damn lets take a brake" but it's like i can't get enough sex for me he's the one that wants to stop and smell the roses ,, heh ill even start up after a bit we will start playing a video game or watching a movie and ill start messing around with him heh :bigrin: