View Full Version : 13 types of bisexuality

Apr 2, 2009, 6:38 PM
If it's ONE thing I'm learning from this website, it's that labels have their (inhuman) limits.

But, do you all think that websites like these would be a good anchor to help people understand bisexuality better?


Let me know your thoughts



Apr 2, 2009, 7:38 PM
Sheesh! only 13?

That number really let's down the bi- community as for labeling and options.;)

Seems it was originally written in a form of a 2 way street view. Even the poster wondered, while sitting on the fence, whether there were more.

The world is not 'ying/yang', 'black/white', 'male/female' but many shades moving between each and I'm not talking about colour. So..., is being bi wrong? Depends on which side of the issue your on and what your partner has shared with you. There's a physical and then there is a mental - being bi- adds that extra point that makes it a triangle which all us bi's have to deal with in any 1-1 relationship.

Apr 2, 2009, 7:38 PM
Well, I, for one, have fit into different categories depicted in that article, at different times of my life. I really don't give a shit...Like Popeye, "I is what I is!" I can't fit a label................there's not one that works for me, all the time.

Apr 2, 2009, 7:56 PM
i think they left one out. there's the type of bisexual who does it purely for show. like britney spears.

Apr 2, 2009, 8:08 PM
F@#K them! IM ME! And thats all I can be.:flag3:

Apr 2, 2009, 8:11 PM
Sorta interesting I guess--but like many such things---I take it with a grain of salt-and don't pay it much mind--I do sorta fit a number of those definitions-but also a number of ones that I have developed on my own that this person didn't come up with---

I understand the need of--but dislike it as well--that we humans have this powerfully compelling need to categorize things and put them in nice tidy little boxes!!


Apr 2, 2009, 8:24 PM
Some person needed to sit down and work out 13 categories of bisexuality? As if:

a) there are 13 exact that fulfil all situaitons
b) they are mutually exclusive
c) a person is fixed for life
d) anyone cares.
e) the classification has purpose beyond dealing with e.g. insomnia
f) PZZzzzzzz....

Surprise surprise the reporter immediately spotted some flaws.

Apr 2, 2009, 9:49 PM
Gay people like to say once you are gay you are gay and thats that. Gays i have seen tend to be narrow minded. Overheard a gay gentlemen comment about a bi guy that he should pick what he wants already. Women tend to think if you like guys that automatically makes you gay and means you cant be attracted to women. Straight women thinks bi does not exist.

Apr 2, 2009, 9:54 PM
Wow, I am stunned. I wouldn't call this a real attempt to do more than make a rationalized entry into a text book so that we can be mentally and socially dismembered.


Apr 2, 2009, 10:00 PM
Oh Great. Now I'm classified as Hedonistic. LMAO How bout cuz its a Just Cause? Just cause I like it! lol
Bad Cat

Apr 2, 2009, 11:22 PM
Great. Now we are pigeon-holed by our own community.

Will the idiocy never end?

Apr 2, 2009, 11:34 PM
Great. Now we are pigeon-holed by our own community.

Will the idiocy never end?

Apparently not!!!!

Apr 3, 2009, 12:02 AM
Great. Now we are pigeon-holed by our own community.

Will the idiocy never end?

I think it's important that I explain that it's not my intention to marginalize any of us with this post. It's not my intention to offend anyone at all. I am beyond grateful for the understanding and support which I've received from this website and have no semblance of an intention of alienating that.

I specifically stated that labels can be unduly limiting.

I was simply asking if this article is more positively influential to people that don't understand us or not.

Apr 3, 2009, 1:47 AM
I think it's important that I explain......

First, if you ever think about doing a complain then never explain.... nor explain if you ever complain... Just my thoughts....;)

First read all the posts from your post to the last, not just those new. The newest might be referring to prior posts and include 'quotes' from msgs. that you didn't read.

We're all here for you [and us - btw], so just ask away. Doubt if any on this board would ever be offended by an honest question about sex [emotional/physical or otherwise] or how it fits into the Male/Female roles and problems that we've encountered or are dealing with.

So ask away, you have no reason to explain. Lighten up on yourself. OK?:three:

To answer your question:

"...if this article is more positively influential to people that don't understand us or not...."

IanBorthwick summed it up...

Wow, I am stunned. I wouldn't call this a real attempt to do more than make a rationalized entry into a text book so that we can be mentally and socially dismembered.


Apr 3, 2009, 1:53 AM
Yeah. Good point. Thanks

Apr 3, 2009, 2:03 AM
apparently according to that, I am an alternating bisexual because i'm monogomous...

really now...

sounds like one of those "it's not cheating if its the same sex" excuses.

i disagree. i disagree bigtime.

I am what i am. Labels are for boxes, thanks! not for people.

Apr 3, 2009, 11:33 AM
Reading through this thread, the one things that pops out at me is to ask why bisexuals seem to find it so threatening if someone tries to describe different varieties of bisexual conduct.

Apr 3, 2009, 8:25 PM
........ Straight women thinks bi does not exist.

I am straight and that's BULLSHIT.

Apr 3, 2009, 8:37 PM
I am straight and that's BULLSHIT.

Bless you Dear Peg... Thank You for saying that,:) OK,There's 13 different kinds of Bisexuality?? I love Cock and Pussy equally,which one do i fit into?:eek: Not that it matters i think there is no use in pigeon holing Bi's into any category ..

Apr 3, 2009, 11:49 PM
I am straight and that's BULLSHIT.

Hi Peg,

A temporary aside from the subject of this thread...

