View Full Version : Bi truth.

Mar 30, 2009, 11:06 PM
most people are bi to some degree, so I'm just waiting for the day when society stops pretending and admits this fact!

Mar 31, 2009, 1:49 AM
Here Here!!!:flag1:

Mar 31, 2009, 2:17 AM
Atta Boy, SirJames. Bravo.

Mar 31, 2009, 3:36 AM
I have to disagree. No offense, but I just have to say that's a pretty ignorant attitude to have. It's like when a gay guy says to me "nobody's bi, your just not all the way out of the closet yet" I just want to punch him in the face. Same as when a straight person tells me "you're just doing it for attention aren't you?" It's my belief that you can be whatever you are sexually, but you CAN NOT be ignorant about it.

Long Duck Dong
Mar 31, 2009, 4:01 AM
I am inclined to say that all people have the ability to be bisexual..... its just that not all of us are bisexual, be it for any reasons.....

Mar 31, 2009, 9:34 AM
The statistical distribution of sexuality, like most things that are not dichotomous, is most probably best represented as a bell curve. With totally str8 and totally gay at the extreme ends and representing the smallest numbers. However, due to obvious reasons, many near the extreme ends that would otherwise have some leaning the other way identify as the extreme they are closest to, causing the perception of the number of those at the extremes to be larger than it is if we were all honest.

To say that everyone is bisexual is incorrect. The majority probably are to one degree or another.

Mar 31, 2009, 1:16 PM
I think all of this remains to be seen.

From a genetic standpoint, what makes us "more bisexual" than most? What makes some people completely straight or gay?

If science surfaces with this information, then we'll be in a brave new world.

Mar 31, 2009, 1:26 PM
I think all of this remains to be seen.

From a genetic standpoint, what makes us "more bisexual" than most? What makes some people completely straight or gay?

If science surfaces with this information, then we'll be in a brave new world.

The day that science can determine what makes a person heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual is the day I am afraid of. As soon as someone identifies what they call a "Gay gene" they will start creating cures, treatments, and start treating us as diseased or flawed. It could be my limited faith in the human race talking here, but I'm happy being bi because I'm bi and tend to agree with the original post that most people have at least some bisexual tendencies and they simply are not able to accept that due to various social, religious, or family expectations/beliefs. My :2cents:

Mar 31, 2009, 1:35 PM
Ok I mis-spoke myself. I agreed with James' enthusiasm. Not Everyone is iherantly bisexual, and being Bi isnt For everyone. We Bi's are kinda/sorta a minority unto ourselves. We are not entirely accepted by Hetrosexuals, and arent totally accepted by all Gays. So are we in a quandry?
No. We are just Us. Ourselves. Bi or not, we are who we are, so lets just revel in the personages we are, and love ourselves for who and what we are. Bi Sexual People. ;)

Mar 31, 2009, 2:48 PM
Yes that is true, I agree with you all.

I mean when asking yourself what makes a person bisexual? Is it relationships? Sex? Porn?

I mean i've not had a relationship with a woman, so does that make me not bisexual or at least pansexual?

I guess at the end of the day, its whatever and however you feel more comfortable with yourself.

I dont have the answers and I dont need them, what I need is understanding compassion and love.


Mar 31, 2009, 2:53 PM
Sexual orientation is biological in one way, sure, but it's far more and expression of many different layers and facets of the human psyche, soul, heart, etc. And, it can also be very fluid for some, shifting back and forth. Those who are more identified with one or the other are no less "right," they just are who they are.

So instead of saying we're all bi, the truth is more that yin/yang, animus/anima, male/female is in all of us. For some of us, this gets expressed sexually more, for others not so much.

In my case, my life has been hetero sprinkled with few bi attractions or experiences until the last few years, whereby there has been a blossoming of allowing myself to feel freer. And this is in part due to that I've been able to like and accept myself more overall, incl. the yin and yang in me.

Mar 31, 2009, 3:04 PM
I think all of this remains to be seen.

From a genetic standpoint, what makes us "more bisexual" than most? What makes some people completely straight or gay?

If science surfaces with this information, then we'll be in a brave new world.
There is more than genetics involved.

At any rate, I don't think science needs to understand WHY, just that it is.

Humans admired the beauty of the night sky and navigated by the stars long before we knew they were distant suns.

Mar 31, 2009, 3:33 PM
The statistical distribution of sexuality, like most things that are not dichotomous, is most probably best represented as a bell curve. With totally str8 and totally gay at the extreme ends and representing the smallest numbers. However, due to obvious reasons, many near the extreme ends that would otherwise have some leaning the other way identify as the extreme they are closest to, causing the perception of the number of those at the extremes to be larger than it is if we were all honest.

To say that everyone is bisexual is incorrect. The majority probably are to one degree or another.

It all depends on your point of view. Attached graphs are based on years of extensive study by the Ripley Institute... ;)

Mar 31, 2009, 3:49 PM
See! "Proof" that I know what I'm talking about!

Mar 31, 2009, 7:12 PM
It all depends on your point of view. Attached graphs are based on years of extensive study by the Ripley Institute... ;)

Hudson, that's a fantastic chart! Thank you for sharing that!

Mar 31, 2009, 8:27 PM
most people are bi to some degree, so I'm just waiting for the day when society stops pretending and admits this fact!

I disagree with your statement on 2 counts:

1. If what you said was true, the population of the world would not be "mostly" heterosexual.

2. Society as a whole accepts what is the "in" trend, as well as what is considered "the norm". Anything else is disputed and over analyzed by mainstream society.

