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Mar 28, 2009, 1:01 AM
For me I'd have to say it's someone with "Feminine" looks, and a "Masculine" personality. Tough girls and pretty boys basicly. ;) How about you guys?

Mar 28, 2009, 1:53 AM
What type am I?

Well, that's hard to say. Out-going, mischievious, playful mostly. I look like a woman, think like a man...I'm told. I am a wit, a perpetual flirt, and out-ragious tease and smart ass extrodinaire. I am nurturer, lover, Mother and friend. (Or at least I try to be) lol

I am big, warm, cuddly, to those who need it most. I am hard nosed to those who need it and deserve it. And I am friend, confidant, and co-miserator for those who need me to be so. I am the type who would love to make you laugh til you had tears coursing your face, I am the type that would feed you til you mmmm'ed in bliss, and I am the type that would hold a friend and let them cry til they fell asleep in my arms if need dictated it to be. I am the type that would love forever if someone could get passed my cold old hard heart.

So I guess I am just Me. :bigrin:
Winking Cat

Mar 28, 2009, 2:31 AM
What type am I?

Well, that's hard to say. Out-going, mischievious, playful mostly. I look like a woman, think like a man...I'm told. I am a wit, a perpetual flirt, and out-ragious tease and smart ass extrodinaire. I am nurturer, lover, Mother and friend. (Or at least I try to be) lol

I am big, warm, cuddly, to those who need it most. I am hard nosed to those who need it and deserve it. And I am friend, confidant, and co-miserator for those who need me to be so. I am the type who would love to make you laugh til you had tears coursing your face, I am the type that would feed you til you mmmm'ed in bliss, and I am the type that would hold a friend and let them cry til they fell asleep in my arms if need dictated it to be. I am the type that would love forever if someone could get passed my cold old hard heart.

So I guess I am just Me. :bigrin:
Winking Cat

Thank you for that. But I wasn't asking what type of person you are, I was asking what type of person you're attracted to. Sorry about the confusion.

Mar 28, 2009, 7:45 AM
Beginning with the ladies: I initially am drawn to a face that is friendly, bright, expressive eyes, full lips, hair that is cut right for the shape of her face. I like voluptuous, soft women and am drawn to those with large hips, breasts, small hands and feet. But, I have loved women with a wide spectrum of looks, sizes, and weight. Her heart and common interests are the most important aspect of a relationship. I am drawn to open-minded, sharp-witted ladies, who are also not vague with their wants and needs. I am very attracted to intelligent women who know what they want and know how to communicate. (That is not always easy, as men often speak different languages than their feminine counterparts) Being bisexual is a definite draw for me, as they seem to be the only ones who understand that I can also be interested in both sexes. I am one who is not interested in sex, for sex's sake, but require a loving, relaxed relationship to feel comfortable an able to be myself. I am as interested in pleasing as being pleased and my partner's satisfaction is paramount in my heart and mind.

The guys: I rarely look at a fellow and think that I want him. In every instance, I have known male lovers for some time and developed a desire to be sexual with him over time. I have never had sex with a stranger, or one who I did not know at length and trust completely. About half of the guys I've been with were first timers. Superficially, I am drawn to pretty, smooth, and chubby figures, as a rule. I am not comfortable with them flaunting their sexuality, or being obtrusive in public. As I review the few male lovers I've had, they ran the range from very slim to hefty. I best like communicators, like-minded and those who tend to be bottoms. However, I have been both a top and versatile....never a total bottom. I never focus on the size of their penises and have to admit one of the best male lovers I ever had was only endowed with about 4" of erection. As I'm a very choosy and cautious person, I tend to lose potential male lovers, because I will never jump into a sexual relationship with one. Only those who had the patience and interest to be with me, on my terms, have ended up in my bed.

Mar 28, 2009, 8:53 AM
I like women of all shapes and sizes. Physically, I prefer women who have some "extra padding", from slightly overweight to obese. I'm not very attracted to very skinny women usually. The BIGGEST attraction is the way the woman dresses & how she "carries" herself, regardless of size/shape.

I'm a bit more picky when it comes to the guys. Again, the way they dress & carry themselves is the biggest attraction, but physically I prefer skinny to average guys. I don't normally care for obese or "body builder" figures. But here has been a couple of obese guys and a couple of guys with body builder figures who I have been attracted to. Again, it goes back to their personality and the way they carry themselves.

