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View Full Version : BREAKING NEWS: The IOWA state supreme court rules for "gay marriage"!!!

Apr 3, 2009, 12:28 PM
I just saw this story coming across the net:


Great news that a Midwestern state is now among the few to allow for same sex marriage-but you know--the forces of idiocy and atavism will mobilize to fight this!!!

Apr 3, 2009, 12:40 PM
I just saw this story coming across the net:


Great news that a Midwestern state is now among the few to allow for same sex marriage-but you know--the forces of idiocy and atavism will mobilize to fight this!!!

Wow! What a great birthday present!!! Woo-Hoo!!!! LW

Apr 3, 2009, 2:40 PM
Yay! How long do you think it'll last?

Apr 3, 2009, 4:31 PM
Yay! How long do you think it'll last?

The attempt to nullify this ruling--via a voter referedum in Iowa has already begun--the proverbial ink had not even dried on the court documents outlining the ruling before the forces opposed to same sex marriage had started the process to get the referendum heading towards the November ballot underway this afternoon.

These people just cannot "live and let live!"

I do hope that Iowans are progressive and intelligent enough to not fall for the fear and hate mongering the referendum campaign will no doubt contain---Iowa may surprise people--it was in Iowa where Barack Obama won the caucus process that set the stage for his winning first the Democratic nomination ---that win in turn lead to his winning the presidency in the general election.

Let's hope the good people of Iowa see through the crap and don't buy the BS the anti-gay marriage crowd are going to be spinning.

In the responses at the Des Moines Register website to the stories they had posted on the issue--you already saw people talking about how if gays are allowed to marry--people will be able to marry dead bodies, their pets and farm animals and it will mean that NAMBLA will be taking over Iowa.

Where do these people come up with all this stupid shit???? Pull it out of some deep, deep hole the sun don't shine I guess--their stuff sure has no relation to reality--at least in any universe the rest of us live!!!

Apr 3, 2009, 9:59 PM
The attempt to nullify this ruling--via a voter referedum in Iowa has already begun--the proverbial ink had not even dried on the court documents outlining the ruling before the forces opposed to same sex marriage had started the process to get the referendum heading towards the November ballot underway this afternoon.

These people just cannot "live and let live!"

I do hope that Iowans are progressive and intelligent enough to not fall for the fear and hate mongering the referendum campaign will no doubt contain---Iowa may surprise people--it was in Iowa where Barack Obama won the caucus process that set the stage for his winning first the Democratic nomination ---that win in turn lead to his winning the presidency in the general election.

Let's hope the good people of Iowa see through the crap and don't buy the BS the anti-gay marriage crowd are going to be spinning.

In the responses at the Des Moines Register website to the stories they had posted on the issue--you already saw people talking about how if gays are allowed to marry--people will be able to marry dead bodies, their pets and farm animals and it will mean that NAMBLA will be taking over Iowa.

Where do these people come up with all this stupid shit???? Pull it out of some deep, deep hole the sun don't shine I guess--their stuff sure has no relation to reality--at least in any universe the rest of us live!!!

Those people need to be reminded that their same arguments were used in opposing the rights of Blacks to marry as well as for the rights of blacks and whites to marry each other.

They clearly are unaware that marriage has been redefined many times before now and the opponents always use the same arguments against those changes.

Here is an interesting article on that subject:


Apr 4, 2009, 2:45 AM
It does get me---a certain element of fundamentalist "Christians" seem to think that the way they know certain things--like marriage--is the way "it has always been and thus shall ever be," even though this is clearly not the case in so many of the things they hold dear.

In one of her documentaries film maker Angela Pelosi has done for HBO on elements of the modern right in America----she had done a film focusing on many of the various fundy christian churches and organizations--it was funny--she found this one program lead by a preacher that used segments of the old sitcoms from the 50s like "Father Knows Best," "Ozzie and Harriet" and "Leave it to Beaver" as examples of the way family life is supposed to be with those programs portraying perfect "nuclear families" with the all knowing dad (who was a substitute for a benevolet loving God), the compliant and happy, stay at home mom, who kept the house immaculate--she waiting for hubby to return from a hard day doing man's work at the office--having fixed him dinner, a few cocktails and his pipe filled ready for him to smoke--also--the kids were well behaved, polite, respectful and courteous.

I had sort of suspected as much with those folks---it was damn funny to see that they really do think that those shows somehow were representative of "real famiy life' in the 1950s and early '60s-but worse--that they somehow think that this is a realistic and viable family model in 21st Century America!!!!

If life was really like that for a large number of people--it was a rather short lived time for such a thing to be so.

While people may have attempted to meet those unrealistic ideals and expectations portrayed in those shows----the life of the Cleavers or the Nelsons were hardly reality for most people, even in post-war suburban America.

As always with these people---I shake my head and say--"Get with reality folks!!!"