View Full Version : Characters?

Apr 6, 2009, 2:04 PM
I've seen more than once a thread started here about celebrities that we are crushing on. Now, I don't know if anyone has started one like this before, but how about characters? Like I'm sure many of us absolutely love Captain Jack Sparrow;)

I know that some of my favorite fictional characters that I crush on are:
Edward (Twilight)
Elektra (Daredevil)
Christian and Sean (Nip/Tuck)
Inuyasha (Inuyasha...but that was when I was younger haha)
Mr. Fantastic (Fantastic 4)

Ok, that's all I can really think of...but you get where I'm going with this? Does anyone else have any other characters that they have fallen in love with? Even if it is just a character in a book, still counts haha. Doesn't have to be TV or a Movie or anything like that.

Apr 6, 2009, 2:33 PM
i always thought i was weird for crushing on cartoon characters, now i see i'm not the only one. i would go nuts when i was watching voltron or something and the characters would be in swimsuits for a scene or something like that.

the thing about live action fictional characters is that you have to get past the actor playing them. if the actor is a tool, then it ruins the character for me. i thought the bloke in twilight was hot until i saw an interview with him and he was a sodding moron.

anyway, from my comic book days, here are my crushes:

Elektra (especially when her redesigned red outfit omitted shoes)

Batgirl (both Barbara Gordon and Cassandra Cain, but especially the latter.)

Rogue (cartoon version reminds me of my friend from North Carolina and her sexy accent)

Mary Jane (from Spider-Man, not Kirsten Dunst)

Emma Frost (icy British mutant from Hellfire Club)

X-Man (from Age of Apocalypse, beautiful hair)

Havok (Cyclops' sometimes evil brother from Mutant X)

Nightwing (Former Robin Dick Grayson)

Gambit (hot guy with French accent? yes, please.)

Scarlet Spider (Peter Parker was too dorky for my tastes. His clone had blond hair and a gay surfer look, so i'll go with him instead.)

Apr 6, 2009, 2:47 PM
if the actor is a tool, then it ruins the character for me. i thought the bloke in twilight was hot until i saw an interview with him and he was a sodding moron.

Yeah, sometimes he seems dopey but when he's Edward, I love him haha. He's actually the only character I really like from the series anyway.

Apr 6, 2009, 2:59 PM
Alice from the Twilight books. Not the movie. I used to love AndrAIa from Reboot. :D

Apr 6, 2009, 4:41 PM
I could die a happy man if I could share a hot Jungle bed with Tarzan and Jane! Would also love to spend a few nights with Strider and Arwen form LOTR. Whew! And I've always had the hots for Doc Savage and Betty Rubble.

Apr 6, 2009, 4:47 PM
Capt Jack Harkness - Torchwood

Gwen - Torchwood

Alice P. - L Word

Jacki - Prey for Rock & Roll

Faith - Prey for Rock & Roll

Apr 6, 2009, 4:58 PM
Jessica Rabbitt is mine....ALL mine!

Apr 6, 2009, 8:40 PM
Well lets see......

Jeff Goldblum from the Fly and later in Jerrassic park(Damn, drooled all over my new shirt...snicker)
Gambit from the X-men (Oh Hell yeah!)
Van Helsing
Aqua man in that tight outfit...
Birdman with them muscles all over the damn place.
Supergirl in that little short skirt
Laura Croft in ANYthing...lol
Race Bannon from Johnny Quest (put that damn man in the corner and just listen to him Talk, in that deep sultry voice....drool)
Dang, thats all I can think of outside of Fangoria, I think her name was so many years ago...

meteast chick
Apr 6, 2009, 11:32 PM
Well, here's my list

Milla Jovovich as Alice in Resident Evil


Milla Jovovich as Leeloo in The Fifth Element


Marina, Bette and Alice from The L Word


Cobie Smulders character from How I Met Your Mother, but I'll freely admit it's more about her than her character


and of course, my all time fave...WONDER WOMAN!!!I have been a fan of hers since I was in underroos(yes, the cartoons and Lynda Carter), and I'm favoring Cobie to play her in the upcoming movie!!!


luv and kisses,

Apr 7, 2009, 5:35 AM
Somewhat related:


I'd go for Chloe Sevigny's character Amy in "If These Walls Could Talk 2" in a heartbeat. Or Corky and Violet from "Bound". As for the boys, the androgynous, pre-transition version of Kitten Braden from "Breakfast On Pluto", Dickie Greenleaf from "The Talented Mr. Ripley", and Aldous Snow from "Forgetting Sarah Marshall".

