View Full Version : Iowa, Vermont, woohoo

Apr 7, 2009, 7:54 PM
In less than a week, the lgbt community has scored two of its biggest political achievements with the Iowa Supreme Court ruling a ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, and the Vermont legislature overriding a veto that would have made gay marriage illegal.

Not only do people in Iowa and Vermont have cause to celebrate, but the rest of us do as well. What a huge boost to national lgbt identity, when the amount of states where gay marriage is legal has increased by 100% in one week.

Especially in Vermont, where it was done by a considerable majority of the legislators.

Have a nice day

Apr 7, 2009, 8:08 PM
I get the HRC e-mails and heard about it a while ago.

Apr 7, 2009, 8:14 PM
This is great news and this one is a bit harder for the opposition to fight--since it was a legislative vote by a very large majority--something like 2/3 of the Vermont legislature approved it and making well beyond the bounds of a veto by the governor.

The other states had their "gay marriage" situations come about by court rulings---this one--by the concept that elected officials like legislators are acting in at the behest of the voters. This is not a case of "judicial activism" but direct representation.

Yeah---4 down and 46 more to go--well---we don't need all 46 other states to allow same sex marriage to make it an effect right---but if well more than half the states come to have it--those states that wish to remain in the dark ages---will find themeselves suffering economic and other losses due to their stupity and shortsightedness since those of the "Creative Class" GLBT or straight would not be so crazy to live there and the companies that rely on "The Creative Class" won't do business in or with those states in any fashion--meaning they won't get any more computers, stuff like that---I say we should actually leave a handful of states back---in fact--let them enact all the kinds of things that the "social right" wants to impose on us all like abortion, banning any sex but heterosexual sex and only for those in marriages of "one man, one woman" only for the purpose of procreation, that a man is the head of the family and the woman should defer to him in all things and all the rest of the items on their wish lists---so people who think that such things are really fine--can go live in their form of Nirvana--and they can see just how far they fall behind the rest of the country and the world that is moving on to the future and not back towards the past.

Also--since GLBT people are so evil--that has to follow that anything they create is evil--so anythng of any nature created by them is banned in the retro-states ranging from cultural things like music, film, TV and the like--also any literature created by GLBT people, technical advances and all that----and also---when things like stem cell resarch or other advances they think come from evil means---- pan out and help cure many diseases and conditions---they can't get the benefits of those advances since it has to be evil.

I want to see how "great" they think life will be without the contributions of GLBT people and of a society that totally and freely accepts those who fall out of the range of "normal."

It will be such a great life for them!!! I would hope they would enjoy it!!

Apr 7, 2009, 9:36 PM
In less than a week, the lgbt community has scored two of its biggest political achievements with the Iowa Supreme Court ruling a ban on gay marriage unconstitutional, and the Vermont legislature overriding a veto that would have made gay marriage illegal.

Not only do people in Iowa and Vermont have cause to celebrate, but the rest of us do as well. What a huge boost to national lgbt identity, when the amount of states where gay marriage is legal has increased by 100% in one week.

Especially in Vermont, where it was done by a considerable majority of the legislators.

Have a nice day

Sheesh, Iowa and Vermont, two totally different states that made the same decision. Hmmm?, maybe things are changing OR they've been pent-up by other states not recognizing? Who knows??

Iowa - flat land corn types - meets the Vermont - tree kiss maple types. Wow, if we can now get those clam/shrimpers in the Southeast, beefer's in the Mid southTex, those rust-belt types in the Midwest and other states to agree, then we've got back to a union this nation was founded on.

Apr 7, 2009, 9:52 PM
Here in the south, where I live, (in the "proverbial buckle" of the bible belt) we are light years away from even recognizing a civil union or making a "domestic partner", regardless of the sex-es involved, a beneficiary of the other partners benefits supplied from a employer. There was a vote by the city council several years ago. To decide whether or not to extend the citys employees benifits to their un-married to partners. The city reasoned that since there not married to each other, we should not have to pay for their latest "attraction"...I mean partner. The insurance company said that it will be money out of our profits....I mean pocket. And that the city will have to pay for it in the long run of it. And at last the church-es all jumped up and said that " your promoting immorality". I don't know who, what group, or organization that was promoting this, but needless to say it did not last long. :(

Hey were just recently learning to wear shoes, and have indoor plumbing!!!! Yep, same sex marriages are a long way off. If ever, we'll be the last. :rolleyes:

Oh well, nuff said for now. Your friend, Doggie......:doggie:.......:bipride:

Apr 7, 2009, 10:39 PM
This is great news and this one is a bit harder for the opposition to fight--since it was a legislative vote by a very large majority--something like 2/3 of the Vermont legislature approved it and making well beyond the bounds of a veto by the governor.

The other states had their "gay marriage" situations come about by court rulings---this one--by the concept that elected officials like legislators are acting in at the behest of the voters. This is not a case of "judicial activism" but direct representation.

Yeah---4 down and 46 more to go--well---we don't need all 46 other states to allow same sex marriage to make it an effect right---but if well more than half the states come to have it--those states that wish to remain in the dark ages---will find themeselves suffering economic and other losses due to their stupity and shortsightedness since those of the "Creative Class" GLBT or straight would not be so crazy to live there and the companies that rely on "The Creative Class" won't do business in or with those states in any fashion--meaning they won't get any more computers, stuff like that---I say we should actually leave a handful of states back---in fact--let them enact all the kinds of things that the "social right" wants to impose on us all like abortion, banning any sex but heterosexual sex and only for those in marriages of "one man, one woman" only for the purpose of procreation, that a man is the head of the family and the woman should defer to him in all things and all the rest of the items on their wish lists---so people who think that such things are really fine--can go live in their form of Nirvana--and they can see just how far they fall behind the rest of the country and the world that is moving on to the future and not back towards the past.

Also--since GLBT people are so evil--that has to follow that anything they create is evil--so anythng of any nature created by them is banned in the retro-states ranging from cultural things like music, film, TV and the like--also any literature created by GLBT people, technical advances and all that----and also---when things like stem cell resarch or other advances they think come from evil means---- pan out and help cure many diseases and conditions---they can't get the benefits of those advances since it has to be evil.

I want to see how "great" they think life will be without the contributions of GLBT people and of a society that totally and freely accepts those who fall out of the range of "normal."

It will be such a great life for them!!! I would hope they would enjoy it!!

You said it brother!!!! I couldn't agree more. Maybe those repressive states could keep themselves going with tourism. We could all leave our progressive states and go visit the dark ages - kind of like visitng colonial Williamsburg. Our kids could see the way they live and be thankful that they are part of the progressive society!

Apr 8, 2009, 2:09 AM
OOps--I meant to say---totally outlawing abortion, use of contraceptives, family planning beyond "abstinence only" etc---in my list of things they should ban above--sorry.

Bad editing on my part!! lol