View Full Version : Michael Musto's Bi-phobia

Apr 8, 2009, 1:43 PM
Read it and weep:


(I'm "White Dwarf Star" in the comment section.)

Apr 8, 2009, 2:06 PM
Humph! Anything to sell a paper or magazine....:rolleyes:

Apr 8, 2009, 2:08 PM
Looks like a good article......but then I am almost out of toilet paper, so it could just be that.

Apr 8, 2009, 2:19 PM
Looks like a good article......but then I am almost out of toilet paper, so it could just be that.

I printed out several copies - I'm saving my toiletpaper!!!!

Apr 8, 2009, 2:26 PM
lol That artical isnt even worth the ink stain on yer butt, Gentlemen. Its better suited to line the bottom of the rabbit hutch or bird cage with.
(Sorry Im a bit growly, had a bad night..lol)

Apr 8, 2009, 2:59 PM
It is almost a cliche to bring the old quote up or a version of it --but it is appropo in this instance:

"Everyone has two things--an asshole and an opinion!" He is just another asshole with an opinion!! :bigrin::bigrin:

The biggest thing that shows he doesn't knoweth what he speaketh----with many of us who are bisexual---we may not particularly just be able to do an auto switch from being with a person of one gender then moving in the next instant to a person of the other gender!!

It might be that way for some bisexuals--but not all--we are all very different in the way bisexuality plays out in our lives---fracking jerk!!!

The problem is that this article shows---for the "hip" crowd of both coasts (gay or straight) and those who are the self-appointed arbitors of all things cultural----many of them do think this way--since they have totally bought (and are engaging in "selling") the views of gays that at the most extreme--don't recognize the reality of bisexuality for whatever reason.

Apr 8, 2009, 4:18 PM
If I were you, I wouldn't waste to much time worrying what Musto thinks. The days when the Village Voice was a trendseter and opinion maker are long in the past. Today it is just a little in-crowdy publication for the gay crowd without much circulaton or influence.

Apr 9, 2009, 3:01 AM
I agree that asking the question is inherently biphobic, but I do think Musto gets points for at least asking; it kind of leaves the understanding that if he got a massive outpouring of people responding that they are bisexual or know those who do (and DON'T think they're "full of shit" . . . ugh!), that he might reconsider his stance. It's better, relatively, to ones that make the proclamation without any sort of checking around.

But still, the prevalence of this viewpoint is getting utterly annoying.

NJ Mac
Apr 9, 2009, 9:55 AM
Good one Biz, thanks for posting this. I used to read Musto all the time. I thought he was funny. Thanks to this I no longer have to wonder if I'm missing anything. Obviously not the case.
Here's what I posted as a reply to his stupid remarks about bisexuality

"Musto, you're an idiot. Stick to your comedy schtick, it's funny. This faux-commentary on bisexuality is insulting and stupid.

And FU to all the hypocrites in the gay "community" with your asisine comments like "Bisexuals will always leave you" -- as if no gay person has ever cheated on their partner or left them for someone else -- and "Bisexuals enjoy straight privilege and gay sex but don't contribute to the queer cause" as if we're all in the closet (we're not) or never put our asses on the line for gay rights (we do) -- or as if every single party boy in the clubs is a gay/civil rights activist.

Bitch, please. If you don't like the taste of pussy, you don't have to taste it. I do, but that doesn't make me straight."

Apr 14, 2009, 3:20 PM
Insecurity, don't take it personal.

Apr 16, 2009, 3:50 AM
I left some not so nice comments on his craptastic and well researched opinion piece, and sent him a less than flattering email.

I know that he won't read them but I hope the Village Voice stops publishing stuff like this.

Why do the village voice and the NY Times actually publish crap like this and the BS Bailey study?

TBH the negative bi stereotypes don't bother me at all since at least it's some form of visiBIlity, but I don't like the bi erasure like this, the stuff that Dan Savage writes/blogs/podcasts about his opinions about bisexuals and how he hates us, and the BS study by that a$$hole Bailey that the NY Times published.