View Full Version : OMG---Antique Store Statue is too sexy!!

Apr 7, 2009, 10:36 AM
Saints Preserve Us!!---the prude patrol is out there --making America safe from wanton hussy wooden figures!!

http://www.asylum.com/2009/04/01/breasty-pirate-enrages-local-priest/?icid=main|main|dl8|link4|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.asylum. com%2F2009%2F04%2F01%2Fbreasty-pirate-enrages-local-priest%2F

I guess you will have to copy and paste the link--it won't become an active link for some reason--sorry!

Going back and re-watching the video---this really sort of reminds me of the "vice police" they have in places like Afghanistan under the rule of Islamic Sharia law as defined and practiced by the Taliban---does this priest get that??? For one thing--this statute doens't even begin to come close to the official legal standard for obscenity as set by the US Supreme Court---my God--if this is "obscene"--then the way tens of millions of American women dress every day is obscenity then---this is really ripe though---a priest of the Holy Roman Catholic Church making a fuss about the way a wooden statue of a female pirate character is dressed--from an organization that is one of the most misogynistic organizations in human history--this sounds like something from 1409--not 2009!!
AND--an organiazation that turned a blind eye to horrofic acts perpetrated by it princes upon the populace---namely the sexual molestation of children-mainly boys--by far too many of its priests for far too long a time!!

Apr 7, 2009, 11:08 AM
Oh my goodness. WHY are all the prudes and nutjobs from PA? I think it's a lovely statue. :)

Apr 7, 2009, 2:47 PM
Wow, someone needs to pull the stick out of their ass. On a side note, do those statues come in a smaller form?

"Pirates are fun!" :bigrin:

Apr 7, 2009, 5:08 PM
:( Link didn't work for me

Apr 7, 2009, 5:26 PM
OMG! Get a frigging life. If THAT"S soft porn what about Michaelangelo's David or the innumerable other statues around Rome - supposedly one of the planets holiest cities? Does the priest want them all banned as well? I guess you have to take the good with the bad though ... if the priests are out on neighborhood watch for "soft porn" then they may not have time to molest young altarboys!!! The world is going friggin insane!! LW

Apr 7, 2009, 5:44 PM
:( Link didn't work for me

Did you "copy and paste" it in your address line??

Apr 7, 2009, 8:17 PM
See if this link works.


That priest needs to not be commanding anyone to do anything. He needs to keep his religion out of the woman's business.

Apr 7, 2009, 9:00 PM
See if this link works.


That priest needs to not be commanding anyone to do anything. He needs to keep his religion out of the woman's business.

This link worked, as for the others, arrrrg. What's the problem with a wench swinging a sword to protect? We had them on our their bow to protect sailing the oceans. Seems the concept of a 'lady pirate', 'lady cowboy', 'lady anything' with boobs drives the no-goads priesthood nuts.

I agree with your quote above.

just my thoughts

Apr 7, 2009, 9:01 PM
:bigrin: That's what I call a RO-BUST figgure!!!!!!!! The only thing I can see wrong with that statue is that it's not at my house!!!!!!!!! To say the least I like it... If Johnny Depp were to see this one he would fall in lust, HUH? :cool:

Just thought I would say that. Your friend, Doggie........:doggie:.........:bipride:

Apr 8, 2009, 7:18 AM

Apr 8, 2009, 9:14 AM
:bigrin: That's what I call a RO-BUST figgure!!!!!!!! The only thing I can see wrong with that statue is that it's not at my house!!!!!!!!!

omg LOL Doggie !! but yep I remember the days when [dressing like that] that would have been considered obscene here in my lil village [yes I'm THAT old] LOL.

I know it's accepted now, but.... when I see my neighbours' daughters going to school looking so slutty (bare bellies, v-necks down to their waistlines and hiphugger jeans just BARELY covering their naughtybits) , I have to think back to their Mother when she was their age....she dressed the same way [in the '80s].

I just find it sad that girls still are getting the message that you have to dress like a tramp to be part of the in crowd. *sigh* There seems to be no value placed on mystery and modesty anymore.


Apr 8, 2009, 10:19 AM
Wow, the pirate's busts look just like my wife's beautiful breasts! Am I a lucky guy, or what? Goofy clergy like the protester are exactly why I'd rather spend so many Sundays nestled in Diana's boobs than listening to the boob in the pulpit. Choose your pastor carefully, dear friends! There's no sin in shopping churches! (I'm not being negative about church-going ... I love my parish ... but I think much evil is perpetrated in the name of religion!)

Apr 8, 2009, 2:17 PM
Sixteen men on a dead man's chest,
Yo ho ho, it's no wonder he's dead.:bigrin:

Apr 8, 2009, 2:52 PM
omg LOL Doggie !! but yep I remember the days when [dressing like that] that would have been considered obscene here in my lil village [yes I'm THAT old] LOL.

I know it's accepted now, but.... when I see my neighbours' daughters going to school looking so slutty (bare bellies, v-necks down to their waistlines and hiphugger jeans just BARELY covering their naughtybits) , I have to think back to their Mother when she was their age....she dressed the same way [in the '80s].

I just find it sad that girls still are getting the message that you have to dress like a tramp to be part of the in crowd. *sigh* There seems to be no value placed on mystery and modesty anymore.


Honestly, if you took the mystery out of the parts, then I doubt you would see as much of that.

Apr 8, 2009, 7:07 PM
ROFL I say someone needs to go paint nipples on her and give the old fart a stroke lol

Apr 8, 2009, 9:08 PM
Another addition to the statue--make a version of her down on her knees----her mouth wide open and her eyes closed with an expression of ecstasy on her face!!!!! :bigrin::bigrin::bigrin: (her nipples hard too!) now--that might actually be an obscene statue!!!