View Full Version : Wife is hot & I still have the urge to be w/a guy sexually

Mar 30, 2009, 10:12 PM
:male:I'm 52 years old. It's been twenty years since I've been with a guy ( I've been with four different guys ) sexually. My wife is a hottie and we have great sex with one another, we have since we first ment. We've been married for fourteen years now and last august I got the urge real bad to get with another guy sexually. The first time I had sex with a guy I was16 years old, then at 22 again, then at 26 and again at 32 years old. When I told her a few years back of my bi-sexual encounters she got turned on by the thought of me being with other guys. Last august when I told her that I wanted to do it again with a guy she said that she was ok with it. My Question is why after all this time do I have such a strong urge to get with a guy sexually. I guess the anwser is that I'm bisexual and the disire is natually there, What do you think? :2cents:

Mar 30, 2009, 10:54 PM
Stop reading so much into it, you gotta get the cock!

Mar 31, 2009, 1:07 AM
If you've done it before and liked it and still come back for more and you enjoy the sex with your wife - Yep - You're BI! Welcome to the club!! LOL You say the wife is OK with it - so listen to Joe - stop reading so much into it - go out and get it and enjoy the hell out of yourself! LW

Mar 31, 2009, 1:30 AM
Consider yourself lucky that you have a lady who thinks your desire to be with another guy is a good and not a bad thing----you are one lucky guy!! Enjoy--do take your time in finding someone--lots of players out there--but plenty of great guys too--it can just take some time to find one though--and of course---have fun--but play safe!!!

Mar 31, 2009, 9:57 AM
Same with me. Had the hottest sex with a male friend when I was 17. Then got married and divorced. Had sex with another guy. Got married AGAIN. Then seven years ago got the urge to have sex with men. I think I'm just a normal bi sexual guy.

Mar 31, 2009, 10:09 AM
What do I think? :tong: I think you're bi . period

Mar 31, 2009, 12:42 PM
I'm going to echo (and amplify) Volty --

You are a VERY LUCKY guy that your wife is open to it!

Sexuality is not fixed in stone. I've gone through periods where I was more or less interested in guys in general, or even particular guys -- I'm sure there are others here that will tell you the same. I decided to stop worrying about it, or trying to figure it out, a long time ago -- and just accept how I feel at any given period of time!

I just wish more people would stop worrying about it (!)

Aug 3, 2009, 3:05 AM
I'm going to echo (and amplify) Volty --

You are a VERY LUCKY guy that your wife is open to it!

Sexuality is not fixed in stone. I've gone through periods where I was more or less interested in guys in general, or even particular guys -- I'm sure there are others here that will tell you the same. I decided to stop worrying about it, or trying to figure it out, a long time ago -- and just accept how I feel at any given period of time!

I just wish more people would stop worrying about it (!)

I do believe your absolutly right, It's just sex! & it's HOT!

Aug 3, 2009, 3:08 AM
Stop reading so much into it, you gotta get the cock!

Doesn't this guy ever get tired, he just goes & goes.

M. Wolfe
Aug 3, 2009, 3:22 AM
It tells me that you have an inexhaustible source of pizza but are in the mood for ice cream. The pizza doesn't object - go get some ice cream! :)

Now I'm really hungry.

Aug 3, 2009, 5:32 AM
Yes consider yourself very lucky that your wife is ok with it.There are many here that wish an d dream of that.Just go out enjoy and be safe.

artsy girl
Aug 3, 2009, 6:18 PM
many of us wish we were in the same boat.. but that's the way it goes. Just be careful.. cause i've heard of stories where the wife saids she's ok.. but later it causes a lot of grief. contintue to talk to her lots and keep things open. good luck.. artsy

Aug 3, 2009, 10:13 PM
I can understand being worried about causing problems between you and your wife is causing you to have anxiety about having sex with another man.
I hope that it works out well for you and that you have your appetite for sex with another man sated.

Aug 12, 2009, 7:19 AM
You're right on target! I'm in the very same situation, though with a bit more experience with men. While I still admire, desire, and lust for my wife daily, I find still that my desires to have sex with men often supercede those for my wife. Luckily for me she enjoys such pastimes, so even the fantasies are "full" filling! Let your wife in, and don't worry about the desires! So long as your relationship is strong, the pursuit of cock (for lack of a more genteel phrase) will only enhance you love life. Include her!

The best of luck to you!