Mar 28, 2009, 8:58 AM
Sum 1 bout 5'3 tall slim wiv luffly skin, molie on nek..triff legs, gr8 ankles an nice bootie, brill boobies..not tidgies but not huge eitha..colad red hair .. cute, smile 2 die for an sexy laff.. smart..musical, quick wit. lil bossy.. 2 modest for words..lil quiet an reserved but don mind lettin 'er hair down an is prepared 2 put up wiv me..:):tong:

Mar 28, 2009, 10:28 AM
Since I have started considering myself biI have found myself more attracted to all women type. There is something about the feamle form and energy which I guess has become more pronounced and more appealing to me. As for men I have only had the expierence with my friend and an erotic massage with a man who was so friendly and kind that it really blew my mind. He was kind and very gentle. I guess that fact that he was masculine while being gentle and kind was what did it for me. No there was no penetration on anybody's part.
In the end my types go this way physical apperance 20% intelligence 40% ( honestly if you are gorgeous but are as intelligent as a box of rocks it gets old fast) personality 40%

Mar 28, 2009, 11:22 AM
This is wrong but my type is a skinny girl with very small breasts. Yes I know - I was joking about it in a topic I created - I've just about described a smooth thin man. But I am a smooth thin man, so I naturally find that attractive in men and women. When women are anorexically thin like I am they tend to have small breasts. I'm not being unrealistic. I'm not asking for a masculine woman. I'd take a skinny woman with large breasts, it's just not as likely. If you look at my pictures you'll see that I'm really skinny but I'm not anorexic. I just think I'm still a bit overweight, ahem! ;)

Body type is irrelevant anyway, maybe I've read too much into the topic but a spiritual match is the only thing important to me. My wife outweighs me by twenty pounds and I'm a foot taller but she's still my soul mate.

Mar 28, 2009, 11:33 AM
I'm a narcissist and egomaniac, so i'll just openly admit that my type is me. i go for guys and girls who are gothy, or at least, wear black a lot, and have my thin, wirey body type. i'm also kind of androgynous in appearance, so i go for guys that look like girls and girls that look like guys. in terms of personality, i like people who are bold, adventurous, passionate about life, and want to help others. of course, i'm still not looking... and, if i never start, at least i already am my own perfect mate.

Mar 28, 2009, 1:53 PM
OH! I am so sorry. I mis-read it. I am attracted to plain ol' everyday folks. Men: One who look just as good in a pair of blue jeans as he would in a 3 piece suit. The looks arent so important as the personality level. Sharp wit and playful manner is a plus. :}

Women: ones who are secure in their sexuality, and not afraid to show it. Again, personality is what I look for. How she carries herself, and conducts herself.

Sigh, Gawd, I'm too easy...lol

Mar 28, 2009, 4:34 PM
I'm easy. Dark hair, and a little on the heavier side. Some of the women around town are adorable, but they're so skinny they look like you'd break then in half, ya know? :) I've got a weakness for redheads, and it gets me in trouble sometimes. :P

Mar 28, 2009, 8:28 PM
The initial, very first visual of another person is important: its what actually makes you want to approach that person, or just simply admire the view.
From that point, its all those other vagaries of interhuman contact that define attarction.
With guys, pretty much anything. Its more a few trigger points that "repel" rather than points that attract. Beer bellies are a no-no, as are visual tatts. Also, for some reason, the aggrssive brand of facial hair would make contact hard. Also, not too short: I am tall.
Its just me. Once past those points, just about anything goes.

Women - much the same. Gross obesity is turn-off, But I do like brunette hair rather than blonde, smily face, confidence, maybe a nice curvy shape, though not picky.

Again - I'm not that picky. I love 'em all! :female::female:

Mar 31, 2009, 3:51 AM

Mar 31, 2009, 8:15 PM
It seems for me--for both ladies and guys--I am more attracted to the personality and character of the other person--I like someone who can actually converse about more things than who is up or down on "Survivor" or "American Idol" and can reason out that 99% of the stuff they try to sell us by the mass media machine--both products and ideas--are pure crap--they should have a sense of humor as well, be kind, be respectful of others---generally---an intelligent and decent person and while it would be nice if they looked "hot"--that is not that big of a priority to me---if I have any sort of "problems" with the kind of people that I am attracted to---I am very circumspect of those who are hyper attractive--both male and female--and while I know that it is something I don't lilke to do and tend to avoid---I do tend to make a generalization that I find really hyper attractive people to be untrustworthy and people I tend to avoid for both platonic and more intimate relationships---I unfortunately have had the crappiest luck over the years with those who looked the best---I have found that in far too many cases--they have tended to to be very vain, not very nice, self-centered--will cheat on you in a heartbeat when the next "best thing" crosses his or her path---so--for me---a really attractive person has a lot more hurdles to get over in order to gain my trust and faith in them than those who are "merely average" or maybe even might be considered less than attractive by most of society's standards.

