View Full Version : Holy Cow--there are real sea monsters!!!

Apr 3, 2009, 8:49 AM
Click the link to read a story about a creepy creature that caretakers of a British aquarium found wreaking havoc among the other inhabitants of the facility:

http://news.aol.com/article/giant-sea-worm/412269?icid=main|main|dl1|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fnews. aol.com%2Farticle%2Fgiant-sea-worm%2F412269

Forget sharks---knowing their are critters like that in the ocaan really makes ya not want to set foot in the sea ever again!!!

(for some reason---it doesn't come up as a clickable link--you have to copy and paste in your browser---sorry)

Apr 3, 2009, 11:46 AM
Here is a link that takes you to the original story that was put out by The Daily Mail over in England:


Apr 3, 2009, 12:52 PM
Yeah I saw that thing last night...it's ugly as hell.

Apr 3, 2009, 1:28 PM
Some elements of that story that are freaky--the thing eats through the rock that the coral sits on --it ATE the hooks that were set with bait---Sharks and Barricuda don't eat hooks!! It attacked some of the fish in the tank and left them with severe wounds!!!

It has bristly things covering its body that the story says stings and "causes permanent numbness in humans."

This is the frackin' worm from hell!!

I have to say---it is hard sometimes to get perspective in a photo if you don't have any other reference points on size and such--they said the worm was four feet long--which is one honking big assed worm--but in the photo--it looked much bigger than that!!!

Apr 3, 2009, 9:26 PM
Since we know more about outer space than we do about our own oceans, this does not surprise me. What does surprise me, sometimes, is what they really look like.

They are still discovering the occasional prehistoric survivor of a previously "extinct" species and getting down in the deep black that you find a mile or more underwater there are even stranger, and larger, things living deep down.

There are confirmed reports from back in the late 1800's and early 1900's of squid sighted that are more than 100 feet long. And how about that prehistoric shark they have in Japan? That's a weird-looking thing, more like an eel than a shark, if it weren't for the teeth.

There are greater things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than you or I can dream of in our philosophies.

Apr 3, 2009, 10:29 PM
Eww, and they never Noticed that something That big in the damn tank??? Bet the person taking apart the coral had a chit-fit when he moved the rock and there it was! lmao

Apr 4, 2009, 2:23 AM
Eww, and they never Noticed that something That big in the damn tank??? Bet the person taking apart the coral had a chit-fit when he moved the rock and there it was! lmao

Its a wonder--given at how voracious that thing seems to be--that they kept their hands--and that they didn't experience permanent numbess the stings of its bistles apparently give--I wonder who found that it has that property?

I sure as hell would not want to experience that--it must be a fariy strong neurotoxin that can cause such nerve damage---for some people---a sting from that thing might well be fatal--I say they should send old Barry to his "great reward."

Apr 4, 2009, 2:59 AM
Its a wonder--given at how voracious that thing seems to be--that they kept their hands--and that they didn't experience permanent numbess the stings of its bistles apparently give--I wonder who found that it has that property?

I sure as hell would not want to experience that--it must be a fariy strong neurotoxin that can cause such nerve damage---for some people---a sting from that thing might well be fatal--I say they should send old Barry to his "great reward."

Yeah, I would like to see the interview with the person who was the guinee pig for those bristles haha.

M. Wolfe
Jul 10, 2009, 11:01 PM
Holy Cow--there are real sea monsters!!!

Well of course, we know more about deep space than we do about the deep seas and oceans - who knows what kinds of crazy creatures live down there.

Jul 11, 2009, 10:49 AM
Coral Worms (http://www.uwphoto.no/shopexd.asp?id=1141)

They appear to be smaller usually. Perhaps, Barry is merely a mutated version of one of these. A sign of the coming of our giant squid overlords. Hehe. :) <chuckles a bit nervously> At least you've not yet found pictures and links to Pollywogs. We just might keep those in the realm of drunken sailor myths, hopefully.

Jul 11, 2009, 3:13 PM
Barry is SO friggin COOL!! Imagine...an animal that eats through ROCK!

I disagree with people (Not just Volty) that say that Barry needs to be destroyed just because it's dangerous. There are all kinds of sea creatures that are dangerous to people. Certain species of Jellyfish can kill with a touch of tentacles. Lionfish venom is highly toxic to people but aquariums still have THOSE on exhibit.

The DIFFERENCE is that those are PRETTY. Since Barry is, shall we say, deficient in pleasing aesthetics, that doesn't mean it should be destroyed.

Imagine what we can learn about neurotoxin from Barry. It can be an incredibly valuable resource about biological life. But NOT if we kill it.

One last thing to note: The average person seems to have a knee jerk reaction. If something is weird or "dangerous" and NOT pretty the call to "kill it" rings out far and wide. As a minority, we have been targeted with the same "kill it" mentality. So I identify with ole Barry. He hasn't done anything but be himself. Yes, the neurotoxin is dangerous. The Aquarium people have Barry isolated now. They know how to handle creatures like him. So lets just let Barry be and see what we can learn from him.