View Full Version : It's almost time for camping fun

pat c
Mar 29, 2009, 4:14 PM
I have gone camping several times in North Mississippi close to the TN line. On some of these camping trips I like to get kind a spot kind of out of the way but not by a lot. I like laying in my tent fully exposed so that just incase adults walk by they might be abled to get a peek. Notice I said ADULTS. On one trip a couple walked by and they both look my way stopped for a few min and then kept walking. Later that after noon they returned while I was stitting outside dress and said good afternoon. We started talking and they suggested that they enjoyed exhibition and also masterbation and that they were both bi sexual. Later that evening we got together and had some oral fun and masterbation while watching xxx movies ( I have a moble player) It was a camping trip I will never forget and was just wondering if anyone else enjoyes the same type of thing or had had any fun in this way?

Mar 29, 2009, 4:37 PM
i can only wish. you got lucky

Mar 29, 2009, 5:11 PM
Knowing my luck a bear would take advantage of me, making me his tasty dinner ><

Mar 29, 2009, 5:15 PM
Knowing my luck a bear would take advantage of me, making me his tasty dinner ><


Mar 29, 2009, 5:17 PM
I take it you camp at adult only campgrounds? How do you find an "Adult only" campground?

Mar 29, 2009, 5:52 PM
Why privately message me to tell me they arent adult only but family campgrounds? I could see if youre doing that and its only adults around but children are quite sneaky fast lil critters who may be able to see you doing this before you even notice them. Shame on you!

Mar 29, 2009, 5:55 PM
i can only wish. you got lucky

Really lucky--have the wrong people walk past and see ya like that---you might have been doing your weekend stay in the local house of correction!! :bigrin::bigrin:

Mar 29, 2009, 6:26 PM
..all depends wotya mean by fun..wen me wos 9 me bruvva an is m8 left me tied 2 a tree in the woods wiv me knicks down by me ankles... ova an hour me wos like that...:( me dad didn haff give 'em laldy ..that wos fun..:bigrin: wos fun followin day wen me poured a large tin a tomato soup in 'is rucsac tho... an veggie soup in 'is m8s.. gave 'em both a nice swill round... gross...:tong: Vengeance is mine sayeth the Fran...tee hee :bigrin: Wos worth the bollokkin off me dad me can tellya...;)