It has been my observation of people that far too many of those who are "hot" --feel they don't have to engage in the niceities the rest of humanity most use to get along and that they somehow are "superior" to those of us who were'nt so lucky to be born one of "the beautiful people."

I know this is not always true of course---but I have experienced this enough to say--it anecdotally seems to me to be more the rule than the exception that such is the case.

Apr 4, 2009, 1:30 AM
I've been attracted to ALL kinds of people. But I seem to be more attracted to "gender benders". I like feminine boys and masculine girls, i.e. girls with really short hair and boys who wear make-up. But I really like people who are in between. Androgynous people I think are just so fucking hott. I like not being able to tell the sex of someone. It makes them more mysterious, I guess. I haven't really heard of too many androgynous guys, tho. But I'm definitely a sucker for an andro. I also LOVE the black hair and grey eyes combo. That is so fucking hott. And I really go for the emo/goth/scene look, it drives me absolutely wild. So, give me an androgynous, black-haired, grey-eyed emo kid and I will be a very happy girl. Oh, and it wouldn't hurt if they where bi, too ;)

Apr 4, 2009, 12:43 PM
First of all, I am MOST attracted to personalities. They have to be intelligent, witty and a sharp sense of humor. Confidence is a plus; if they hold their own and give back as good as they get in playful verbal sparring - then they have me intrigued!

On the physical side - The "outside" isn't as important to me as the "inside" but we are human and there are some things that attract us more than others, so: In women - I love jet black hair, Blue or green eyes and a aggressive, dominant female who holds her own, yet is still feminine in her ways. In men - I am attracted to big, masculine hairy guys who are dominant - think leather daddies or bears.

Ok, Time for a cold shower now!!!! lw

Apr 4, 2009, 2:35 PM
Mostly attracted to other men. Want a guy who is slim, trim, and in shape. I want him to be a great person to talk to, honest to the core, and willing to listen as well as talk.

I want him to be fun to be with and into a lot of different things from sports to classical music concerts.

I want him fun to towel off after a hot shower and eager to have me please him when we have sex together. Hung is fine, but moderate cock is best for me. Clean and drug free is the only way to go I think. Able to have a few beers though is ok as well. He needs to be versatile and willing to be a complete lover.

Married is preferable since I am, but I've not turned anyone down for a date when they were single.

Apr 4, 2009, 10:53 PM
What would you say you're "Type" is?


Then Large Print in all capital letters.

Followed by Palatino Linotype.

Then Ariel.


Apr 4, 2009, 11:49 PM
What would you say you're "Type" is?


Then Large Print in all capital letters.

Followed by Palatino Linotype.

Then Ariel.


Vittoria, actually the cursive is nice only if followed by:

- a little New Times Roman
- kicked into Bold Italic
- simmered down to a little - New Century Schoolbook
- then add bit of MS Gothic that changes the style
- until it gets to Clarendon Condensed raised to 48pt BOLD
- then it goes Wingdings
- after that, Comic Sans MS looks even like Courier or Ariel

what a font trip!

Apr 6, 2009, 9:48 AM
I met a guy on an e-stim site late last summer and we have been emailing each other since then. We have exchanged pictures and shared many of our experiences, desires and very intimate details of our lives. He's gay, somewhat younger than I am, in great physical shape, intelligent and distinguished looking. The down side is that he lives on the other side of the country, has a partner and the chances of us ever meeting are small. Right now he is definitely my "type". If we ever had a chance to get together months of fantasy and passion would be let loose.

Apr 6, 2009, 11:07 PM
This is really interesting hearing everyones preferences. I'm initially attracted by the physical appearance. I guess everyone is. After that it's the personality that draws me in.

If a woman has great personality and we click then looks aren't really as important. I like women of all shapes and sizes. But without first meeting and going strictly on physical appearance then the women that catch my eye are larger than average, tall or short doesn't matter, appear to be close to my age, average looks and not model material, carry themselves well (by that I mean they show self confidence in their walk and talk) but at the same time a bit shy, easy to talk to. I have a great weakness for women of color naturally since my partner is a woman of color.

Same goes for men. Personality is important. The men that make me stare are bigger than average and I don't mean muscular, also I don't mean cock size. Actually I prefer the look of smaller than average down there but size is not important. I like naturally smooth or shaved smooth with little body hair. Men that shave smooth their cock, balls, ass, chest, tummy and pubic area drive me crazy - I love the look. Also clean shaved face. Again show some confidence and a bit of shyness at the same time, easy to talk to, and similar interests. Also close to my age.

I like men and women who are totally comfortable with nudity.