Apr 7, 2009, 8:25 AM
I like the "Catwoman" characters. All of them and anybody who has ever played them. It is just something about the freedom of a cat that is wonderful to me, and when you combine that with a woman,...watch out world! I believe it was our "Cat" that said, "Cats do what they want"....so do I.:bigrin:

Apr 7, 2009, 11:22 AM
In the other celeb crush thread--I did mention some fictional characters that I found "interesting."

I have always found cartoon or animated characters to be "hot."

It was a cartoon character from my chlidhood--like at age five or six that "turned me on" even though at the time I did not know it---but from my memories of that time--I defintiely was aroused by this character--it was a young boy character---I for the life of me don't recall his name now-but it was funny--a few years ago in here--while chatting in the main room, the topic had gone to people being turned on by cartoon/animated characters--someone else said he remembered the character too but could not recall the name either--what I do recall of the character--he was a young boy super hero type--he didn't really have any "superpowers" but he just was able to do cool things--he didn't wear anything other than just a very small pair of white shorts and he had a shock of blond hair----as a kid--I would go in my room--and strip down to my tighty whiteies and pretend I was this character---this does go back to the mid1960s---so it would take another old as dirt fart bag like me to recall this character!!!:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

It does seem that "drawn" figures do have a very real sexual aspect to them--like all of those drawings by the various artists creating gorgeous humans posed with those wild mythical creatures---and even the creepy, but compelling work of people like H.R. Giger. While his work may at once be frightening--there is also a very strong and compelling sexual element to his work.

First--some images from the work of Boris Vallejo: http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r216/mpgarr/boris_vallejo_94yhtac.jpg



Here are a few of the works of HR Giger---he is the artist whose work was used to create the various forms of the "Alien" creatures from those films---I had not heard of him up to the point they made the first Alien film back in 1979--but was sure blown away by his stuff to be sure--I know that his work---much of it both before and since has been in this vein--a horrofic mix of machine and biology both run amok-it is both compelling and scary and if most definitely has a sexual overtone to the work-with all the phallic and vaginal shapes he employs---it might be frightening--but the work does speak to some primordial, baser part of us--it is obvious he is working some deep dark things out in his work---and I am also sure--a whole lot of people have written their Masters and doctoral thesis on the "psycho-sexual-social implications of Giger" or something along those lines--in finding this artwork--I visited his official website--if you have about ten grand up to the six figures--you can sleep in custom made beds, sit on couches and have Giger design you some custom furniture items made in these forms--what does that say about the human psyche??? Even though very creepy and all---after the first Alien film came out--Giger was well known to the word and he sold his work in such volume that he became a very wealthy man as a result of that exposure, so somebody sure as heck likes his work-and I dare say--its not really for its "artisitc" quality that attracts people--it is that darkly sexual, thrreatening quality of it that does draw us to it.



Apr 7, 2009, 12:58 PM
Who doesn't love Edward?? lol (from the books of course, not the movie)

My other is Tyler Durden from Fight Club. First from the book...but then when he was portrayed by Brad Pitt...*le sigh*

Apr 7, 2009, 1:07 PM


The Flash

Gambit (mon cher!)

Psylocke (yeah bitches--I said PSYLOCKE)


Apr 7, 2009, 1:08 PM
And Volty..


Apr 7, 2009, 1:22 PM
i remember when i was younger having a crush on Marty McFly from Back to the Future. but when Michael J Fox played other characters, he never did anything for me.

i also have a thing for Owen Harper from Torchwood because he is so much like myself, right down to the same first name and the both ways thing. but, when i see the actor in interviews and he is being nice and polite, he loses his sexy edge.

the first time i saw Terminator 2, i thought the T-1000 was hot as hell. Robert Patrick was quite a babe back in the day, before all the cigarettes and bad action movies turned him into Leatherface. don't smoke, kids.