Just my opinion.

Mar 31, 2009, 8:54 PM
I've always felt being bisexual was less about not being able to decide and more about having a broader understanding of being. If you are a guy, how many times have you thought another guy handsome? For girls, how often do you think another woman beautiful. I don't think those thoughts mean people are gay, but it might be a hint at the ability to understand a broader attraction.

To me, true bisexuality is the ability to love without regard to gender, not so much as to make love. That's just me.

Mar 31, 2009, 9:58 PM
It all depends on your point of view. Attached graphs are based on years of extensive study by the Ripley Institute... ;)

I am in on the border between blue and purple in all those charts. But, you forgot to add good and bad qualifiers to each of the X axes of these graphs, such as straight (God’s design of perfect), homosexual (worse than bad, needs to be eliminated) on the first chart.

We all have our own charts and labels. But, heterosexuals dominate everywhere and probably always will. So, hopefully, heterosexual chart labels will change greatly, because with more tolerant X-axis labels, I do not care which chart is right.

Did I mention that I am on the border between blue and purple in all those sexual orientation distribution charts?

Mar 31, 2009, 11:26 PM
Well Hudson 9 you got the latest statistics from the latest "scientific study" :wacko: and I gotta admit that it seems that the world nowdays is always trying to "analyze" (or is that anal-ize?) everthing and trying to come up with reasons for or explain the logic behind everthing. And the thing that really surprises me is that if you don't like todays beliefs, then wait for tomorrows or next years "new set of beliefs". Maybe they will suit you better, huh? :crosseye: It seems that when the worlds supply of great thinkers get together for a "study", then out pours a lot of new bullshit which leaves you to think that "they" really don't know what there talkin about. :confused:
It does seem like that most of the worlds population is either bisexual or potentiality bisexual. It just seems that most suppress or deny it. But if you watch others and see em "check out" someone of the same as well as the opposite sex with equal interest, you can't help but wonder "just what is their game"? It's like the song that Robert Palmer sung in his song...Might as well face it your addicted to sex !!!! :color: Now I don't stare anymore cause I found a way to look briefly and sorta capture a image in my mind, then turn away and sorta "dwell" on that image. Try it, it may even work for you too, and theres nothing wrong with up-dateing that image also.
One thing that S W CUBE said that should scare all admitted bisexual and gay type people is that what if the mental scientist actually come up with a supposed cure or treatment for our "condition". Wow, that would be fearful thing. Back in the late 40s & 50s they used electric shock and "lobotomies" to attempt to correct a persons so called "condition" and all they done was create dummy - frankensteins. Nowdays they do it with drugs,( ADD, ADHD, SCHIZOPHRENIA, MANIC DEPRESSION, ETC) and I hope that they don't come up with a "anti - fag" pill. That to me is a frightful thought!!! :yikes2:

OK now you can wake up now, i'me done :soapbox: Youre friend, Doggie.......:doggie:.......:bipride: It's us against the..."Others" type of thing.

Apr 1, 2009, 1:12 AM
I think that SirJames' contention that most people are bi to some degree is at once both true and false.

I do think--at the fundamental essense of what we are---we are actually unisexual for lack of a better term--because I believe that at our essential core--we are not a physical being but a more etheral one--and in that form--there is no such thing as "gender" even though we do have those aspects of our true being that are male and female "energies"---the concept as represented by the "Ying/Yang" symbol.

Gay sex or bisexuality is merely a physical world way of showing that we see the "divine spark" in others and wish to connect with that in a physical and hopefully emotional manner as well--- irrespective of "the plumbing" of the respective individuals. (Even if we don't conciously recognize our attraction to the spiritual aspect of the other person--we think it is merely the physical side that attracts us--I think we seek the energies that such sex brings to us)

Considering the statement in relation to our mundane, day-to-day, "on the ground" life--the idea that nearly everyone bisexual is certainly not true on a practical basis for a host of reasons--that people, even if they may have such desires, will not act on them---the prime reason being among many--is due to the strong societal dictates that such behavior is "not proper."

It is most likely also the case that even if all societal restrictions against "bisexuality" were removed--there would be those at both ends of the sexual spectrum---straight and gay--who would for whatever reason not care to engage in sex with someone other than their prime sexual orientation--but in that case---it would be a matter of free choice that they opted not to do so and likewise for those who did choose to partake of "switch hitting"--it would be a matter of free choice and they would suffer no negative impacts on their lives for having done so. It would simply be a natural, good and acceptable thing that they loved someone else--irrespective of the genders of those involved.

We can only hope that one day--the culture will grow up and accept that human sexuality is very broad and fluid--we are getting there--but are still a good distance from reaching that point.

Apr 1, 2009, 3:02 PM
most people are bi to some degree, so I'm just waiting for the day when society stops pretending and admits this fact!

:tong:Most people could be bisexual to some degree but we'll never know as most people won't revel their inner thoughts. I would think if you only wanted to be with guys sexually than you'ed be concidered to be gay and if you liked guys & gals sexually then you'ed be concidered to be bisexual. Whos to say, not me. I say to each his own as long as it's safe & sane, enjoy.:2cents:

Apr 1, 2009, 6:08 PM
It all depends on your point of view. Attached graphs are based on years of extensive study by the Ripley Institute... ;)

Hudson, I do believe those charts are right on target!