I did a slight double-take when I read your reply considering the name of this site. But lo and be hold, I read your profile, and you weren't kidding :)

While I could pull on my psychologist hat to try to interpret what underlying motivations you have to participate here, the fact that you are is laudable.

At least to me as a male who has encountered some resistance (accepted and understandable) in most hetero women. As stated in my latest thread, I'm not sure where I'm at in all this bi-leaning stuff (I have a thin history), but...

--- The next woman I encounter with whom there is a chance of intimacy has to have genuine acceptance (not just "tolerance") of bi interest, or better yet, that she be bi herself.


Which brings me back to the subject of this thread:

The environment in which one can explore one's bi-ness in terms of an already existing relationship can have a lot to do with the nature of its unfolding (and/or its so called "type" or category).

Having acceptance and support from a partner or friend of the opposite sex nurtures the discovery of how one expresses this part of oneself.

I don't have any idea where you stand as being such a person. But the mere fact that you are here does point to your being someone with an open mind and heart, even though you consider yourself definitely hetero-only in terms of intimate contact.

It gives us bi men of whatever bi category (or categories) or experience some hope :)

Apr 4, 2009, 12:12 AM
Hi Peg,

A temporary aside from the subject of this thread...

I did a slight double-take when I read your reply considering the name of this site. But lo and be hold, I read your profile, and you weren't kidding :)

While I could pull on my psychologist hat to try to interpret what underlying motivations you have to participate here, the fact that you are is laudable.

At least to me as a male who has encountered some resistance (accepted and understandable) in most hetero women. As stated in my latest thread, I'm not sure where I'm at in all this bi-leaning stuff (I have a thin history), but...

--- The next woman I encounter with whom there is a chance of intimacy has to have genuine acceptance (not just "tolerance") of bi interest, or better yet, that she be bi herself.


Which brings me back to the subject of this thread:

The environment in which one can explore one's bi-ness in terms of an already existing relationship can have a lot to do with the nature of its unfolding (and/or its so called "type" or category).

Having acceptance and support from a partner or friend of the opposite sex nurtures the discovery of how one expresses this part of oneself.

I don't have any idea where you stand as being such a person. But the mere fact that you are here does point to your being someone with an open mind and heart, even though you consider yourself definitely hetero-only in terms of intimate contact.

It gives us bi men of whatever bi category (or categories) or experience some hope :) AMEN BROTHER ON YOUR LAST SENTENCE....:bigrin:

Apr 4, 2009, 10:53 AM
Bless you Dear Peg... Thank You for saying that,:) OK,There's 13 different kinds of Bisexuality?? I love Cock and Pussy equally,which one do i fit into?:eek: Not that it matters i think there is no use in pigeon holing Bi's into any category ..

ah tex bless your everlovin heart. Now, don't you be trying to define who you are by someone else's idea of which 'type' you are. You are TEX. period.

I hate labelling anyone/anything.

(modifying) a quote by Azrael:

(sweeping) generalizations are the refuge of the intellectually irresponsible.

We are all individuals. Not all women/men/bi/str8/gay/REDHEADS GRRRR/ etc etc. are anything but their own sweet selves.



Apr 4, 2009, 10:59 AM
Hi Peg........It gives us bi men of whatever bi category (or categories) or experience some hope :)

thank you for your kind words IL.

Hope is why I get out of bed in the morning.


Apr 4, 2009, 11:17 AM
After reading the article I need to take issue with some points I have always had deep intimate emotional connections with my friends both male and female. Doesn't mean I wanted to sleep with any, or all of them. My emotional connection for me was one of my greatest strenghts. That I thought of myself as straight until fairly recently, and would not have thought of myself as bi , does not change my view of my intimate emotional connections. Why do we need to add more labels to ourselves or anybody else? nuff said

Apr 5, 2009, 6:27 AM
ive never seen it put into degres like this before but after reading this i must admit i am hedonistic bi sexual which i do so enjoy but so far all the women have left me unfullfiled, and im not by any way blaming them but so far im happy being bi i so wish i could find someone thats willing to accept that and still wanna be with me lol im sure im asking to much lol sorry for the typos and miss spellings i couldnt find an spell cheack on here lol

Apr 5, 2009, 10:55 AM

My answer to your question would be both yes and no. From my point of view I believe there is a limited value in something like the article you asked about. Limited in that there certainly are more flavors of individual than anyone will ever be able to list as each person is unique and ever changing while they live. That being said I think that anything that helps someone who is at least open enough to search out some understanding on any subject to wrap their brain around it in any way has some value. The danger being if that individual stops with only that shallow understanding of the subject. We all start in woeful ignorance of some subjects if by nothing else than a simple lack of experience with it. While encountering bad information along with possibly viable information can be dangerous it is never as limiting (unless it's a self imposed limit) as a complete lack of information must be. What I'm trying to get across is that if a person who has little or no personal experience with bisexuality can look at an article like this and begin to wrap their brain around any one of those limiting labels and go "Ah...okay, I get an inkling of how this could work now." and then builds on that information learning more and how that is a very limited interpretation then it has value. The problem is that the person needs to want to understand and be open to there being more than just one answer and reason to the ways of life and we need to give them more information to go on ourselves. If we don't make ourselves visible when people question then we can't really complain about being seen. I'm not saying everyone has a duty to walk around proclaiming their every belief, but at the same time if you never set anyone's record straight then the responsibility for that misunderstanding doesn't just rest on the shoulders of someone who at least put some misguided information out there.

:2cents: Again, that is just my opinion. If it opens the door to conversation that may lead to enlightenment...may give me the chance to give my information to someone then I don't have to like everything about it, but I do have to acknowledge it has some value.